Chapter 10 - The Recovery.

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This chapter is based on a recommendation by LucyWard482 i hope you enjoy it! :)

"Uncle Kev!" Dani yelled and ran towards Kevin and hugged him.

"Hey, hey." Kevin said and wrapped his arms around her.

Dani was shaking and looked a little panicked. Atwater held her shoulders so he could look her in the eyes and reassure her.

"It's gonna be alright. Don't be scared ok? Your Mom's gonna get through this." Kevin said rubbed her back comfortingly as they moved to sit down in the waiting room.

"It's my fault I got her all stressed out this might not even have happened if it wasn't for me messing up and not going to therapy before." Dani said with her head in her hands.

"Hey, look at me Dani." Kevin said and Dani did as she was asked. "This isn't your fault. Don't ever think that, I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty certain that appendicitis isn't caused by stress. This...well this just happens sometimes." Kevin said in an attempt to comfort the teen.

"Doesn't make it hurt any less." Dani said staring off into space.

"No it doesn't" Kevin agreed putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side.

Two hours later Dr Rhodes walked into the waiting area. "Dani, Officer Atwater." He greeted as he walked in.

"Dr Rhodes, where's Adam? Is Kim ok?" Atwater immediately asked.

"Adam's with Kim the surgery went well, she's in recovery." Connor answered.

"Is she gonna be ok now?" Dani asked.

"Yeah we're pretty confident that as long as she stays here for around five to seven days she should be fine. We have to keep her in because the appendix being ruptured significantly increases risk of infection." Connor explained.

"Thanks Connor. Can I see her?" Dani said to the doctor who she had known for a little while now.

"Of course come with me." Connor said in response and walked with Dani to Kim's room.

"Hey honey." Kim said a little groggy after waking up from the anaesthesia.

"Mom! Are you ok?" Dani asked and sat beside her holding her hand.

"Yeah honey I'm fine don't worry." Kim reassured.

"You had us worried for a second there." Adam said stood beside her bed with a hand on her leg comfortingly.

"Yeah well I'm not going anywhere." Kim said and squeezed Dani's hand lightly.

One week later.

"Hey I thought we could go out today. I know how much you've been dreading getting a homecoming dress since Lexi and Erin aren't here to come with us this time around but we're going to make the best of it and there's plenty of other people that are lining up to help fill their spots." Kim said and before she could carry on she heard a car pull up outside.

A few seconds later there was a knock at their front door. Dani smiled at her Mom who was sat on the couch and walked to the door to open it.

"Hey is it alright if a few of your 21st district and firehouse 51 family come dress shopping with you?" Hailey said with a smile in response to hers whilst accompanied by Trudy and Stella, Gabby and Brett from 51.

"Yeah you bet! Thanks you guys. I thought I'd hate dress shopping this year." Dani said with a gratefully look to Hailey and a few tears in her eyes thinking of Lexi and missing Erin but also thinking how lucky she was to have everyone she had.

She quickly tipped her head down so people wouldn't see her cry and wiped her eyes and then she looked back up with a smile and moved to help her Mom up.

"Mom are you gonna be ok it might be a lot of walking and you're still recovering." Dani said cautiously.

"I'll be fine Dani don't worry honey just enjoy yourself ok. I have my crutches for extra support and when you're trying stuff on it will be a lot of sitting too." Kim pointed out and Dani just nodded and finished helping her into the car.

"Bye Dad!" Dani called back into the house.

"Bye honey! Have a great day baby!" Adam replied as she left the house.

They spent hours browsing round the stores in the mall and eating between dress shopping. Finally after trying on a few they found the one that was just perfect for Dani.

It was a burgundy purple/red with fake Ruby jewels stitched on here and there as well as a cut being put in the side so a small part of her leg was showing.

"Oh Dani." Kim said in shock. "You look beautiful honey."

"Truly Dani its gorgeous." Trudy added.

"So pretty." Gabby said excitedly putting her hands together and looking at Brett and Stella who both nodded with wide smiles in agreement.

"Really really beautiful Dani." Brett said.

"I think it's definitely a contender if not the one Dani what do you think?" Stella asked.

"I love it! It's a little expensive though isn't it?" Dani said a little unsure about the price despite looking down at the dress in awe and feeling the silky material inbetween her fingers.

"Not a problem sweetie everyone passed the boot for you at Molly's. People from 51, the 21st and even most people that know you from med added in." Gabby explained.

"Really they did all that for me?" Dani said and they all nodded.

"Of course you're their family. You've gone through a tough time lately kid this is your opportunity to have some fun and get something you love." Brett added.

"I don't know what to say...thank you and I'll thank them all at Molly's as soon as I can." Dani said shocked by what everyone had done for her. "Is that OK Mom?" Dani asked.

"Yeah of course that's so generous of them thank you guys for organising it too." Kim said.

"Dani deserves it she's been through a lot lately you all have. She deserves something to smile about." Hailey said a few minutes after sat with Kim aside from the others.

"Yeah she does." Kim said to Hailey sitting aside, smiling at Dani messing with her hair with the others in front of the mirror.

Back at Kim, Adam and Dani's House.

"Thanks guys." Dani said as they closed the door and arrived back home.

"Hey how was your day? Where's your Mom?" Adam asked making a popcorn in the kitchen.

"She told me to go ahead and take a ride with the others. Aunt Nicole wanted to meet her for coffee at the mall." Dani explained.

"Ok, do you have a good time?" Adam asked and sat on the couch watching the football game with his snack.

"The best! Dad you should see the dress I got. It was so nice. I can't believe I still have to wait a month till homecoming." Dani sighed and fell onto the couch next to Adam.

Adam chuckled a little at Dani's exaggeration and ruffled her hair.

Thanks for reading sorry its been so long since the last update! Will try and update soon. Hope you enjoyed this chapter EQ.

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