Chapter 17 - Shots Fired

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Hi everyone this chapter was published a little later than I planned for it to be so sorry about that. The idea of this chapter was based of two recommendations I had from TheTealWriter and Ki4pak I will explain what they recommended at the end of the chapter so there are no spoilers! Hope you like the chapter.

Warning contains some mature themes.

A couple of weeks later Dani had recovered from being drugged at the party. The guy who had done it was kicked out of Kaufman High school for good when they confirmed who it was. It also got put on his record, he had hours of community service and he and his family had to pay towards all of Dani's medical expenses.

Dani's life was relatively going back to normal, actually even better than normal. Tom had officially asked to be her boyfriend after they had spent more time together over the last few weeks. Dani was spending more time with her parents and everyone from Intelligence.

"So can Tom still come over tonight?" Dani asked coming downstairs with her backpack on her shoulders ready for school.

"Absolutely, honey we wanna get to know him know more." Kim said genuinely with a kind smile.

"It's gonna be awesome I can't wait. You'll love him." Dani said.

"I'm sure we will. Plus there's a bears game on tonight and Jay and Kev are coming over to watch it so..." Adam said with a smile.

"You so planned that so you Jay and Kev could do the whole scary father, protective uncles thing!" Dani said laughing a little at her Dad's efforts to try and interrogate her boyfriend but also a little concerned they would intimidate Tom a little.

"You bet I did, I wanna know what the kid's like he's dating my baby girl." Adam said protectively.

"It'll be fine Dad, you met him already. At the party, remember?" Dani responded getting a snack for school from the kitchen area.

"Yeah, but at that point in time I wasn't concentrating on meeting the kid that my daughter was hanging out with I was concerntrating on getting you to the hospital to find out what you'd been drugged with." Adam said frankly. "Look I'm sure he's a good kid I just wanna get to know him better. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Yeah I guess your right. It will be fine Dad, promise. I'm gonna get hurt once in a while but I really like Tom and I trust him so trust me. Please don't go all Cop on him." Dani said and hugged her Dad.

"Ok." Adam said and returned the hug kissing her affectionately on the forehead.

"I'm gonna get the bus with Chlo today. Love you guys, I'm getting a ride home with Tom later." Dani said and picked her backpack back up off of the kitchen counter. "Bye Mom." Dani said and hugged her Mom before leaving.

"Bye honey, have a good day." Kim said in response as she left.

30 minutes or so later Kim and Adam had nearly arrived at the district when Adam's phone rang.

"It's Voight." Adam said and answered it. "Hey Sarge we're on our way to the district now, you got a crime scene? You need us to turn around?" Adam questioned.

"Adam there's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna say it. Ricky Tanner got out last night." Voight said.

"Kim turn the car around." Adam said immediately before continuing his conversation with Voight.

"What? Adam what's going on?" Kim asked, confused.

"Right now turn the car around! Head towards Kaufman." Adam said in a panic.

"Seriously Adam tell me what's going on!" Kim ordered even more concerned because she had no idea, what was going on apart from that Dani was involved because of Kaufman.

"Tanner got out." He said vaguely which was all Kim needed to hear.

"How the hell did this happen? We had him in a maximum security facility serving multiple life sentences. Sarge this son of a bitch was going nowhere." Adam recalled.

"Yeah well some rich guy on the outside, a close family friend helped him out, got him one of the best Attorneys in chicago I don't know the details but they tore the case to shreds in court. The district attorney called me ten minutes ago he posted bail in the earlier hours of this morning. Bail was set late hours of last night." Voight explained.

"We're on the way to Kaufman now we wanna keep Dani out at least for today, after the threat he made in the district." Adam responded quickly.

"Yeah bring her over here when you do and tell Kaufman to be vigilant. Call me back if you have any problems." Voight ordered.

"Alright thanks Sarge." Adam said and hung up the phone.

Seconds after the call ended, Adam and Kim heard something over the radio that they had dreaded. "Beat 21-10 responding to shots fired at Kaufman High School off the intersection of E 64th. Requesting backup patrol cars, we're en route."

After hearing the shooting being called in they were soon at Kaufman High School, only to see sheer panic as students waited, looking devastated outside the school buildings. Other patrol cars had arrived and paramedics had been called to the scene.

"50-21 Ida plain clothes officers on the scene." Adam said calling it in.

Sighted by a patrolman on the scene, the uniformed officer walked up to Kim and Adam.

"What's the situation here officer?" Kim asked calmly despite her deep sense of worry inside for her daughter.

"Two DOAs confirmed to be sixteen year old Eric Carter and seventeen year old Sophie Morrison. We have 24 casualties so far but it's going up, mainly from crush injuries when everyone ran out, but some from bullet grazings and minor to critical GSWs. It's terrible but it could have been a lot worse. We just got a call off of Intelligence they said you had a suspect?" The patrolman asked.

"Yeah Ricky Tanner. Officer Ruzek here arrested him with Detective Olinsky a couple of years ago, he'd been trying to appeal but not got anywhere until last night and now he's gonna go after our daughter." Kim explained.

"You got a photo, we have a lot of patrol units here and we've dealt with all the major problems we can search the school campus and the groups of students. See if we can find her." He responded and she nodded and showed him the photo.

"I'll send it out." Kim said sending it to all the patrol units on message from her work cell.

Kim walked towards the group of students and teachers that stood outside the school and tried to look for Dani.

"Mr Ruzek!" Adam heard as he walked towards Kim, they both turned around to see Tom hobbling towards them. They knew who he was as he had picked Dani up from their house a few times and visited her back when she was in med.

"Tom!" Adam responded and suddenly saw the amount of blood coming from the boy's leg. He had tried to tie some piece of material around it a t-shirt or something, but the blood was beginning to seep through. He'd been shot.

He lost his balance as he got to the Ruzeks and Adam immediately caught him as he began to fall towards the ground.

"I gotcha buddy. I gotcha." Adam reassured. The paramedics had set up triage outside the school for the casualties, Adam immediately called over some paramedics, because of Tom's GSW to make sure he hadn't lost too much blood.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I tried to stop him Sir I really did." Tom said frantically.

"Stop what son? What did you try and stop?" Adam asked.

"He took her. The shooter, he's got Dani."

There it is hope you enjoyed it! The idea for writing about a school shooting was recommended to me by Ki4pak and the kidnapping by an offender the team had put away was recommended to me by TheTealWriter. I thought it was a really good opportunity to combine these ideas. I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading I will update again soon! :) EQ

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