Chapter 12 - Thin Ice

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Adam was pacing after he received the call from the school about Dani. Kim had gone to pick her up as luckily she was driving by there.

He saw them walking back up the stairs, Kim not looking best pleased and Dani not saying a word, walking in front of her.

"In." Kim said opening the door to the break room. "Go on." Kim encouraged firmly and Dani did as her Mom asked not wanting to argue any more.

"Why did you do it? Huh? Dani after all that's happened and you promised after practicing your Math here the other day you would give this test a go." Adam said in annoyance.

"I just...I can't do it Dad! You don't get it!" Dani said.

"Dani I understand that, but you didn't even try! You cheated, Ruzeks don't cheat Dani!" Adam in a raised, serious tone.

"You wanna tell that to Grandpa? Because I'm pretty sure he's cheated a few people over the years." Dani said sarcastically.

"Dani! Watch your mouth." Kim reminded her.

"I'm not gonna fight you about this Dani you're grounded from now on you're either at home, school or the district no where else." Adam said firmly.

"Dad you can't do that I have a basketball game we've been waiting for it for months, and after I said I was sorry to the Principal and offered to help out with some stuff at school he said I would still be able to play." Dani explained.

"Yeah well I'm not agreeing to anything until I hear from the school that you've completed the rest of your midterms without cheating and believe me I will be calling them." Adam said.

Dani didn't answer her anger level was too high to even form some sort of response that she wasn't going to regret. She took a breath before walking back out of the break room and towards the stairs.

"Dani I mean it, you go any further than the vending machine downstairs without permission then you can wave goodbye to any basketball or field trips that aren't mandatory for the rest of freshman and sophomore year." Adam threatened.

"Guess it's good I'm just going to the vending machine then." Dani huffed sarcastically.

Adam looked frustrated and was about to respond when Kim touched his arm comfortingly before he could say anything.

"Adam." She interrupted letting her hand linger on his arm to distract him from responding. "Just leave her babe. You know her emotions have been a little all over the place lately and she has a short fuse. Dr Charles has been working on it with her." Kim said.

"That's a good point you think we should call him about what happened today? Give him a heads up?" Adam suggested falling tiredly back onto the break room couch after the conversation with Dani.

"Yeah I'll call him." Kim said and went towards her desk.

"And Dani?" Adam said.

"Just leave her alone for a little while. She needs a little space to cool off." Kim said before walking to take the call.

Downstairs at the vending machine.

Dani was knocking the vending machine with her fist trying to get her snack to fall to the bottom.

"Dani cut it out. You trying to destroy the place now? Knock it off and come over here." Voight said in his gruff tone but calmly at the same time, from a little farther on down the hall.

"Sorry Sergeant." Dani said less strongly and more ashamed of her behaviour.

"What's going on with you huh?" Voight said compassionately in response.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Dani lied.

"Dani you think I really care about one of the many vending machines in Chicago? I don't I care about what's going on with you. I've worked with your parents for a while now and I've never seen them more worried about anything than whats worrying you." Voight said.

"I don't want them to worry. It's just sometimes I feel like there sitting there, listening but they never really hear me." Dani said.

"Take a seat down here for a minute." Voight said and they sat on a stair case on their way back down.

"Dani sometimes it's so hard to be a parent and know whats right all the time. Your parents they're under a lot of pressure with work and your Mom having just had surgery. You guys have not had such a great time of it lately, but now you gotta trust them and be patient and understanding  and everything will figure things out." Voight explained.

"I guess I can try." Dani said in response.

"Alright." Voight said with a smile and lightly patted her on the back.

"Dani, let's go we're heading out somewhere we'll be back soon." Adam said leaning around the corner of the wall in the hall.

"Alright thanks Sarge." Dani said and followed her Father out of the district.

"Where we headed Dad?" Dani asked and walked down the stairs out of the district.

Adam paused before talking knowing she wouldn't be happy with the answer "Chicago med to see Dr Charles." He said and continued walking to the car.

"What? I have regular appointments with Dr Charles I made a mistake Dad I don't need to go see my shrink for it!" Dani yelled.

"Get in the car Dani I'm not going to ask you again. You wanna fight me you can spend a night in holding it's up to you." Adam said.

"I can't believe you." Dani said emotionally and got into the car furious with Adam, tears in her eyes.

"Adam! Are you serious don't you think the holding cell threats were a bit too far?" Kim said looking a little annoyed.

"She's falling off of the wagon Kim. Can't you see that? We're losing her? We've seen what affect the streets have on kids like her, with an attitude. Kids that have lost themselves. She's vulnerable." Adam said, looking a little guilty for what he had said.

"She's our daughter Adam she's scared and she's going through a lot. This isn't about us or whatever fears we may have. When we had Dani we promised we would never bring cases home with us when it came to her. She is not one of our cases Adam." Kim said and got into the car.

Once they were all in the car Adam turned to apologise to Dani but she ignored him and continued to stare out of the window. Kim tried to get her to accept Adam's apology but she ignored her Mom too.

"Ok Dani we're here honey let's go." Kim said when Dani was hesitant to get out of the car.

"I'm not going its not our appointment time! I'm not crazy" Dani yelled.

"Dani it's just so you can calm down a little and talk things out with someone that's all." Kim said not knowing what else to say.

"Dani come on kid, come on out of there." Adam said getting stressed out and stepping away for a second whilst Kim tried to convice Dani to go in.

"Hey man is everything ok can I help?" Will said walking up to Adam who had just stepped away from his car a little.

"Hey Will, its all good we're just trying to get Dani to go to her appointment with Dr Charles that's all she's not had such a good couple of days." Adam said.

"Hey let me take a run at it you guys go get a coffee I'll have her out of here and into Dr Charles' office in a few minutes and I'll leave your keys at the nurses station." Will said.

"You sure, you guys must be busy I wouldn't wanna put that on you." Adam said.

"Nah that's ok I'm taking my lunch and all my patients are stable so, my pagers on, go on." Will said kindly.

Adam patted him on the shoulder gratefully, "Thanks Will. I owe you." Adam said and called Kim over seeing that she didn't know what else to say either.

Will walked over to the car and ducked his head in.

"Hey kid wanna tell me what's going on?"

Will Dr Halstead be able to get her to go in? Hope you enjoyed this chapter, will update soon! Thanks for reading :) EQ

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