Sirens Cry (Prologue)

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AN: In this story, there is some Romanian language used, but don't worry, after it I will put the English translation in parenthesis. The vampire lore used in this is extremely loosely based but the story is still good, I promise or double your money back ;) How I came up with this is my younger sibling was asking me questions about SPM while I was watching Dracula the Musical and... my brain went 'YES'. 

Shout out to LuigiDaisy for some great ideas!


It was very early in the night, but the full moon was shining bright. Mario, Luigi, Mr.L, Peach, and Bowser were visiting Flipside after they heard some very disturbing news. People have been disappearing through the dimensional door to Castle Bleck and not returning. But not just any people, it seemed to only be people who were connected to the dark prophecy of the Dark Prognosticus. The only people they have been told that had disappeared were Mimi, Nastasia, and Timpani. Blumiere has been devastated ever since they disappeared, feeling that it was somehow his fault.

Mario and co. were sound asleep at Tinga's Inn. In the morning they were to start searching for the missing people. All of a sudden, Peach got up from her bed and started walking towards the door. She accidentally nudged Mario's bed, causing him to wake up with a grunt.

"Peach? What are you doing?" Mario asked with a tired slur of words.

"It's calling me..." Peach muttered as she stared vacantly into space.

Mario was perplexed as Peach tossed on her cloak and threw open the door. Bowser, Mr.L, and Luigi were still fast asleep. Mario decided against waking them up, he followed Peach out the door. Before he left, he grabbed a small cross necklace and put it on, something told him he would need it.

Mario followed close behind Peach, she paid him no mind. They made their way eventually to the dimensional door on the top of Flopside tower. Peach opened the door wide and entered in.

"Peach! Wait!" Mario called out.

He ran in after her.


Mario fell out of the door and onto the cold black ground. There was no void anymore so the full moon shown through the few clouds in the sky. He got up and looked around, the place might as well have been still in the void. Castle Bleck stood tall and proud while the desolate plain was covered in thick fog. Mario could see Peach stride up to the doors to the castle and knock.

"But, no one has inhabited that castle in years..." Mario thought to himself.

The doors slowly creaked open and Peach walked in. The doors started to close again and Mario sprinted through just before they closed. He took in his surroundings and saw Peach walking down one of the corridors that led to the inner sanctum. She opened the doors wide and entered in, they slammed shut behind her by some invisible force. Mario followed down the hallway. He slightly opened the door so he could peer in. Inside he saw Peach and an extremely pale-faced man in a blood-red and black cloak, his hair jet black, and his head covered by a hood. Mario's heartbeat was frantic as he listened to them.

Peach was silent as the man had made his way over to her.

"My, my. Vhat a sweet little... Peach." The man teased.

He was beside the dazed princess as he laid his gloved hands on her shoulders.

"Vhy have you come here?" He asked.

Peach slightly tilted her head, Mario could see that she was still half hypnotized or whatever it was.

"I-I heard a voice... It promised me something..." Peach shakingly said, "Was it your voice I heard?"

"No," The man started. "But... I am the one vho can give you vhat vas promised."

He pulled a red rose out of his coat pocket.

"All I need is something in return. A meager sacrifice for immortality."

"Immortality?!" Mario wondered in his head.

Peach looked at the rose.

"Anything," Peach exclaimed.

He held the rose out in front of her, took her hand, and placed it on the thorns of the rose, causing her to flinch in pain.

"Just a slight prick of pain and it vill be over. Vhat do you say, my dear?"

He let go of the rose and Peach held onto it.

"Do what you must..." She whispered.

He slunk behind her and placed his hands around her waist. He leaned into her ear and started whispering something inaudible to Mario. Peach swooned and the man caught her in his arms. What happened next made Mario almost feint. The man leaned against Peach and bit her neck. Sinking previously hidden sharp fangs into the crick of her neck. After a few moments, he gently laid her on the floor. She was out cold. Mario covered his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from screaming.

The door Mario was hiding behind then swung open at the snap of the man's fingers. He spun around to face him, his cape flying wildly and a wide sadistic grin showing on his covered face, blood dripping down his lips.

"How nice of you to join us... Mario." The man said, "Vă rugăm să luați legătura cu oaspetele nostru (Please attend to our guest)."

He snapped his fingers and Mario ran before he could see what would happen. Mario sprinted as fast as he could towards the door only to have it shut on his face. Nastasia had slammed the door shut. Her outfit was now black and red, her eyes vacant, hair down, and fangs protruding from her mouth. 

"I'm afraid the count forbids your leave." She said in an absent-minded voice.

Mario backed away from her slowly. Down the side staircases, Mimi and Timpani walked down. Both of their outfits now black and red, their hair down, and with sharp fangs. Mario sprinted away from them, refusing to look back.

He ran and ran until he reached a dead end with one window. Mario looked through, it seemed as if he was at the highest point in the tower. He turned around hoping that he could find another way, but Nastasia, Mimi, and Timpani were slowly closing in. But they would not attack him, they seemed held at bay by some mysterious force. Mario looked back at the window knowing that it was his only option.

Mario slammed his fist against the glass, it shattered into several fragments as he cut himself. His hand bled fiercely, but he knew that he had no time to tend to it. He dove out the window and hit the hard ground. Mario heard his leg snap as he pulled out the return pipe. He was instantly teleported back to Flipside. The count and his servants watched as Mario disappeared.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now