Free Me With A Kiss~ (Epilogue)

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AN: I got too lazy to make an animation cuz I wanna finish the story, instead take these pics I made (It's towards the end) This part contains a LOT of Mr.L X Dimentio. If you didn't like that ship coming here then you might wanna leave now.


"I-I'm not so sure about this..." Dimentio stuttered.

Blumiere and Luigi were with him, helping him to get ready.

"Come on! What's the worst that could happen?" Luigi asked.

"Mr.L gets turned into a vampire, his soul gets destroyed, he'll never see the light of day again, he'll go insane vith bloodlust, and it vould be all my fault." Dimentio stated.

"Well when you put it like that..." Luigi trailed off.

Dimentio groaned as he began to panic again. Blumiere placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry. It will be perfect." Blumiere said.

"It's just... He's been planning this for months... I-I don't vant to ruin it!" Dimentio exclaimed.

"The only way it can be ruined is if you don't show up!" Luigi chuckled.

Dimentio looked down at the floor.

"Look, I've been here before. It sounds kind of scary, making such a big commitment, but if you truly love each other, everything will turn out perfect." Blumiere reassured.

Dimentio took a deep breath in.

"Okay, I can do this." Dimentio said to himself.

Nastasia opened the door and peered in.

"We're ready." Nastasia said.

Dimentio sighed as he walked out. It was time for...

The wedding.


Wedding bells tolled as the moon shone over the ceremony. There were pews set up on Flipside Tower and a beautiful white archway over the alter. Merlon was the pastor, he stood behind the alter with the Light Prognosticus. And in front of the altar stood Mr.L, dressed in a black tuxedo, and trying his best not to show how nervous he actually was.

In the pews were Mario, Bowser, Mimi, Timpani, Blumiere, Luigi (who was on the verge of tears of joy), and a few other people. They all stood up and turned around at the sound of the bells calling the service to start. 

Down the aisle walked Dimentio, dressed in an almost dress-like black cloak with a yellow diamond pattern on it.

"I'm not gonna cry, not gonna cry, not gonna-aaaaaaahhhhh!" Luigi exclaimed, choking on tears.

Dimentio nervously walked down the center, feeling all eyes trained on him. He looked up and smiled, seeing Mr.L beaming at him.

Dimentio stepped up to the alter and Mr.L took him by the hands. Merlon started the sermon.

"You look beautiful." Mr.L told him.

"Not as beautiful as you, L." Dimentio replied.

They kept their eyes trained on each other until Merlon reached the vows.

"Do you, Mr.L, take Dimentio to be by your side 'til your games be over? In sickness and in health. For better or for worse?" Merlon questioned.

"I do."

"And do you, Dimentio, take Mr.L to be by your side 'til your games be over? In sickness and in health. For better or for worse?" Merlon asked.

"I do."

"You may now kiss the-"

Mr.L closed his eyes and leaned into Dimentio, kissing him square on the lips, holding his face in his hands. Dimentio leaned back into him, enjoying every moment. A white light seemed to wash over them as they embraced. And Dimentio seemed to be... changing.


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Dimentio's cloak changed colors in an instant

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Dimentio's cloak changed colors in an instant. Fading from black to a pure white color. Color slowly returned to his skin. And his fangs disappeared.

Everyone watched in awe.

"It worked!" Luigi exclaimed.

Mr.L and Dimentio slowly oppened their eyes. Mr.L smilled at him.

"Looks like all our hard work finally paid off. Huh, Dim?" Mr.L said.

Dimentio chuckled.

"Which means I can do this!~"

Dimentio floated up and wrapped his arms around Mr.L, then leaned in and kissed him on the lips over and over. Mr.L wrapped his arms around Dimentio.

"Never leave me again." Mr.L told him.

"I promise~"

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now