. t w o .

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on the bed, jungwoo lost sleep. he flipped and tossed across his king sized bed trying to gain comfort to let his mind rest through the night. he only had a few hours to sleep and to say that between those hours, his sleep was cut ups and always interrupted.

his eyes hurt at the moment, and the daylight sneaking through his windows were definitely not helping. in a few minutes, his clock went off from behind him making him shut his eyes tight.

he got up and wore his robe. he didn't bother washing up and went straight to the kitchen in search for caffeine.

"good morning mr. kim." one of his maids greeted and handed him his coffee.

he grabbed the mug and proceeded his way going to the pool.

the phone from his left hand vibrated and he looked to see his best friend calling. he heaved out a loud sigh before accepting the call.


"morning. are you coming by here?"

"is the buffet still up?"

"of course it is. stop by here for breakfast. ten and taeyong are finding you. kinda incomplete without you here."

jungwoo rolled his eyes as if the other can see him. he smiled softly before replying. "alright i'll stop for breakfast. i gotta go now, bye."

as he hung up, he took in the cold morning breeze as he stared out of nowhere. he wasn't sure if he was going to have breakfast with them. he wasn't even sure if he can look at the man like nothing happened the night before.

he took another sip of his coffee before saying, "fuck it."

he walked in the hall and immediately took in the smell of different food. he spot his friends not too far from his sight and quickly walked towards them.

"there he is!"

he pulled out one of the seats and settled on the soft cushions. "you owe taeyong and i an explanation." jaehyun said before feeding his husband beside him.

"actually taeyong mostly, but yeah you owe us an explanation for disappearing last night."

he sighed and lightly rubbed his eyebrows. his eyes were still hurting along with his temples and it seemed like it wasn't going away any time soon. "give him a break. he's upset and clearly, he hasn't slept." his best friend said beside him.

"yeah well, shouldn't be talking about that." ten said eye-pointing at the man behind him. actually, two men.

"good morning everybody! how are the newlyweds?"

as usual, when it's obnoxiously loud, it's lucas. jungwoo shut his eyes tight and the volume of his husband's voice wasn't really helping at all.

as the two approached the table, jungwoo stood up too fast that his head ached. he held his head and turned to walk towards the food. "i'm gonna go get something to eat." he smiled to the two men before walking away.

the rest of them watched him leave but ten continued eating. "what's wrong with him?"

the rest of them didn't wanna answer and was afraid something wrong could come out of their mouths once they open it.

"so yangyang, i didn't know you stayed the night. come sit, have breakfast with us." taeyong said cheerfully. all of them knew he was faking it, but yangyang is an artist and model of taeyong's and he couldn't really afford to lose him.

they all ate breakfast peacefully. they were chit-chatting and even though jungwoo didn't have the strength to talk so much, he did anyway just to look okay in front of his husband.

soon, the jung sisters were down and they had baby sungchan off their arms and into taeyong's after a whole night of taking care of him.

jungwoo was stuck with the friends and family even if he didn't want to. he promised to leave work for a while since there are newlyweds in their circle so he didn't really have much of a choice.

in a few days, they'll be in charge of sungchan while the two parents have their much-awaited time for the honeymoon around the world. taeyong wanted to bring sungchan with them but ten insisted on leaving the baby with them, more like jaehyun talked to ten about it.

"you better bring me something back from europe." ten said watching the two open presents.

"oh me too! something from sweden." sicheng cut off.

the two weren't bothered with both voices as they opened presents. right now, it's jungwoo's they're opening.

"ohh matching robes! howcome we never thought of buying these before?" taeyong grinned beside his husband.

"we always take it off everytime anyway so..." jaehyun's voice was low enough trying to keep the rest from hearing but they heard anyway. jungwoo rolled his eyes and smiled.

"thanks jungwoo!"

"open ours next!"

putting the robes aside, the two grabbed the box that came from sicheng and yuta.

jungwoo watched as the two were happily opening presents. he did that once with lucas, at least that one time was the only one they were happy about. he reminisced the happy face his husband gave him when they opened presents. they were alone but they were happy.

jungwoo knew lucas never had a thing for him so he didn't exactly know if the smile on his husband's face was fake or real that night. he didn't plan to know anyway, he was happy the way it is.

his wedding with lucas was like taeyong and jaehyun's. had the ceremony and reception quite nice. they opened presents alone in jungwoo's house.

but 2 years later, they drifted apart.

the fake love wasn't even there anymore. they didn't need to pretend in front of their friends, but still did in front of their parents. everything was back to how they would've lived if they didn't get married. except they did, but they live like they're not.

soon after, taeyong and jaehyun got a life size golden wedding frame from the jung siblings, custom-made marble coasters from mark, personalized cutting board from sicheng and yuta, customized decanter set from ten and johnny, rolling wine glasses from lucas and his new boyfriend and of course the matching robes from jungwoo. giving a present to someone who's got just about everything, it was tough. so at times like these you gotta go with personalized or customized stuffs.

until dinner, jungwoo couldn't leave. he was stuck in a restaurant with the rest of them.

"yes ten, for the nth time, i'll make sure to get you something from europe." taeyong rolled his eyes and continued on feeding his baby.

"yes, one from france, one in italy, and iceland." ten said.

"why don't you go yourself and buy something from there?" jungwoo asked.

"because i'm pregnant, and i can't even dance for shit, and i'm taking over taeyong's place when he leaves for his honeymoon. plus, we juggle baby sungchan around when he's out of the country. you think i have the time to go to europe and buy things when taeyong can just go buy it for me?" johnny laughed at his husband.

ten was getting grumpier but he's still the same. in a few months, he's having a baby and johnny was excited.

"don't forget mine." sicheng cut in.

suddenly, the doors of the private room opened and revealed yangyang.

"hey! you made it!" lucas greeted and pulled out a chair for him.

the rest suddenly went quiet. the talk was nowhere to be found and they were now silent.

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