Chapter 19 - Back Home

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Hi everyone, sorry its been so long since the last update I took a break a little longer than I wanted after Christmas but I had major writers block!! Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

As soon as Dani saw Kim and Adam come around the corner of the hall, turning towards where her and Rae were sitting she felt instant relief. "One sec Rae." She said reassuringly to her new friend, putting a hand on her shoulder and then walking quickly towards her parents "Mom, Dad!"

"Dani!" Kim said just as relieved and instantly wrapped her daughter in a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I'm okay Mom. I'm okay." Dani said still a little shell shocked.

"Did he hurt you?" Kim asked.

"Not really, he just shook us up a little that's all." Dani said not wanting to cause any drama.

"Son of a bitch..." Adam mumbled under his breath his hand on Dani's shoulder.

"Adam." Kim said trying to get him to calm down.

"It's alright Dad." Dani said out of her hug from Kim looking at her Dad who looked frustrated. She smiled slightly and Adam couldn't help but smile back the frustration leaving his face.

"Is that Rae?" Kim asked looking towards the smaller girl sat playing with the checkers board in the corner.

"Yeah, she doesn't talk much though it's got worse since we got out she's hardly said a word." Kim nodded in response and walked over to Rae, kneeling down in front of her to be at her sat down level.

Adam sighed grateful that they had found their daughter and gently pulled her into a hug. He looked at her again and noticed she was a little uneasy and pale "You ok kid? What hurts? You look real pale."

"He just twisted my arm a little, that's all I'm ok Dad, really." Dani said and Adam looked her in the eyes and then caught sight of a bruise on her forehead. He moved the hair off of her face gently with his hand to have a look at it.

"You hit your head?" Adam asked in genuine concern.

Dani sighed knowing that she wasn't going to get away with trying to cover it up. "Yeah, but its ok it doesn't even hurt that much. I was fighting with the guy and he pushed me into the wall of the van...its just the shock Dad I'm alright."

"Alright sit down for a second." Adam said and directed his daughter to a nearby chair.

Adam turned around to see Kim and Rae who were walking towards him, Kim holding Rae's hand.

"Rae's coming back with us. Her Mom's been called she's gonna come pick her up from the 21st." Kim explained and Rae stayed quiet and just smiled shyly.

"Hey Rae I'm Adam, I'm Dani's Dad and a cop in Chicago. Don't worry we're gonna keep you safe now."Adam reassured in a soft tone, giving the smaller girl a reassuring smile.

Rae nodded and followed them out, Adam had his arm around Dani checking on her as they walked out.

"You ok honey?" Kim asked Dani as they all walked towards the car.

"We're taking her to med on the way back I think they both need to be checked out." Adam said as they reached the parking lot and got into the car.

"Dad that's completely unnecessary we're fine I promise." Dani argued squinting her eyes in exhaustion.

"I'm not arguing Dani you hit your head and Rae was in that van for fair amount of time before you guys escaped." Adam added making sure everyone was in with seatbelts secured before he drove away.

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