Questions That Govern Answers

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Merlon, Luigi, and Blumiere had just returned from visiting Mario in the hospital. He was still out cold. They were walking through Flipside, deep in conversation.

"I wonder how Mr.L is fairing..." Merlon muttered.

"Who are you kidding? Mr.L is probably dead by now!" Luigi said in a panic.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a large crash.

"That came from Flipside Tower!" Blumiere exclaimed.

They rushed up the elevator and gasped at what they saw. O'Chunks was passed out on the floor, and he was as pale as a ghost.

"O'Chunks! What happened to you?!" Blumiere asked.

Blumiere attempted to help O'Chunks to his feet only for him to fall back over.

"Be careful, Blumiere! He is terribly ill!" Merlon told him, "We must rush him to my place."

Blumiere nodded and he and Luigi slung O'Chunks shoulders over theirs to get him moving.


Mr.L reached his room and laid the vampire on the floor, not sure where else to put him. He passed Mimi in the hallway, but she immediately recoiled from him as soon as she saw the count. Mr.L went to his nightstand and started to search through his bag of weaponry, trying to prepare for anything.

"When is he even going to wake up?" Mr.L thought to himself.


Mr.L got his answer. He turned around to see the count slowly sitting up, rubbing his head. Mr.L and the vampire locked eyes for a moment and they both recoiled. Mr.L gripped around and pulled out a crucifix, holding it out in front of himself.

"Alright. Let's not make this any more complicated than it needs to be." Mr.L stated, "How do you know my name?"

The vampire hissed at the crucifix.

"It vould be much easier to answer if you didn't stick that thing in my face!" The count exclaimed.

"But if I do that you'll attack me! Not gonna happen!" Mr.L replied.

"I'm not going to attack you." The vampire countered.

"I don't believe you for a second!" Mr.L exclaimed.

He thrust out the crucifix, causing the vampire to back into the wall.

"How about you put that thing down, and ve vill call a truce?" The count asked.

Mr.L thought about it and sighed as he slowly lowered the crucifix.

"This is such a bad idea..." Mr.L thought to himself.

The vampire lowered his arms away from his eyes.

"How did you know my name? And who are you?" Mr.L asked.

"That is of no importance." The vampire replied.

"Then how about you take off that hood?"

"It's for sun protection."

Mr.L glanced at his watch. It read 2:56(am).

"It's going to be nighttime for a couple more hours. The sun won't be up for a while." Mr.L stated, "So why don't you take it off!"

Mr.L reached for his hood. The count grabbed his wrist.


Mr.L grunted as he tried to wrench his hand away.

"Tell me who you are or take off the hood!" Mr.L shouted.

"Nici (Neither)."

Mr.L thrust his other hand at his hood, only for it to be caught as well.


Mr.L grunted as he struggled against his superhuman strength.

"Just let me SEE!" Mr.L shouted.


The vampire turned into a bat and flew up to the ceiling, and out of Mr.L's reach. Mr.L grunted in frustration.

"Why won't you tell me?!" Mr.L exclaimed, "First, you wouldn't tell me where Dimentio is after CLEARLY showing that you know something. Second, you won't tell me who you are despite saying that it doesn't matter. MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY!!!"

Mr.L was now crying tears of anger as he sat on the bed, his face in his hands. The count sighed.

"If I take off the hood, vill you promise to leave?" The vampire asked.

Mr.L looked up at him.

"You want me to... leave?" Mr.L repeated doubtfully, "If I take off your hood?"


Mr.L hardly had to think about it.


The vampire bat sighed and flew down to the bed. He turned back to normal and sat next to Mr.L. Mr.L warily grabbed ahold of the edges of his hood. Both of their breath hitched. Mr.L yanked off the hood and backed up. The count's black hair was extremely long, as if it hadn't been tended to in years. His hair covered up the left side of his face. Mr.L pushed the strands of hair away from his face, revealing a yellow eye. Mr.L gasped.


He gave a nervous chuckle.

"Miss me?" Dimentio asked sarcastically.

Dimentio shouted in surprise as Mr.L lunged at him, effectively tackling him into a hug and pinning him on the bed.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, YOU CRAZY CLOWN!!! I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE DEAD!!! AND I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ME!!!" Mr.L shouted, "But... how? And... why didn't you tell me that you were alive?"

"I... can't... breathe..." Dimentio gasped.

Mr.L got off of him and he took in a sharp inhale of breath.

"I don't need to breathe but it helps me think that I'm still alive..." Dimentio muttered.

"Why didn't you say anything when I was threatening to kill you earlier?" Mr.L asked.

Dimentio sighed.

"I vas hoping that you vould end my game..." Dimentio replied, "Vhen I planted those items, my mask, and journal, I thought that you vere searching for me to end my game. But vhen I realized that vas not your intention, I tried to make you think that I had died so you vould strike me down in anger..."

"But... if you're not out to get me... what did you do to them?" Mr.L said, mentioning Timpani, Mimi, and the other two, "And what was with the Dark Prognosticus?"

Dimentio took the battered journal from Mr.L.

"It vould be better if I just show you..."

He pressed his hand to the book and their surroundings vanished.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now