. f o u r t e e n .

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(A/N: hehe make sure to listen to the song as you read. keep it on repeat hihi)

it's crazy. it was damn crazy. granting your husband that one favor he asked that you know will crush you in the end and mess up with your feelings even more. what made jungwoo grant this wish?

he panted and tried not to cry. his nose was hurting trying to keep his tears in. he covered his mouth hoping he can tone down his sobs. lucas looked at him. their bare bodies felt the cool fabric of the sheets under them.

what was that one favor?

"well..." lucas started. "i guess it's time to divorce." he finally said.

jungwoo looked at his husband. he pursed his lips and and closed his eyes. "it's been the time for years."

"i just have one favor." lucas said. and jungwoo turned to him as he said that one favor like he has gone completely mad.

what was that one favor? "can we spend the night one last time? like husbands would."

maybe it's a good thing. maybe it's for the best, somehow. maybe this could be that one reminder of what they had that they would tell their children in the future. their children that they have with different husbands.

apparently, lucas didn't state any reason but jungwoo agreed to have sex for the current night. hopefully, for them, it's a way to get it out of their system.

lucas lightly stroked his husbands waist as he tried to please him. his head that were encased by jungwoo's milky thighs were already doing miracles in jungwoo's body. it was sending his system to go wild.

good god, if i knew sex with him would be this good, i would've confessed long ago. they shared the same thoughts.

lucas' fingers found their way to jungwoo's hole as his mouth sucked on his length vigorously. "oh god, lucas." the older moaned.

his toes were curling, his fingers were clutching on the sheets, his head was being thrown back. all of the college fantasies he used to think about his husband right now came rushing back. all these happening because he has his husband to please him now. but the next day, it'll all be gone. he knows it.

one finger became two, then three, until four fingers were up his ass coated in lube penetrating his tight heat. in and out, they worked their way in until that one spot was repeatedly hit.

the chinese man stopped everything he did to jungwoo and climbed back up to see his face. "you're allowed to touch me. i'm giving you permission to touch me." he whispered.

the tears were evidently welling up the older's eyes. both his hands found their way to his husband's face, softly caressing and admiring his flawless features. "you're beautiful." jungwoo mumbled.

"and you're ethereal." lucas whispered back.

lucas stared at him right in the eyes, unbeknownst to jungwoo that the cock was already lining up against his hole. the cold material of lucas' necklace met with jungwoo's bare chest. of course jungwoo knew what it was--as his face was inside it.

jungwoo first took in the feeling of having that earth locket against his skin. it sure has been a while since he last saw that as lucas always hit it inside his shirt. he was also confused as to why lucas has it now.

but lucas has worn it ever since he had it. he didn't tell jungwoo but he picked the earth necklace out of a reason. a reason he couldn't tell jungwoo but he could tell the media. when the media asked, he answered with "because he is my world."

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