. f i f t e e n .

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lucas walked out of the airport dressed nicely with shades covering his eyes. his bodyguards made a path for him to walk on, blocking reporters and media people. he felt like an instant celebrity when in fact he's just a businessman with so much tea going on in his life.

he needed to take damage control hence being back in korea. his dad sent the bodyguards himself as he was picked up from the airport. needless to say, his father wasn't the happiest to hear a news like that.

his cheating scandal was already out in the public along with his argument with jungwoo in the hotel halls. all caught by journalists that followed them everywhere.

he didn't know how to face his dad. the thought of his parents flying from hong kong to seoul just for the mess he made sure made him guilty as well. he didn't mean to cause a disturbance to them at a time like this. surely, he didn't think of that the first time he went out with different people.

it's been a long while since he last saw his dad in person. being left in korea to manage business for 2 years made him miss his family. not to mention, the day he married jungwoo was the day his parents left the business to him.

the moment he stepped foot inside his penthouse, he was met with a glare from his one and only father. this was the first time after years that he was accompanied with a shitload of bodyguards since his wedding day and it was now all because of his dad getting furious at his antics.

when they were left in the space of his father, he can already feel the chills down his spine as he and his dad stared eye to eye.

"what the hell did you think you were doing?" was the first thing his dad said to him after years of not seeing each other.

not even a hi or i miss you. lucas smiled bitterly at the thought. "stop smiling at nothing, i asked you what the hell were you doing!"

of course he didn't get to speak. even if he was asked, he won't speak. because speaking would make his dad even more furious than he already is. "what were you thinking?! do you know how much shame this causes? this is an embarrassment! you are an embarrassment!"

he was glad his mother wasn't here to see this. it also made him think where she is, probably talking to the board at the very moment. "the kim foundation called me last night. jungwoo's father called me and told me he was going to pull out the partnership if this business crashes down. do you understand what that means?" his father said staring out the window.

"if jungwoo didn't talk to his father, this could've gotten worse! our business associates would pull out their shares, we would lose everything i worked for with this scandal you made!" he yelled and looked back at the man.

he was dead furious now. looking at him yelling only made lucas almost wet his pants. "i was almost wrong with my decision of giving you the family business. i should've gave to your brother but no, i gave it to you and instead this is what you do?! i was almost wrong with giving it to you but i have never been wrong with my business decisions and i'm not about to start now."

his father sat down and rubbed his forehead. "when did this start?" his father asked.

lucas cleared his throat and lowered his head. he tried to speak in the lowest voice possible. "since the start of the marriage."

"the start of the fucking marriage?!"

his father threw his glass of rum to a nearby wall and it broke shattering to ground. this made lucas even more terrified because things were already breaking. "you've been screwing other people while married to jungwoo for 2 whole years?!"

"oh my god." his father whispered. "what if one of them got pregnant then? how would you resolve an issue like that?!"

you did it too. lucas wanted to say but he kept it to himself.

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