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Merlon rushed into his study where an asleep Blumiere laid on some books on a desk.

"Blumiere! Luigi! Wake up!" Merlon exclaimed.

Blumiere shot upright while Luigi let out a long yawn.

"What is it Nastasia?!" He asked in a half-asleep panic.

"Mr.L took my notes and left this!" Merlon told him.

Merlon then pulled out a piece of paper from Mr.L. Blumiere took it and read it aloud.

"'I have decided to go to Castle Bleck alone. If Dimentio is there then I have no time to lose. Please understand, Mr.L.'"

Blumiere set the letter down onto the table and sighed.

"Mr.L, what did you do?"


Mr.L groaned as he started to wake up, he felt stiff.

"Ugh... Where am I? How am I not dead? Or undead?" Mr.L wondered.

He quickly looked over himself, he still had color in his skin, no fangs, his heart was still beating, and he cast a shadow. Mr.L let out a sigh of relief. He looked down at his watch, it read 9:12 (AM). That meant that the sun was now up, all he had to do was pry open the door then he could escape. Mr.L took another look around to figure out where he was. It appeared that he was on top of a bed in one of the rooms in the castle.

"Vampires must like their victims to be awake. That's sickening." Mr.L thought to himself.

He heard footsteps outside the room. Mr.L quickly laid back down in the same position he woke up in. The door creaked open and Mr.L could hear light footsteps enter in. A loud 'thunk' and 'clatter' sound was heard next to his head and then more footsteps. Mr.L slightly opened his eyes, the count was in the corner of the room and Mr.L's bag of weapons had been placed on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Big mistake." Mr.L thought triumphantly.

He slowly reached out from where he laid and grabbed ahold of a wooden stake and then hid it behind his back. Mr.L laid perfectly still until the right moment presented itself. He didn't have to wait long. After a few minutes, the count went to the side of the bed Mr.L was laying in.


Mr.L shouted as he jumped out of the bed and grabbed ahold of the vampire by the collar, a wooden stake pointed at its throat. He could see the features of the vampire quite clearly now. Mario was quite accurate with his description. He had pale grey skin, fangs, black hair covering half of his face though covered with a hood, his eye that was showing had a blood-red iris, he had on a black cloak and a dark red undercoat.

"Ironic, dormi ca morții. (Ironic, you sleep like the dead.)" The vampire said with a smirk.

"Speak English! I know you can!" Mr.L commanded with a twist of his collar.

"*grunt* Fine, better?" The count sarcastically asked.

"What did you do with him?" Mr.L demanded.

"Who?" The vampire asked with an eye roll.

"Dimentio! I know you did something to him!" Mr.L exclaimed, "Tell me where he is or prepare to have your game ended a second time!"

The count chuckled.

"Atunci încetează jocul meu! (Then end my game shall!)" He said with a laugh.

Mr.L reached back into his bag of weaponry and pulled out the crucifix. The vampire recoiled with a hiss, covering his eyes as if blinded by it.

"WHERE IS HE?!?!" Mr.L shouted.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (Dimentio x Mr.L)Where stories live. Discover now