Chapter 16 (3/3) Through Our Veins.

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Adam was beyond mad and fearful for his daughter's life, but he put his emotions aside much like he did everyday to deal with the situation. He wanted to find out which son of a bitch drugged his kid.

"Mr Ruzek, I'm so sorry. We had no idea that he'd put it in her drink until after we passed out..." Chlo said nervously as Adam got out his car and ran towards the gurney being pushed out the house by Gabby and Brett, Kim close behind him.

"Chlo you don't need to apologise its not your fault. D'you know who did this?" Adam asked quickly referring to what she had said before.

They quickly moved onto a different topic when they met the gurney heading towards the rig.

"Hey guys don't panic she's gonna be ok we've just gotta get her to med. She's stable." Gabby said.

"I'm sorry Mom, for going to the party. Letting this happen." Dani said weakly after just having regained consciousness for a minute or so.

"Dani honey, what are we going to do with you huh?" Kim said with a sympathetic smile, brushing her hair out of her face. She was just glad her daughter was ok.

"You go I'll take the car." Adam said and turned to Chlo and Cassie. "Cassie go inside and go tell the kid whose party it is that if they don't shut this down now the cops will be crawling all over this place in less than ten minutes." Adam said and Cassie nodded going straight inside to find Ashton who she knew was already trying to send people home anyway at this point.

"Tell me exactly what happened here?" Adam said to Chlo firmly and Chlo nodded immediately explaining summarising it as much as she could.

"Dani was at the drinks table and this guy kept trying to touch her, he was drunk not like that's an excuse but it definitely made him worse. She told him once to stop and then he tried it again so she bent his arm backwards and pushed him to the floor." Chlo started to explain.

Adam was glad his daughter had tried to defend herself but quickly wanted to know what had happened next."Ok then what happened?"

"Tom another one of our friends, well him and Dani have kinda got close. He didn't wanna get in the way he's on the porch." Chlo said raised her hand in the air to Tom. Who acknowledged her back.

"When he saw Dani trying to restrain that guy he knew something was up, he came over they fought. Then him and the other guys told him to get out. As he was leaving he made a point that he wanted to take his drink we didn't realise till after what he had done to Dani's whilst he was near the table." Chlo said ending her summary of what had gone on.

Adam raised his hand up, acknowledging Tom and then gestured for him to come over towards them.

"You're Tom right?" Ruzek said poker faced not wanting to seem too soft, but not wanting to be a jerk to the kid that helped his daughter at the same time.

"Yes Sir, Tommy Bradley. Most people do just call me Tom." Tom said and shook Adam's hand politely.

"Look Tom I've already been here five minutes too many. I should be on my way to Chicago Med right now. I know you care about my daughter a great deal so you wanna ride?" Adam offered.

"I do care about her a lot and that would be great thank you Mr Ruzek." Tom said genuinely in response.

"Come on we gotta go." Adam said and he Tom and Chlo went to get into his car.

Cassie rushed back out of the house. "Some of the seniors they said they knew him and that everyone thinks he's jerk, his name's Kyle Essen." She said.

"Alright let's get to med." Adam said and they all got in the car and drove to med.

Kim, Dani and Ambo 61 got to med a few minutes before Adam and the other kids. Gabby and Brett pushing the gurney through the ER doors. Will was writing in charts at the nurses station and immediately saw Kim walking by a gurney looking worried. He then looked down and noticed Dani barely conscious lying on the gurney.

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