Stepping Back Into The Light

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"This is the VORST idea in the history of ideas!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Mr.L was practically trying to shove him out of the dimensional door.

"You agreed to this literally 5 seconds ago!" Mr.L shouted.

"It's just so bright!" Dimentio exclaimed through gritted teeth.

"Just put your darn hood up!" Mr.L told him, except he didn't say 'darn'.


Dimentio moved out of the way and Mr.L fell flat on his face. He quickly righted himself and glared at Dimentio, who now had his hood up as far as it would go.

"Are you ready now?" Mr.L asked.

"Ready is a relative term. But yes." Dimentio sighed.

They stepped through the door and onto Flopside Tower. It was currently mid-day. Dimentio let out a low growl as he tried to pull his hood down even further. Mr.L sighed.

"Y'know, you can start by actually looking around. And not staring at the inside of your hood." Mr.L said.

Dimentio lifted his gaze.

"It hurts." He stated.

Mr.L couldn't help but chuckle as they took the elevator down to Flopside.

"Okay, one thing. You should try to avoid words that start with 'W' while you're here." Mr.L told him.

"You literally just said three things that started in 'W'," Dimentio said.

"That's the spirit!" Mr.L exclaimed.

The door to the elevator opened and they stepped out into the street. Dimentio started to panic as soon as he saw all the people.

"This is a bad idea. I had a terrible demeanor around people and they ESPECIALLY had one towards me, and now is definitely no exception." Dimentio said while trying to back away.

Mr.L was pulling Dimentio by his gloved hand.

"C'mon. I need to tell Blumiere and the others I'm not dead." Mr.L said.

Dimentio flinched.

"Blumiere CAN NOT know that I am alive! Or undead for that matter..." Dimentio exclaimed, "If he finds out that I am behind the disappearances-"

"Just go to my hotel room. Here."

Mr.L pulled a key out of his pocket.

"You know where Tinga's Inn is. My room is the one on the far right, number 8. I'll be there in a little bit."

Mr.L gave him the key and ran off. He ran all the way to Merlon's house at Flipside. He reached the house and flung the door wide open. Blumiere and Merlon perked up.

"MR.L?!" They exclaimed.

"What happened?!" Blumiere asked.

"How did you return?!" Merlon added.

Mr.L sat down on one of the chairs.

"Let me ask a question first. Where's O'Chunks?" Mr.L asked.

"He is recovering in the hospital." Merlon replied, "But he told us that you were doomed!"

"He said something about the vampire count kidnapping you?" Blumiere said.

Mr.L felt a sense of awkwardness wash over him.

"Uh... yeah. About that..." Mr.L paused as he looked around, "Hey, where's Green?"

"Luigi visited Mario in the hospital and then returned to the hotel room," Merlon said.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now