Chapter 11 - Math Sucks

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This chapter is based off of a recommendation I had a little while back from  fanficlover231  hope you enjoy it! :)

"Ugggh!" Dani groaned and slammed her pencil down on the table.

Kim was looking over something for a case with Hailey, it was her first week back to work after the surgery. She looked over to Adam who nodded and walked into the break room to check on Dani.

"Hey kid what's going on?" Adam asked calmly knowing how frustrated she's got with Math in the past.

"I hate math! How am I supposed to do this test tomorrow?! I can't do any of it!" Dani yelled.

"Hey I'm sure that's not true ok let me take a look at it for you, give this a second set of eyes. We'll work this out don't worry." Adam reassured.

Adam looked at it for a few minutes scowling and rubbing his forehead in confusion.

"You need some help with that Adam?" Jay said from his desk smirking a little at his facial expressions.

"I hated Math, but this...what has happened to 9th Grade Math?!" Adam said shocked at how difficult it had gotten.

"Here." Jay said and offered to have a look at it. Adam handed him the paper and he looked at it. "Wow ok this is..."

Antonio laughed a little and held his hand out for them to pass the paper to him.

"Alright pops give this a go." Jay mocked handing him the paper.

"Hey! There's many benefits to having kids you know one of them being you could still stand a good chance at passing 9th grade math." Antonio said and looked at the paper. "Dani come over here a second. So we times this one right here, we divide this one and carry this across ok, and we gotta round to the nearest ten. You with me so far?"

"I think so." Dani said.

"Great." Antonio responded and a few minutes later they had finished the homework.

"Thanks Antonio." Dani said and took the paper from the desk to put back into her backpack.

"Anytime good luck with your test sweetie." Antonio said in response.

"Hey kid it's time to head home, you ready?" Adam said seeing a smile on his daughter's face for once since she had started the homework.

"Yeah I think so. Bye guys. Hey thanks." Dani said fist bumping Antonio as she went to walk out after her parents.

"Later lil Ruz." Jay said as she walked out.

As Dani got back into the house she ran upstairs to her room and her phone buzzed...

(D = Dani, M= Mikey, Dani's friend and classmate.)

M= What's up? I got something for ya.

D= Hey, like what? Omg you're not gonna try and sell me some drugs are you? You do know my parents are cops right? It's like drug dealer suicide if they find out 😂🙈

M= Is that seriously what you expect from me? Nah I got you a cheat test paper genius! 😂

D= Mike I told you I didn't wanna cheat my parents already watch over me like vultures since the accident and everything that happened. They'll find out and ground me forever.

M= Dans you said yourself no matter how much you try you can't get it in your head it won't go in. Think about it it's a no brainer, they're not gonna find out. Look just take the god damn paper and then you have it, it's in an envelope so you can't see it if you don't want to.

D= Fine thanks Mike if you're free you can come round in an hour I'll put a box that I've attached a make shift rope to hanging from my window. If you put it in that box I'll be able to get it back into my room without my parents noticing.

M= Alright you got it. I'll be over in an hour.

D= Alright your a life saver thank you.

M= You got it 👍

An hour later as planned Mikey came to drop the test paper off into the box and Dani pulled the box up by the rope, back into her room.

She stared at the envelope for a couple of seconds contemplating whether to open it or not.

The Next Day

"Dani!" Mikey said walking up to his friend in a panic. He pulls her gently to the side away from other students who may snitch or teachers that may hear them.

"What's going on Mike?" Dani said in response.

"They're doing locker checks." Mikey said and Dani looked past him at them all checking the lockers down the hall.

"Shit why?" They didn't tell us about it in any classes or homeroom.

"Some kid's Dad caught them with some dope on the weekend thought the only way they could have gotten it  was from here. So he told the school hence the locker checks. D'you leave the paper in there?" Mikey said as they walked towards Dani's locker.

"Yeah." She responded and simultaneously as they reached the lockers she saw a teacher pulling out the paper. "Shit." She mumbled under her breath.

"Miss Ruzek, is this your locker?" Mr Bradley asked sighing as he took held the paper from her locker.

"Yes Sir." Dani said looking ashamed. This was going to be a hard conversation with her parents.

How will Dani explain this one? I will be publishing the next chapter soon so look out for it. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter, EQ :)

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