Chapter 20 - All Choked Up.

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Hey everyone! I had writers block, again as usual! So it took me longer than I would have wanted to write and edit this update before I finally published but here it is, I hope you enjoy it! This is based off of an idea that was requested in my last suggestions update from watermelonxx1 of 'Dani's first heartbreak' so thank you to them for the suggestion I hope it doesn't disappoint! :)

"Hey Tom wait up!" Dani said catching up Tom who was coming out of basketball practice on his crutches.

"Hey." Tom said in response but not totally engaged in the conversation.

"So whats up how come you're at basketball practise if you can't play this season." Dani asked as they walked out the school building.

"I wanted to watch the team play, Coach suggested it he said it might make me still feel apart of the team. Lately he's let me help out on the sidelines too so I guess that's something." Tom explained as they leant against the wall outside to talk.

"That's really hey look I was hoping we could hang out, things have been a little weird at school know and with the vigils coming up for Eric and Sophie I just think we should spend a little more time together." Dani said.

"Yeah look about that, I don't think we should go."

"What, why? We talked about this Tom we need to show we cared about them because we did, they were in our grade we knew them they were our friends. I don't care what that group of kids are saying it's not about them."

"Dani, everything is about them! Don't you get it?! We're in high school, where your survival status is based on popularity and at the moment you're the kid whose cop family led a gunman looking for payback into our school and I'm the boyfriend of that girl!" Tom argued.

"Hold up a sec what are you saying? That you're ashamed of me is that it? Because if that's it then just say it Tom!"

"I didn't mean it like that..."

"Then what did you mean?" Dani said more calmly but emotionally holding back the tears in her eyes.

"You know what people think of cops at the moment Dani. You know what reputation they have and what it's like to be related in any way to a cop whilst you're in high school. People were saying stuff to you at school before the shooting and now..."  Tom said calmer not wanting to upset her.

"Exactly! They were saying stuff to me and are still saying stuff to me, this has nothing to do with you. I've been dealing with this since I started high school, this is just another hurdle." Dani countered hardly being able to look at him.

"Its not just a hurdle Dani it's a god damn mountain. That shooter came in here for you, he came in here to kidnap you because of some case your parents had worked on. So the way those guys see it this is on you and because I'm on your side this is on me now too."

"Well maybe I don't want you on my side think I wanted this? Things had just got better, those girls had finally left me alone about Alvin and my parents. I was liking school more and being with you...being with you has been some of the best months of my life. They were my friends Tom, I miss them like everyone else misses them. I didn't even know who that guy was or that he had any interest in coming after me and if I did I wouldn't have come to school and put everyone else at risk come on..."

"Dani I just can't deal with this anymore! You don't get it, I can't play for the rest of the season hell I may not even be able to play properly again because of the way my leg was broken. My chance at a scholarship for college in a couple of years may be gone before I've even had a chance to try out and most of the team won't even speak to me because of those popular kids. I just can't deal with this right now..."

"Well neither can, I trusted you Tommy and...and I thought you more than anyone trusted me enough to stick by me with this..." Dani said walking away the tears finally falling as she let out a few sobs when she was further away from him.

It was still light so Dani's parents had texted her to say she was allowed to walk back to the district. Dani was grateful to have the walk (even though it was pretty short) to try and clear her head and didn't mention anything about the break up over text  to anyone from the 21st including Adam and Kim.

As she walked into the 21st it was one of there rare but less busy days and  Trudy already sensed something was up seeing her face as she walked in. She stopped her as she went to walk past the desk.

"Dani." The sergeant said and gestured for Dani to come over to the desk.

Dani sighed knowing she wasn't going to get away with not talking to Trudy about it so walked to the desk.

"What happened?"

"How d'you know something has happened?"

"Don't get smart with me kid, I've met  three generations of Ruzeks. Your grandfather, your father and now you and you all share the same 'somethings happened' face. Come sit behind here for a sec." Trudy said and tapped a swivel chair behind the front desk where she was standing. "So what's happened?"

"Tom and I broke up...and the whole school thinks that its my fault that, that guy came to the school and shot at us so...if I sat here and said that I'd had a good day...I'd be lying because it really sucked." Dani said trying to wipe the tears away that were slowly rolling down her face.

Trudy nodded and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze."That's tough, but you know it's not your fault right? Dani what happened, its not on you."

Dani just smiled and got up. "I gotta go upstairs otherwise Mom and Dad will wonder where I am. Thanks for the talk Trudy. You're the best." She said and walked towards the stairs.

"Hey I'm here if you wanna talk ok? Don't forget, anytime." Trudy responded kindly.

"Thanks." Dani said and went up the stairs to Intelligence.

"Hey Dani." Atwater said as he saw the kid walk up the stairs.

"Hey Uncle Kev." Dani said, he smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Are Mom and Dad here?" She said and Atwater realised she had been crying.

"They should be back soon they just headed out the back door to go get some coffee, everything ok?" Kevin said putting a hand on her shoulder and looking her in the eyes.

"I don't know."

Thanks for reading and your continued support, I hope you liked this chapter. I will try and update again soon! 💜

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