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for all he years he's been with his so-called husband, it was only then he asked himself if everything was worth waiting for now. he's waited long enough for lucas to actually turn to him and not to his flings but it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

how was i in love for years now? jungwoo thought. i'm a fool.

indeed, he was. he doesn't even remember when he started liking lucas. maybe their first meeting? their first kiss? their first moving in together? heck, it was all buried in the back of his head now and he only focused on the present. maybe he just did fall in love without anything. maybe it was all as fast as falling from a cliff.

when was he going to get tired? he doesn't know. no one will ever know.

his friends accepted his state since then. they knew that him loving lucas was going to be a long road ahead, still they accepted it because jungwoo is their friend and they love him.

inside their heads, it's crazy how jungwoo would wait for lucas this far. it's been years since they got engaged, and it's been years since they got married. it pained them to see jungwoo hurting and lucas not knowing anything about it. but who were they to judge? they all had their crazier relationships to where jungwoo witnessed.

when will jungwoo get tired? was their question inside their head. and still no answer up to now.

"are we in a sitcom? is this friends new-generation?" sicheng asked.

suddenly, they erupted a laughter around the table. "why do you ask?" johnny asks.

"well, we're not in a coffee house but we're hanging out instead of going to work? i mean we own the work but is it really okay to ditch work?"

"looks like it's actually a friends story and we're just living in it." johnny said.

all of a sudden, lucas' phone started going off from the center table and a call was seen on the screen. some of their friends that didn't know who it was but sicheng got excited when he saw who it was.

"oh my god! i haven't heard from him since the last i saw him in china!" he clapped with glee.

"who is it?" they ask all in unison. "it's hendery. it's lucas' adoptive brother."

lucas didn't seem like wanting to talk to his brother. he lowered the volume down and flipped the phone on it's front instead. the rest of the guys looked at him with confusion, especially his cousin.

"lucas, why?" sicheng asked. and instead of answering, lucas shrugged. "i just don't feel like answering his calls."

"why not? it's hendery, did you argue again?" sicheng almost yelled. he didn't mean to but hendery was one of the people he missed so much back in his hometown, and they speak the same language, so it wouldn't be too crazy to say he missed the little one so much.

"let's not talk about it, okay? it's just my brother." lucas rolled his eyes.

later that night, lucas was finally left alone in his home. he didn't really go to work because he didn't feel like it. yeah he was literally living in friends sitcom. he'd only actually show off his work and skills in business when his parents are in town to check in on him, especially when they're in banquets or business parties.

surprisingly, right now, he wasn't with his boyfriend. in his head, the relationship with yangyang wasn't really going anywhere. it was supposed to be a mere hook up that lead to more when yangyang couldn't really settle for only that.

lucas really just didn't catch him in his best hook up only time.

of course, he's not about to tell yangyang that. it would break his heart, for real. he thought that maybe he can give yangyang the love for now even if he didn't really mean it. this would also be a good distraction, you know.

he was chilling inside his living room when suddenly, he heard the elevator door open and a familiar physique greeted him with a bright color of hair.


as his brother greeted him with a jolly face, it was met with a pokerfaced older. hendery made a face and proceeded to come out of the lift. "alright, you could at least pretend to be glad i'm back." he said as he dragged his suitcase.

"what are you doing here?" lucas says with a brow raised. this is exactly what he feared at the moment.

"your friend's agency called me in for a collaboration with mark lee. and who knows, i might be an artist and a model of lee taeyong soon." he said with a wink.

he was about to plop down the couch when his brother stopped him. "what? what what?" a scoff was heard from lucas as he continued. "what do you mean under lee taeyong soon? you're moving here? you terminated your contract in china already?"

"ugh, chill out dude. it's about to terminate soon. my last project with them is my collab with mark lee, then i'm signing a contract under lee entertainment. how fun is that?!" hendery spoke with an awfully wide smile. although it was sarcastic, he didn't let lucas smile yet.

"what the hell's fun about that?!"

"i'm moving here!" hendery stood back up and opened his arms wide for lucas. he was expecting his brother to give him a solid hug but it didn't came. so instead, he went in it for him.

"but where will you live?" lucas asked as he pulled out of the hug. he was then answered with a scoff followed by, "with you, of course."

"and how do you guarantee i'll let you stay in my house?" lucas crossed his arms and looked straight at hendery.

"because mom said so. and technically, this isn't just yours because mom and dad paid for it." the younger smirked.

lucas didn't have anything left to say and so he walked out on his own brother going to his room. he didn't care where hendery would sleep because he had a ton of guest rooms but his maids took care of it for him.

what he wants is to not be in the same place with his brother.

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