Chapter 13 - Working Things Out

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Hey guys sorry this update took so long. This is based off of one of the recommendations I had from Ki4pak who wanted to know the outcome of Dani cheating on the test. Hope you enjoy it! :)

"I'm not going in." Dani said sitting in the same place, on the back seat where she was sitting before her parents had left for coffee.

"You mind if I sit by you i'm tired out I'm 10 hours into my shift." Will said.

"Sure, but it's not going to change my mind." Dani said remained looking out of the window.

Will moved to sit on the other back seat beside Dani.

"I'm not here to just make you go in I'm not your parent. I'm a doctor and your family friend, I'm just here to check you're ok." Will said. "So are you? Ok I mean?"

"Sure." Dani said shrugging a little.

"Really?" Will said compassionately, unconvinced.

"You know what? I don't know! I don't know anything anymore so I wish people would just quit asking me!" Dani yelled in response and broke down in tears.

"It's ok Dani." Will said and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I mess everything up Will! I let everyone down!" Dani said distraught.

"Hey, that's not true you've done so many things that are right, that are good. Whatever you've done, they'll forgive you, you'll all figure it out, they love you ok? The people at the district, all the people you know here and at 51 and especially your parents." Will said.

"Really?" Dani gasped in between crying.

"Really. Everyone makes mistakes Dani and everyone has difficult times in their lives where they feel like there's no way out. Never, ever be afraid to ask for help. You understand?" Will said and Dani nodded with a gratefully smile.

"Thanks Will." Dani said.

"Anytime. You want me to sit in therapy with you for a little while?" Will offered.

"Would you?" Dani said in response not wanting to ask too much of Will.

"Sure it's no problem. You gonna give it a try? You're other sessions have been going well right?" Will asked.

"Yeah I guess they have. Ok I'll try." Dani agreed.

"Come on then it's at six right?" Will said.

"Yeah." Dani said.

"Then we're just in time you ready?" Will said and Dani nodded getting out the car, Will left just after her locking the car on the way back towards the building.

"Hey Dani, do you wanna head into my office I just need to talk to Dr Halstead about another patient for a sec." Dr Charles said and Dani just walked straight into his office in response.

"How is she?" Dr Charles asked Will once Dani had gone into the office.

"Upset, her confidence in herself is at an all time low. She needs to talk put it that way. I offered to stay with her in her appointment today. I know it wasn't my place but she was beginning to open up in the car and I don't think it will stop her opening up in the session." Will said.

"That's fine whatever she's comfortable with." Dr Charles said in response.

"I'm purely observing I won't get in the way." Will said and Dr Charles nodded in agreement as they both walked into the office.

"Hey Dani how you doing?" Dr Charles asked the teen, sitting down in the seat in front of her.

"Ok." Dani answered minimally and then looking at Will in the corner who gave her a reassuring smile.

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