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Everyone ran across the crowded town until they reached the Hospital. Luigi was taking up the front. He flung open the doors and ran up to the front desk.

"I need to get to the patient Mario's room, NOW!" Luigi shouted.

"Calm down sir!" The desk manager said, "You need to wait just like the others."

"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT!!!" Luigi exclaimed.

Luigi ran past the desk and down the hallways.

"Luigi! Wait!" Blumiere called after him.

They chased Luigi down the hallway until he stopped in front of a room. He opened the door and rushed towards the bed.

"MARIO!!!" Luigi exclaimed.

Mario was lying on the bed unconscious. He had on a cast, oxygen tubes on his face, and blood transfusion tubes attached to him. His heart monitor was still going but it was wavering.

"Oh, my word..." Merlon muttered.

Luigi ran up to Blumiere.

"Y-you're a magician? RIGHT?! Can't you heal him or SOMETHING?!" Luigi exclaimed in-between sobs.

"I'm sorry Luigi. But most of my powers came from the Chaos Heart and Dark Prognosticus. And as you recall, I am not in possession of either of those anymore!" Blumiere told him.

Luigi broke down into sobs. The door to the room was broken inward as two security guards busted in.

"We need to take you back to the Lobby. You are in direct violation of the code of conduct. One must ALWAYS check-in before seeing a patient." The guard relayed.

The guards grabbed Luigi by the arm and led him out. Merlon and Blumiere ran out after him.

"Wait! Don't leave me in here with Mario!" Mr.L exclaimed.

He turned to Dimentio.

"Stay here until I get back. Don't do anything stupid!" Mr.L told him.

"L! Hold on!" Dimentio replied, "Don't leave me in here-"

Mr.L had already ran out of the room. Dimentio felt VERY uncomfortable. He was standing in the same room of a dying man that HE made jump out of a window! Dimentio groaned as he looked away from the body, hoping that Mr.L would return soon. He flinched as soon as he heard a high pitched beeping sound. He looked at Mario's heart monitor, it was flatlining!

"No, no, no, no, no! Don't you DARE die on me!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Mario's breathing grew stifled and forced, he was barely holding on.

"Ugh... You're lucky that L told me to help!" Dimentio shouted.

He quickly glanced around to make sure that no one was looking. Dimentio ripped all of the tubes and wires off of Mario and took his hand. Now was truly time to test if the Dark Prognosticus had given him powers over death. He just had to say Jaydes's magic chant. Dimentio took a deep breath in.



Luigi lept up and kicked Dimentio square in the back, sending him flying across the room and cutting off the spell. Luigi looked up, saw Mario's heart monitor, and gasped.

"Y-you... Y-YOU KILLED HIM!!!" Luigi screamed.

Everyone rushed into the room at the sound of Luigi's shouting.

"Luigi?! What's going on?!" Blumiere exclaimed.

Luigi pointed at Mario.


Dimentio groaned as he slowly sat up, his cloak had been torn off of him when Luigi kicked him. His hair covered his yellow eye but the others saw what they needed to.

Pasty skin.

Red eye.

Black clothing.


"VAMPIRE!!!" Blumiere exclaimed, "LUIGI! GRAB YOUR BROTHER!"

Luigi picked up Mario's limp body. Luigi, Blumiere, and Merlon ran out of the hospital room as fast as possible, shouting for people to run. Mr.L stayed put, tears in his eyes.

"Y-you killed him..." Mr.L muttered.

Dimentio slowly stood up.

"L, I know this looks bad." Dimentio started, "But trust me-"

"Trust you?! I DID TRUST YOU! And you BETRAYED ME!!!" Mr.L shouted, "I should've known. I should have listened to Luigi... He was right... YOU'RE JUST A MINDLESS KILLING MACHINE!!! YOU'RE JUST AN ANIMAL WHO KNOWS NOTHING BUT TO KILL!!!"

Hot tears were streaming down both of their faces.

"L-L..." Dimentio stuttered.

"DON'T YOU 'L' ME!!!" Mr.L exclaimed, "The Dark Prognosticus controlling you, HA! I should've known that it was all just a big fat lie! You were gonna kill me next, WEREN'T YOU?!?!"

Mr.L turned away from him.

"Y'Know what? Leave." Mr.L said flatly, "I don't want to lower myself to YOUR level. SO JUST LEAVE!!!"

Dimentio walked up so he was in front of Mr.L.

"L! You can't believe that I did this!" Dimentio exclaimed, "The only reason I came back vas for YOU! VHY VOULD I THROW THAT AWAY?!"

Mr.L wouldn't look at him.


Dimentio leaned into him, his hands brushing past his. As Dimentio got closer to him, Mr.L shoved him onto the floor.


That last word really nailed Dimentio.


Something inside of him snapped. He felt a wave of rage and emotions rush over him. Dimentio stood up and looked Mr.L dead in the eyes.

"Vhen I met you I thought that the vorlds might be vorth sparing. Apparently I vas vrong. I hope you're happy." Dimentio said coldly, "Continua. (Continue)"

Dimentio then stormed out of the Hospital room, leaving behind an emotionally tormented Mr.L.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now