War of the Mortals and Vampires (pt.1)

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As Dimentio stormed out of the Hospital people ran and screamed when they saw him coming. The people had obviously heard Blumiere and Luigi's shouts of terror about a pale-faced man with fangs. It was now nighttime. He wore a scowl on his face as he walked at a fast and irritated pace towards Flopside Tower.

A few people tried to stand in his way only to be thrown to the side with a swift movement of his hand. One glare from him and they stood down. Dimentio marched his way up to Flopside Tower. In front of the dimensional door stood Bowser.

"Ha! I knew there was something wrong with you! YOU'RE the one who took my Peach!" Bowser exclaimed, "But will the count be able to defeat the King of Koopas?! Prepare to have your game ended a second time, you pale-faced freak!"

Bowser threw his large fist at his head only for him to dodge it with ease.

"WHAT?!" Bowser exclaimed.

He threw more punches, all of them being dodged.

"I vouldn't do that if I were you..." Dimentio growled.


Bowser threw another punch but this time his fist was caught. He grunted as he tried to wrench his hand out of Dimentio's vice grip. Bowser threw his other fist at him only for that to be caught as well.

"What the-?! What ARE you?!" Bowser exclaimed.

"A monster."

Dimentio tossed Bowser off of the edge of Flopside Tower. He watched as Bowser plummeted to what would be his near death. A crowd of people gathered around Bowser and looked up at the tower to see who did this.


Dimentio stormed off into the dimensional door.


Blumiere, Merlon, and Luigi had run back to Merlon's house with Mario in tow. They arrived at the house and Luigi laid Mario on the desk and broke into sobs.

"Oh... Mario...." Luigi muttered.

As his tears fell onto Mario, Mr.L came into the house.

"Where's Bowser at?" He asked tiredly.

"He went to confront the vampire count," Blumiere said.

Just then, the door opened wide to a frightened Flipside resident.

"What's wrong, John?" Merlon asked.

"There was this guy *wheeze* he threw Bowser off the tower *wheeze* and said that the vampires declare war on mortals!" The Flipside resident exclaimed, "He said 'Send your toughest warriors!' What does it mean?!"

"It means, that we need to attack," Blumiere stated.

He stood and went towards the door.

"Mr.L, Luigi, will you join me?" Blumiere asked.

Luigi couldn't hear him over his own sobs. Mr.L shook his head.

"No..." Mr.L sadly replied.

"We wish you luck, Blumiere," Merlon said.

Blumiere took up his staff and went out of the door.

A few minutes later, the mood was still somber. Until something happened. Mario bolted upright with a gasp. He was ALIVE! And his wounds were healed!

"M-MARIO?!" Luigi exclaimed.

Mario groaned as he sat up. Mr.L went wide-eyed and deep into thought. Luigi hugged his brother.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Luigi exclaimed.

"I thought that I was a goner..." Mario moaned.

Mr.L came to a realization.

"Dimentio didn't kill him... he HEALED him! He was telling the truth!" Mr.L exclaimed, "Oh, no, oh, no... I said all those terrible things to him... I-I gotta fix this before he kills himself or someone else!"

Mr.L ran over to Merlon.

"You're one of those prophetic wizards, right? How can I release a vampire from the mind control of an evil book?"

Merlon went deep into thought.

"If this book is truly the Dark Prognosticus, then you can break its spells with love. For love is the undoing of all things evil." Merlon said, "But you would need to have a love connection to the vampire in question. But we do not even know WHO this vampire is!"

Mr.L looked towards the door.

"If what Dimentio told me was true... then I have hope to save him." Mr.L said.

Merlon went wide-eyed.

"Dimentio is the count?!" Merlon exclaimed.

"Not for much longer." Mr.L stated.

He pocketed a crucifix and trooped out of the door. To Flopside Tower.


Dimentio threw the doors to Castle Bleck wide open. He stormed inside. Nastasia and Mimi ran up to him.

"My count, ve vere under the impression that you vould not be returning," Mimi said.

"Plans have changed. Round up the others!" Dimentio commanded.

Nastasia and Mimi bowed and ran off. Dimentio ascended the staircase until he reached the top. He turned around to face the others.

"My servants! Ve shall no longer have to hide in the shadows from others! For the var had begun! Moments from now, the strongest mortals shall come through that door to challenge us. But ve must not let them vin! For I aim to create a perfect vorld! A vorld vithout death! A vorld vere there is no need for flowers on your grave! An endless night vhere ve reign supreme! And all shall fall to me! Life after life after LIFE AFTER LIFE! WE SHALL TAKE THEIR VORLD!!! AND VE SHALL FEAST!!!" Dimentio exclaimed.

The other four gave cheers of triumph at their master's speech.

On the other side of the castle, the Dark Prognosticus opened wide. Its letters beginning to glow red once again. Dimentio gave into the book immediately, his thoughts now being poisoned with those of madness.






All of these things were planted in his mind, and he wouldn't let them out.

Outside the castle, the vampires could hear someone coming. They hid from view. Waiting for their first victim... Waiting for their prey...

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now