War of the Mortals and Vampires (pt.2)

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AN: This chapter is long as HECK 


Blumiere strode in through the dimensional door, a small army behind him. With him, he had an injured Bowser, O'Chunks, and some other Flipside and Flopside residents. They marched with confidence up to the doors to the huge castle. The moon would be gone soon and the sun will begin to rise. Blumiere turned to face his men.

"My brave friends! We have been challenged by these monsters to a war! But not just any war. A war that will determine the outcome of the worlds of mortals! For we must not let them win! They are the shadows, so we must be the light! But not just the light. We must be the brightest lanterns, the biggest flames, the sun itself! For they aim to kill us! Destroy our souls! And turn us into one of them! But we must prevail!" Blumiere exclaimed, "Take up your weapons! Fight off the others but destroy the count! Destroy that demon and the rest will be free!"

His small army cheered. Blumiere turned towards the door.

"CHARGE!!!" Blumiere shouted.

He broke open the door and they ran inside, shouting battle cries. They stopped dead in their tracks once they realized that no one was there.

"Wha-? Where is everybody?" O'Chunks asked.

"They probably saw me coming and ran, HA!" Bowser exclaimed.

Blumiere looked around. It was quiet. Too quiet...

"Keep your guard up. They could be lurking anywhere." Blumiere warned.

His small troop of men marched onward into the depths of the castle.

The vampires watched them from the shadows, just out of their sight. Waiting for the opportune moment.

"Să-i lovim acum? (Shall we strike them now?)" Peach hissed.

Blumiere's small group immediately became afraid of the mysterious voice.

"Încă nu... Îl atrageți în Sanctuarul Interior... (Not yet... Lure them to the Inner Sanctum...)" Dimentio whispered back.

Blumiere's group was quaking in fear of the voices.

"Th-there 'ere!" O'Chunks exclaimed.

They heard more voices down the hallway, coming from the Inner Sanctum.

"They're that way! Follow me!" Blumiere commanded.

They marched down the hallway towards the Inner Sanctum... and into a trap. They finally reached the vast room.

"Steady yourselves..." Blumiere murmured.

As they crept into the room they could see movement in the background. They weren't alone.

"IT'S A TRAP!!!" Blumiere exclaimed.

The vampires lept out of the shadows and quickly surrounded them. Dimentio eyed Blumiere up and down. He thrust out his hand.

"Scoate-i pe ceilalți. Acesta este personal. (Take the others away. This one is personal.)" Dimentio commanded.

Nastasia, Peach, Mimi, and Timpani nodded their heads. They lunged at the group of intruders, screeching as they did so. The vampires dragged away everyone except Blumiere. Blumiere's group of people screamed in fear as they were dragged back into the castle's depths.

Blumiere clutched at his staff.

"What do you want with me?!" Blumiere exclaimed.

Dimentio chuckled, making Blumiere shudder.

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