How It All Began

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AN: Slanted words are NOT apart of the flashback. This part contains graphic depictions of BLOOD and VIOLENCE. The chapters following this one each have a song from 'Dracula the Musical' to go along. Try and figure out the equivalent of who's singing in the story! >:D


Everything and everyone seemed to vanish into thin air. The surroundings were changed to another room in Castle Bleck. Dimentio's room to be exact. Several years ago, right after the Ultimate Show...

Dimentio was sitting on his bed, a new journal in his hand and a writing utensil in the other. He read out loud what he wrote.

"'This will be my first and only entry to this journal. I hope that someone might find this and give it to my former teammates that resided in Castle Bleck. I am sorry that I have caused you all so much pain, so I aim to put a stop to it. In exactly one minute from now, I shall search for the Dark Prognosticus. Mr.L... If you are reading this. Know that I am deeply sorry for what I did to you. And so, I am going to find a spell to put an end to my game! But not send me to the after-game. I aim to erase myself from the face of all worlds. Leaving only my memory. Which will fade in time. Forgive me. Ciao.'"

Dimentio sighed as he placed the journal on his bed and got up. He floated down the hallways until he reached Count Bleck's former room. The door opened and he floated inside. Dimentio went directly to the side room where the Dark Prognosticus was kept. He opened the book and began flipping through, searching for a spell to use. There were many lethal spells, but nothing that could destroy him from existence.

"Come on! There has to be something in this wretched book!" Dimentio shouted.

He threw the book against the wall and it fell to the floor open face. Dimentio floated over, curious of what page it opened to. It looked to be exactly what he wanted! He picked up the book.

"'A spell that gives you a fate worse than death. Destroys your soul and keeps it in the night'." Dimentio read, "Perfect!"

He laid the book face open on the pedestal and laid his mask down, revealing his pale face.

"I shall die without fear," Dimentio stated.

Dimentio chanted the words on the book and collapsed onto the floor. He laid on the floor for hours, motionless, breathless, and without a heartbeat. All of a sudden, the letters on the page of the Dark Prognosticus began to glow red. Moments after, Dimentio slowly sat up with a groan.

"What? Why am I not dead?" Dimentio wondered out loud, "The spell didn't even work!"

He slammed the Dark Prognosticus shut and checked his pulse. There was nothing.

"Hm... perhaps it takes a little time..." Dimentio mused.

He went to float back to his room, but couldn't find his magic.

"Apparently dying takes away my powers..." Dimentio sighed, "I guess I shall walk."

Dimentio briskly walked down the hallway back to his room, leaving behind his mask. He looked at a clock on the wall, it said 6:42(am).

"Odd... I feel tired like a night owl would. The effects must finally be taking place."

He laid down on the bed and finally fell asleep with hopes of death on his mind.

The time fast-forwarded to the end of the day when the sun was going down.

Dimentio's eyes fluttered open. He sighed and sat up as soon as he realized he was awake.

"HUH?! How could the Dark Prognosticus fail me?!" Dimentio shouted, "It hasn't failed me before! But w- OW!"

Dimentio felt something prick his lips when he went to say 'why'. He moved his hands up to his mouth, in fear that he was bleeding.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now