Call To Action

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It was about midnight when the employees at the hospital informed Luigi that he had to leave. Luigi begged them for a few more minutes with his brother but they said it was final. Mr.L told Luigi that he was going for a walk and bid him good night.

Mr.L walked down the lamp-lit roads with no current destination. He thought about the terrible things Mario must have witnessed to have to jump out the tallest tower of Castle Bleck.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of light footsteps. Mr.L caught a glimpse of a black cloak fluttering alongside the road, just out of the light. Mr.L squinted as he tried to make out the figure dashing around in the dark.

"H-hello? Who's there?!" Mr.L asked.

He saw more movement in the shadows. Mr.L activated his Thunderhand.

"Alright, whoever you are, I'm armed!"

He looked ahead and saw a lampost flickering on and off. A dark figure leaned against it, looking at the floor. The man looked up at Mr.L, his face covered by a hood.

"I hear that you and a few others are on the hunt for... vampires."

"Yeah... B-but that's none of your business!" Mr.L stated.

Mr.L started to sweat as the cloaked figure walked towards him. He was feeling more creeped out by the second.

"Vhen do you plan to attack?" The man asked.

"We're not going to do anything for a while. Merlon claims that we shouldn't do anything if it's not terribly urgent." Mr.L claimed.

The dark figure harrumphed at Mr.L.

"Then I vill make it urgent."

The man reached into his cloak and pulled out a white object. He tossed it and it slid across the floor until it hit Mr.L's grey boot. Mr.L leaned down and picked it up to find out what it was. Upon further inspection, Mr.L realized that it was half of Dimentio's mask! He had been trying to find out what happened to Dimentio for years.

"Where did you get this?" Mr.L asked suspiciously.

As he looked back up, he realized the cloaked man had disappeared.

Mr.L looked back down at the fragmented mask. He sighed and put it into his pocket then went back to the Inn.


Mr.L knew it was morning when Luigi's alarm went off. He wasted no time getting dressed and out the door.

Blumiere, Luigi, and Merlon were discussing something as Mr.L flung open the door.

"Whoa, Mr.L. What's going on?" Blumiere asked.

"What's got you all worked up?" Luigi asked.

Mr.L took the piece of the mask out of his pocket and slammed it onto the table. Blumiere immediately recognized it.

"I-is that Dimentio's mask? Where did you find it?" Blumiere asked.

"It was that count that Mario mentioned. He's sending us a message. He has Dimentio! We need to attack, now!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"Mr.L! Calm yourself. We are not yet ready to face them." Merlon sadly replied.

"Yeah. If we go there now, we're pretty much dead." Luigi said.

Mr.L looked down at the desk and saw the list of materials needed that Merlon wrote down. He got an idea. Mr.L swiped the paper along with the mask fragment and put it into his pocket inconspicuously.

"You're right. I don't know what got into me." Mr.L told them.

Mr.L got up and walked toward the door, a plan forming in his mind. Blumiere stopped Mr.L as he went for the door.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now