. s e v e n t e e n . - . e n d .

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3 months later.

"i swear to god, lucas. if you don't come down here in seconds i'm divorcing you."

it's too early to divorce. especially, if you just got married a few days before. it's a tuesday morning and yelling already filled the house. jungwoo was so tired so early in the morning. this day was supposed to start out great, but it's only been an hour since they got up from bed and he's already having a major headache.

he should've known though. forcing his husband with his plan was going to be a tad bit harder than just forcing him to go shop for christmas decoration when they were back in college.

finally, he saw the big chinese man step groggily down the steps as if he was shot with a tranquilizer. jungwoo sighed and crossed his arms looking at the man. "do we really have to go?" lucas asks.

jungwoo smiled sadly rather sarcastically and walked closer to his husband. "i told you. we're not going to fiji until you guys make up."

jungwoo clings his arm with the other's before dragging him out of their house. he practically shoves his chinese husband inside the car and of course it wouldn't happen without lucas's obnoxious whining. he seemed like a child throwing tantrums because his mom didn't get tickets to disneyland.

"lucas, good god. we've been married two days. stop whining like a child." jungwoo says closing his door to the driver's seat and starting the car. "everything will be fine. i'm here with you the whole time. don't worry, nothing's gonna happen."

since they got married, they lived in jungwoo's house. lucas moved out of the penthouse that came from his parents and now hendery lived in there. he hasn't talked to his brother since then. he was invited to the wedding but they didn't get the chance to talk.

yangyang tried to approach him but he dodged and kept himself busy. yangyang got the hint so he didn't push it. and now it's been 3 months and he hasn't heard from them. he chose not to hear from them.

the car stopped and he looked out the car to see the entrance to the lobby of the building he moved out from. he turned to look at jungwoo and his husband just smiled. "it's gonna be okay." jungwoo squeezed his hand.

they went out the car, tossing the keys to the valet and then entering the building. it has been a while since he last stepped foot in that place. jungwoo held his hand once more before proceeding to drag him towards the elevator.

as the lift went up, his anxiety went up along with it. it's the first time he's seeing his brother and he doesn't know what to say. he can't even think of what he's going to say. the twitching of his fingers was a sign of worry and jungwoo felt it against his skin.

he looked at him from the side and just rubbed the skin using his thumb. "don't worry, love. you're gonna be fine."

the meeting of his brother certainly wasn't his idea. if it weren't for his husband, he wouldn't be seeing him. jungwoo just wants to put the past behind them and heal before flying to their honeymoon destination. he knows that lucas went through a lot and maybe it was the time to face each other to make the pain and suffering stop.

the doors opened and revealed his living room. sitting on the black couch was a man with bright pink hair facing the glass walls that displayed the city view.

"hey baby, did you get the braised chicken feet?" he says without looking back. braised chicken feet? he only eats that when he's stressed. lucas thought.

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