The Dark Book

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Mr.L quickly scurried back to his 'room', if you would consider the only safe place in the castle where he kept his weaponry his designated 'room'. He slammed the door shut and bolted it closed in every way possible. He was still perplexed on how he got away unscathed but tried not to think about it. O'Chunks managed to escape, maybe he would send help!

Mr.L dumped the contents of his satchel onto the floor. He grabbed all of the sheets of paper and spread them out, so he could get them in order. All of them were dated with a day, so all he had to do was organize them. Mr.L was going to stop at NOTHING to reconstruct Dimentio's journal.

Mr.L started at about 10(pm), it was now 1(am) and he was missing a crucial piece. He had every single entry fitted back in their proper place, except for a few crucial entries. Mr.L constantly checked to see if he misplaced any, but they were nowhere to be found. Most of the entries pointed back to the ones he was missing, mentioning something that occurred BEFORE then. Mr.L was more concerned than ever after reading the book. The entries sounded like Dimentio was going MAD.

"Where could it be?!" Mr.L shouted in frustration.

Mr.L broke down in sobs over the worn journal. He heard a sliding sound and a half of a piece of distorted paper banked off of his boot.


Mr.L picked it up. It was half of the first entry!

"Where did THAT come from?" Mr.L wondered.

He peered towards the door. Did someone give it to him? Whatever! Now was not the time to ask questions. Mr.L began to read the entry out loud, or at least what was on there.

"'This will be my first and only entry to this journal. I hope that someone might find this and give it to my former teammates that resided in Castle Bleck. I am sorry that I have caused you all so much pain, so I aim to put a stop to it. In exactly one minute from now, I shall search for the Dark Prognosticus. Mr.L... If you are reading this. Know that I am deeply sorry for what I did to you. And so, I am going to-'" Mr.L reached the end of the page, "That's it?! How is that it!"

Mr.L searched every inch of the room and came up with nothing. The piece of paper was ripped in half. But Mr.L did get ONE piece of information out of it. Dimentio wrote that he was going to find the Dark Prognosticus.

"I need to find the Dark Prognosticus!" Mr.L exclaimed.

He glanced at his watch. It read 1:34(am). Mr.L knew that it was still dark out.

"I'll just have to be quick. I've wasted enough time as is." Mr.L muttered.

Mr.L picked up his bag once again.

"Wait... I should probably leave it. It makes too much noise." Mr.L said as he put it back down.

Mr.L gently creaked open the door and looked around. No one in his sight. He crept noiselessly down the halls, careful to not make ANY sound.

"Where would the Dark Prognosticus be?" Mr.L thought to himself, "Well... Count Bleck was always reading it. So it's probably in his room!"

Mr.L streaked down the halls with a newfound confidence towards Count Bleck's former room. After a few moments, he found it. Mr.L quickly opened and closed the door to the room as he went inside. He took a quick look around. It was a standard bedroom, a bed, lampstand, desk, but there was a door off to the side. Mr.L went over and opened it, revealing a side room with a pedestal in the center. And on that pedestal was the Dark Prognosticus.

"Yes!" Mr.L exclaimed.

He ran over to the book and gasped. On top of the book was the other half of Dimentio's mask. But no sign of Dimentio.

"Maybe he left a clue in the book..." Mr.L thought to himself.

Mr.L hardly touched the book and it flew open. The pages flipped by themselves until they stopped on a page with glowing red lettering. He couldn't make any of it out, it was written in an ancient language.

"What the-?" Mr.L questioned.

Mr.L's train of thought was interrupted by a crashing sound nearby.

"I gotta get out of here!" Mr.L thought in a panic.

Mr.L quickly turned around and ran for the door. He exited the side room and started towards the door, only for the door to fly inward. Effectively knocking Mr.L backward. He looked up and saw the count with a sadistic grin standing in the doorway. Mr.L gulped.

"You shouldn't have touched that book!~" The vampire exclaimed, almost in a drunken manner.

He stumbled towards Mr.L, and Mr.L had his back to the wall while sitting on the floor. He scowled at the count.

"And now you need to pay the price in blood." The count stated.

Mr.L scurried backward, on the floor, into the side room. The count followed close to him, only about a foot away.

"Vhy don't you take off that piece of fabric, Mr.L? So I can give you a taste of immortality." The vampire said with fangs bared.

Mr.L hit his back on the pedestal and the Dark Prognosticus fell onto his lap, face open with the glowing red letters.

"Two punctures in the skin... And then you vill be mine." The count hissed while reaching for Mr.L's bandana.

Mr.L noticed something wrong. The text in the Dark Prognosticus was glowing red, and so were the vampire's eyes, or at least the one eye he could see under the hood. That had to mean something.

Mr.L slammed the Dark Prognosticus shut.

Almost immediately, the grin disappeared from the count's face and he passed out, face first, onto the floor. Mr.L was extremely perplexed as to what just happened. 

"Did the Dark Prognosticus just... mind control him?" Mr.L wondered out loud.

Mr.L glanced at his unconscious body. He had NO idea how to find out if he was okay or not. Mr.L sighed at himself for caring if the vampire was alright.

Mr.L took a quick glance around, as if worrying someone might see him. He picked up the count and slung him over his shoulder, hoping and PRAYING that he wouldn't wake up. Mr.L peered into the corridor and ran down the hallways to his room with the vampire.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now