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AN: The words aren't slanted anymore! Flashback is done.


Mr.L blinked rapidly as their surroundings returned to normal. Dimentio sat with his head hung.

"Oh, Dim..." Mr.L muttered.

He reached for Dimentio. He immediately recoiled from Mr.L's hand. Dimentio stood up and walked a little bit away from him.

"The only thing preventing me from turning into a complete genocidal monster is my hope to protect you from harm." Dimentio stated, "Every time that book opens, vhether it opens on its own or by someone else, everyone close to me gets put in danger. I used O'Chunks so no more people vould need to suffer. And vith that...'supply'... gone, if the Dark Prognosticus opens again, you might not survive. So now is the time to hold up your end of the bargain. I have told you everything. Now you must leave."

Mr.L leaned into him.

"If you are doomed to live this life, then so am I!" Mr.L exclaimed.

Mr.L pulled off his bandana, revealing his neck.

"DO IT!" Mr.L shouted, tears in his eyes.

Dimentio backed away from him.

"You don't know vhat you're doing. This is not a pain that I vish to share." Dimentio claimed.

"If you're staying here, then so am I! I came too far to find you!" Mr.L exclaimed, "So BITE ME!"

Dimentio walked towards the door.


Dimentio stormed out of the room and Mr.L sat there in silence. He picked back up the journal and put his bandana back on.

"I finally found him... I can't leave him! Not like this!" Mr.L thought to himself, "But I promised I would leave..."

A lightbulb went off in his head as he got an idea.


A few hours later, Mr.L was searching through the castle. He was walking up and down the corridors.

"Dimentio! DIMENTIO!" Mr.L shouted, "Ugh... where are you?!"

Mr.L flinched as soon as he saw Nastasia approach him.

"How might I be of service?" Nastasia asked in a distant voice.

"Y-you're not gonna attack me?" Mr.L stuttered.

"The count forbade anyone to lay a hand you." Nastasia said, "His exact vords being, 'Don't any of you brainwashed demons dare TOUCH my L or I vill-'"

"Nastasia! That's enough!"

The two turned to see Dimentio running towards them. Nastasia bowed to him.

"I shall take my leave, count," Nastasia said.

"Don't call me that," Dimentio told her.

"Of course, master."

He let out a grunt of frustration as Nastasia walked off. Mr.L had to suppress a laugh.

"Vhy haven't you left yet? Vhat do you vant?" Dimentio asked, slightly irritated.

Mr.L grabbed him by the wrist.

"I am leaving. With you." Mr.L said.


Dimentio tried to wrench his hand away from him, but Mr.L held on.

"You said that I had to leave. You never said that I couldn't take you with me!" Mr.L stated.

"B-but that's dangerous, like trying to harbor a live bomb! The only reason I'm even in this castle is to STAY AWAY from people! You take me to Flipside and everyone's in danger!" Dimentio exclaimed.

"I'm not taking you with me just to take you with me. I'm taking you because I think I know how to cure you!" Mr.L exclaimed.

Dimentio stopped fighting against him.

"You... do?"

Mr.L nodded.

"The first step to turning a vampire back to normal is getting them into a normal environment with other people." Mr.L gestured around them, "And this is defiantly NOT the environment of a sane person."

"But vhat if the Dark Prognosticus opens?!" Dimentio exclaimed.

"You said that it only opens every so often." Mr.L said.

"Usually vhen I get hungry..." Dimentio muttered.

"And the book was JUST open, so it probably won't again for at least a few days." Mr.L continued, "And I plan to get you back to normal before then."

Mr.L let go of Dimentio.

"I trust you, Dim." Mr.L told him.

Dimentio gave him a warm smile and walked in the direction Nastasia went.

"Nastasia!" Dimentio shouted.

Nastasia immediately ran up to him.

"Când plec, încuie ușile. Nimeni nu intră și nu iese.(When I leave, lock the doors. No one gets in or out.)" Dimentio commanded.

"D-dar dacă ne înfometăm?! (B-but what if we grow hungry?!)" Nastasia exclaimed.

"Ești nemuritor, nu e ca și cum ai muri. (You're immortal, it's not like you'll die.)" Dimentio said with an eye roll.

Nastasia huffed but reluctantly obeyed. She ran back down the hallway. Dimentio turned back to Mr.L.

"Vhen do you plan to head out?"

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now