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it was the next night and lucas didn't accompany his boyfriend in his flat that night before. he chilled on his couch drinking beer and watching whatever netflix can offer him. he hasn't been on his right mind lately.

he hasn't talked to his boyfriend since last night and now he's wishing for them to meet in his flat. lucas distinctly remember the conversation between them when he asked that one question.

"you taste like cherry. you hate cherry." lucas says with a frown. lucas sees how he tensed up slightly. "what are you saying?" the other replies.

"did you kiss someone else?"

yangyang didn't speak for what seemed like a whole 5 seconds. although lucas did have a hunch, he wanted to hear it coming out of his boyfriend's mouth. he wanted him to say something, something that confirms it wasn't true.

somehow, he didn't realize that he was just wanting to have a reason to stay with yangyang.

"i didn't." yangyang finally says. "i didn't kiss anyone, it's the cherry cosmo a friend made me try. yeah i hated it."

now he's on his way to his boyfriend's pad and he even got take outs. he made sure to get his favorites and decided to have a lazy stay-in date in his pad.

when he got to his building, he took a deep breath and was kinda nervous to why his boyfriend called him in so suddenly. he knocked and the door was opened almost too quickly.

there was yangyang in another robe like the one he wore the night before. he had a worried look on his face and his hands were shaky.

"lucas." he said almost as a whisper. "come in." he added.

lucas entered the room and placed the bag of food down the table. "i have something to say." yangyang said from behind him as he closed the door.

for a while, he thought he heard something shuffling from his bedroom. he faced his boyfriend and looked at him straight in the eye. as if he was telling to say everything needed to be told already. he didn't like beating around the bush.

he slightly frowned at how edgy his boyfriend looked right now.

and all yangyang said was, "i had sex with your brother."

everything went quiet. not one peep from the two boyfriends. suddenly, lucas felt all emotion down the drain. surprisingly, he wasn't feeling anything. why am i not feeling anything?

and when lucas stormed into yangyang's bedroom, there was his brother, laying on warm cotton sheets, feet tangled along the covers with obviously no clothes left to cover him. lucas could only smile. he didn't feel angry at all, and somehow he could feel relief. he didn't really care if yangyang cheated in him with his adoptive brother.

"can i take a time out?" was all he said.

the next hour came and not one message from lucas came to yangyang. he was really worried they were going to break apart. he was also worried that lucas might sell this to the public and he'd lose his career. even if taeyong handles celebrity issues very well, it's something he can't fight for with the public media. he's a model after all.

he sure thought sleeping with his boyfriend's brother was a huge mistake. but boy, did it feel so good. it felt so right. like nothing was holding them both down.

for sure, he didn't do this just once. he started cheating on his boyfriend the moment he and hendery were alone in restroom of the ship, the night of jeonghan's bachelor party. mark caught them and he even bribed him to keep it a secret.

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