A New Enemy

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Luigi groaned as he woke up, stretching as he did. He looked around and saw that no one was around except for Mr.L, not even Mario.

"Odd." Luigi thought to himself.

He looked at the clock by his bedside. It read 11:16 (AM).

"WHAT?!" Luigi shouted.

He threw off the covers and began to get dressed. Mr.L bolted upright.

"Wazah? Oh... what time is it?" Mr.L asked as he stretched.

"We're late!" Luigi replied.


Luigi and Mr.L ran out of the door while putting on their caps, rushing to Merlon's house. They were supposed to meet up with Bowser, Peach, Mario, Blumiere, and Merlon three hours ago!

While Mr.L was running, he heard what sounded like sirens. Ambulance sirens and they were coming from Flipside tower. Luigi stopped as soon as he realized Mr.L wasn't behind him anymore.

"I'm already late, might as well check it out." Mr.L said to himself.

He went towards the elevator to Flipside tower. Luigi ran back up to him.

"At least have me go with you," Luigi said.

Mr.L scoffed as they went into the elevator. When they got up there all they could see was the back of the crowds' heads. Mr.L thought that he could make out Blumiere and Merlon in the crowd.

"Hey! Blumiere! Merlon! What's going on?!" Mr.L shouted over the crowd.

They couldn't hear him over the sirens and the crowd. Luigi gently pushed everyone out of the way as they made it over to where the accident occurred. They reached Blumiere and Merlon and saw what the commotion was about. Mario had passed out in the center of Flipside tower, his leg was bent in the opposite direction and his arm was wildly bleeding.

"MARIO!!!" Luigi shouted.

Luigi tried to get to Mario but the paramedics held him back.

"I'm sorry sir, but we need to escort this man directly to the hospital, he is in critical condition. Please stand back as we place him on the stretcher." One of the doctors told him.

Luigi was about to argue but Mr.L placed a hand on his shoulder holding him back.

"It's okay Luigi, we can solve this while Mario gets the care he needs." Blumiere reasoned.

Luigi sighed as they placed Mario on a stretcher and carried him off. Merlon went up to Blumiere, Mr.L, and Luigi after the crowd dispersed. 

"Let us go back to my place. Before Mario blacked out he gave me a few crucial pieces of information that will be useful." Merlon told them.


Mr.L, Blumiere, and Luigi were standing around a counter at Merlon's house. Merlon entered the room with a piece of paper in his hands.

"Before we begin, Luigi I know that you must be worried sick about Mario, but rest assured, he will be fine, I spoke to the doctors and they say that he will survive." Merlon explained, "Now to the task at hand."

Merlon placed the paper on the table. On it was recorded exactly what Mario said before he passed out. Merlon cleared out his throat and began to read.

"Last night, Peach got out of bed and wandered to Flopside tower. I tried to stop her but all she would say in response was 'It's calling me'. Eventually, she reached the door that led to Castle Bleck she went in and I followed her despite common sense telling me not to. When we reached the castle, Peach went into the Inner Sanctum. Waiting for her there was a man, a count to be exact. He tempted her with something and she gave in. He bit her neck with razor-sharp fangs and seemed to suck out her life force! Then he turned around and looked right at me! I could see the bloodlust in his eyes, I ran as fast and as hard as I could to getaway. But before I could escape, Nastasia, Mimi, and Timpani blocked my path. But they were brainwashed, they looked and sounded different as well. I ran down the hallways until I came across a high-up window. They were right behind me but they couldn't attack me, something seemed to be forcing them back. Before they could get to me I smashed the window and jumped out. I then used the return pipe." Merlon finished reading, "He also said a few unintelligible words before he blacked out but I was unable to make sense of them."

Luigi and Mr.L were silent as Blumiere had a panic attack.

"Timpani... Oh, Timpani..." Blumiere sobbed.

Luigi and Merlon then comforted him as Mr.L super analyzed the letter.

"We must come up with a plan of attack." Merlon decided, "We have no Prognosticus to help us this time. We must act wisely."

-------------Lazy Time Skip--------------

"Then we have determined that the enemy we are up against are... vampires," Merlon stated.

Blumiere, Mr.L, and Luigi walked back into the room with several books in their arms. They placed them on the table with a loud 'thud'.

"Okay... in the last 7 hours we were able to accumulate quite a bit of information on vampires," Blumiere exclaimed. 

"They burn up in sunlight, they are immortal but can be killed by a wooden stake to the heart. They possess super-strength, flight, can transform into a bat, and hypnotize people. Uh... holy water weakens them. What else..." Luigi trailed off.

"Garlic, the Bible, and crucifix's ward them off. To turn the others back to normal you need to kill the vampire that bit them in the first place," Mr.L explained, "And you can turn a vampire into a human by depriving them of blood. You can identify vampires by their black attire, lack of reflection or shadow, sharp fangs, and pale skin."

Merlon nodded as he looked through the notes they took.

"Where's Bowser?" Luigi questioned.

"He returned to the Mushroom Kingdom as soon as he heard that Peach disappeared," Merlon replied.

"Okay, when are we heading out?" Blumiere asked Merlon.

"Patience. We don't yet have the resources or manpower to take down an army of vampires. For now, we wait." Merlon told him.

Blumiere gave him a harumph and left Merlon's house with a slam of the door. Merlon sighed.

"If it's okay with you Merlon, I'm going to visit my brother." Luigi requested.

Merlon waved him off as he went back to review the notes they took. Luigi said farewell to him and then left to visit his brother in the hospital.

"Uh... I'll just... see myself out. L-ater!" Mr.L said while turning towards the door.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now