The First Real Night

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It was nearing nighttime. Mr.L was growing tired, he hasn't slept in about four days. Luigi was restless, paranoid that he would get attacked if he fell asleep. Dimentio was wide awake, this being the time where he usually woke up.

"Okay, the first thing I'm going to have you do is have you try to sleep like a normal person." Mr.L said.

Dimentio looked around the room.

"How do you plan to do that vith only two beds?" Dimentio asked.

Mr.L glanced at the room, he was right. Luigi had a bed and so did Mr.L.

"I am NOT giving up my bed," Luigi stated while sitting down on it.

Mr.L sighed as he went deep into thought.

"It's fine. I could just sleep on the floor or ceiling or vhatever makes you more comfortable." Dimentio told him.

"You're not sleeping on the floor and you're definitely NOT sleeping on the ceiling." Mr.L said, "You can share a bed with me."

Both Dimentio and Luigi stared at him like he was crazy, thinking that they didn't hear him right.

"A-are you sure about that?" Dimentio asked.

Mr.L walked over and got into his bed.

"Yeah. It's fine. Not like I'm gonna bite." Mr.L said.

Dimentio winced at the last comment.

"Just get in."

Dimentio reluctantly made his way to the bed and got in.

"Oh, my Grambi you're FREEZING!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"I couldn't tell," Dimentio replied.


Mr.L tossed the blanket over them and scooted closer to him.


If Dimentio still had blood, his face would've been red. He could feel Mr.L's body heat.

"Y-yeah, sure..." Dimentio stammered.

"Just try to fall asleep. Chasing you and being chased by you has taken its toll." Mr.L said to him, "*YAWN* Mm... good night, Dim..."

Mr.L immediately fell asleep. Dimentio was stiff at first but decided to try. He curled up next to Mr.L and let out a sigh.


Mr.L groaned as he slowly sat up, stretching as he did so. Luigi said that he was going to the hospital to visit Mario, so he knew that he wouldn't be there.

"Mm... What time is it?" Mr.L asked, still half-asleep.

He looked over at his alarm clock, it was about 10:36(am).

"Wow. I defiantly slept in." Mr.L muttered.

He came to a realization as soon as he fully woke up. Dimentio wasn't next to him. Mr.L began to panic.

"DIM?!" Mr.L shouted.

Just then, Dimentio walked into the room.

"Oh, my Grambi... Don't scare me like that!" Mr.L exclaimed, "Where did you go?!"

"I vas awake awhile ago, so I decided to make myself useful," Dimentio stated.

Dimentio pulled out two plates with pancakes and bacon on them. He handed one to Mr.L and set the other one off to the side.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Mr.L asked.

"I made that one for Luigi, but he told me that he didn't vant it. Something about not trusting food made by demons."

Mr.L grunted.

"Remind me to punch him later." Mr.L told him.


Mr.L and Dimentio were now walking over to Merlon's House to meet up with the others.

"Okay. Remember, don't use any words that start with 'W', don't take off your hood, and DO NOT use any form of your weird freaky vampire magic." Mr.L relayed, "Got it?"

Dimentio scoffed.

"Just get on vith it." Dimentio sighed.

They reached the house and Mr.L knocked on the door. Merlon opened it a few moments later.

"Mr.L! You're finally here! And... who is this?" Merlon asked.

"Oh, um..." Mr.L trailed off, he hadn't thought of an excuse.

"He rescued me from the castle," Dimentio stated.

"Oh, come on in!" Merlon said, "Everyone's almost here!"

Mr.L and Dimentio walked in. Around Merlon's desk was seated Blumiere.

"I thought that you said we were waiting for someone?" Mr.L said to Merlon.

"Yeah, me."

They all turned around to see Bowser stomp into the house.

"Hello, Green Loser," Bowser said.

Mr.L grunted back at him.

"What's Mr.FlailingArms doing here?" Mr.L asked, being clearly irritated.

"I'm here to get my Peach back from those pale-faced punks, Green Loser," Bowser told him.

Bowser noticed Dimentio.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Bowser asked.

"Mr.L rescued me from Castle Bleck," Dimentio stated.

Bowser walked over so he towered over the two.

"How about you take your hood off so I can size you up?" Bowser said.

"No thank you."

Bowser growled.

"That wasn't a request, it's an order. Take off your hood!" Bowser shouted.

Merlon stepped up to intervene.

"Now, Bowser. You mustn't be cruel to our guest. Not many people like to take their hoods off. It is normally custom for Ancients and people from direct Ancient decent to not remove their hood." Merlon stated, he turned to Dimentio, "Are you of Ancient decent?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Dimentio replied.

"Doesn't matter if it's apart of your dumb culture or whatever." Bowser stated, "I'm taking it off!"

He lunged at Dimentio but immediately stopped when the door was flung open. It was Luigi and he looked frantic.

"Luigi?" Merlon asked, "What's wrong? I was under the impression that you were visiting Mario."

Luigi was clearly winded, probably from sprinting.

"*GASP* That's what *PANT* I'm here for! *WHEEZE*" Luigi took a deep breath in, "MARIO'S DYING!!!"

Everyone except Bowser had a concerned expression on their face.

"Dying? Mr.JumpingMan's dying? How?!" Mr.L asked, "Won't a mushroom fix him up or something?!"

"He's not taking to ANY of the treatment!" Luigi exclaimed, "Hurry! We need to do SOMETHING!"

Luigi ran out of the house and everyone more or less followed. Bowser stayed behind, which was probably for the best. They ran towards the Flipside Hospital.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now