Chapter 3 - That Little Bit Of Fire.

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"Jay. I owe you man and Hailey." Ruzek said going up to Jay and gently clapped his shoulder gratefully.

"You don't owe us anything she's a good kid Adam we like having her around here I'm just glad we could help her." Jay responded and continued to walk to his desk as Adam passed him with Kim close behind him.

"No we at least owe you and Hailey drinks at Molly's. Thank you Jay." Kim said and he nodded.

"It really is no problem and they're in the locker room. Hailey was keeping her calm." Jay explained.

Kim and Adam walked to the locker room and passed Hailey coming out as they walked towards the door.

"Hey she's ok, she's a little angry and upset but she's a lot better than when she first got back." Hailey explained.

"Thanks Hailey." Kim said

"I'm going to go talk to her." Adam said walked into the locker room and seeing his daughter hardly saying a word just sitting on one of the benches with her head held low.

"D'you hear about it?" Dani asked quietly wondering what her Father's reaction would be.

"Yeah...the Principal called and Mrs Boden texted your Mom to check everything was alright." Adam explained with a sigh.

"I'm so sorry Dad." Dani said tearfully seeing Adam out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey, hey its ok."Adam said calmly, getting closer to her and sitting beside her on the bench.

"It's not. She said stuff about Al and Lexi." Dani said.

"Alright look at me." Adam said firmly to get her attention but in a gentle tone. "This wasn't your fault and they're just words ok? What do they know about Al and Lexi huh? They've just taken what the media circus have fed em. You knew Al and Lexi, you know what kind of people they were. right?"

Dani nodded with tears still in her eyes. Adam put his hand on the back of her head comfortingly. "Then that's all that matters honey." He said and pulled her into a quick hug before pulling her back at an arms length to see her injuries on her face.

"Now let me see what they've done to my kid's beautiful face 'ey Let me see that.'" Adam said and put his hand under her chin tilting her face up so he could see the bruising on her eye and cut on her lip. He sighed again and wrapped an arm comfortingly around her shoulders pulling her into his side.

"I hate school Dad! I wanna do well and go to college so bad, but I just..." Dani said a few tears rolling down her face in frustration.

"Hey easy there tiger. You are a good kid, you're smart, your kind your my beautiful daughter and I love you alright? You're gonna make it to college I promise and you're not going to let anyone stop you getting there. Hey you hear me?" Adam said wiping her tears away with his thumb on her cheek.

"I might not make it to graduation. If they have anything to do with it." Dani said with a sigh, sitting back down on the bench.

"The Principal said he was suspending them for the foreseeable future if they keep this up. It's their freshman year, that sucks for them. They'll hardly be spending any of their first year at high school actually in high school. They'll miss out on cheerleading, field trips, everything they look forward to." Adam clarified."You gotta stick with school kid, because you're really good at it and it's going to get better, alright?"

"Alright." Dani said with a sigh.

"Alright." Adam said adding a goofy smile at the end to make Dani laugh at which he was successful. "Come on I wanna sort out that bruise on your eye. Did Jay or Hailey give you some ice to put on it?" Adam asked walking with her towards the door.

" I was kind of too busy almost hitting a locker." Dani said in a guilty like tone.

"Yeah we need to have a talk about that at some point junior." Adam said with a hand on her shoulder guiding her out of the locker room.

"Momma." Dani said as she saw Kim waiting outside in the hall, in relief to see her Mom after a tough day.

"Hey sweetie." Kim responded instantly hugging her daughter.

"I'm ok Mom, don't get worried." Dani said in an attempt to reassure Kim.

"You're not ok. Look at your face, look at your hand." Kim said picking up her daughters bruised right hand. "Is this from punching a locker?"

"No Mom, Jay stopped me from doing that remember and I didn't do it before they came in if that's what you were thinking. It was from hitting that girl off of me." Dani said.

"Ok well we know it was for a good reason we already talked with the Principal and Mrs Boden and they both told us what they saw on the footage." Kim explained.

"So I'm good?" Dani said.

"You're good. Like he told you in the meeting when you were at school, you were clearly defending yourself and there will only be minor sanctions put in place for you when you go back to school." The teen's Mom continued.

"Yeah you think we should go talk to the Principal about that, it doesn't seem fair considering she was just defending herself." Adam interjected.

"Nah its ok Dad don't worry about it. I don't want anymore trouble. I slammed the locker at school, I yelled back, pushed her back and hit her. It's over." Dani said.

"Alright then if you're sure. Go get an ice pack from the freezer." Adam said and Dani nodded and walked to the break room.

"When did our kid become so wise?" Adam said.

"She's a smart kid." Kim said in response still watching her daughter walk down the hall.

"Just like her Father." Adam said mockingly puffing his chest out and pulling a face to which Kim hit his arm comedically in response.

"You wish!" Kim said as she hit his arm lightly.

"Ouch I'm hurt Burgess." Adam said with a smirk. "Can a smart man do this." Adam said pulling his wife closer to him and kissing her gently, but passionately on the lips.

"I guess not as good as you just did it." Kim said pulling out of the kiss.

"No?" Adam said with another smirk on his face.

"No." Kim sighed in defeat and kissed him back quickly before heading to check on their daughter.

"To be continued." Ruzek said as she walked away.

"To be continued." Kim said in response.

Hi everyone sorry this update has taken so long I was working on two other fanfics and I had a little writers block with this one. Hope you enjoyed this chapter the next update shouldn't take as long. Thanks for reading :)

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