Chapter 18 - Not The Only One

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Hi everyone sorry it took so long for me to update but here's your chapter 18. This was based off ideas I was given by Ki4pak and TheTealWriter. Kidnapping idea continued recommended by TheTealWriter and so did the Dani's high school shooting idea recommended by Ki4pak and I'll mention the last idea that was recommended at the end so there's no spoilers! Hope you enjoy this chapter thanks for reading!

Warning: Mature themes

The last thing Dani remembered was fighting with a guy who had a gun in his hand. She heard shots when she was in the hall, talking to Tom they tried to hide but were too close to the doors. Seconds later, they were stood right up against the wall next to the lockers Tom had his hand over Dani's mouth holding her close to him.

Dani gripped Tom's hand, her grip got tighter when they realised the shooter was getting closer and there was nothing they could do about it.

"You. Get away from her, now. Now!" The shooter yelled.

"Not a chance." Tom said confidently in response.

"Move otherwise I'll put a bullet in your head right now!" The man said as Tom stood where he was.

"Tom please, just give him what he wants. It's not worth it. We'll just move a little ok? Just a little. Us hiding like this he can't see we haven't got weapons of our own. Let's move out, a little. Come on!" Dani encouraged trying to get the guy to move the gun away from Tom's head.

She struggled out of her boyfriend's grip and went out into the middle of the hall holding her hands up in the air trying to act confident, but shaking a little in fear.

"That's better now walk that way. Go!" The shooter yelled. Simultaneously Tom ran to get Dani back and the man pushed him to the ground, hitting him with his gun and shooting him in the leg quickly as more people were coming.

He dragged Dani out a side door and she saw a van so screamed and tried to fight him off.

"You're not taking me anywhere you son of a bitch." Dani said and managed to jab the man's side hard with her elbow.

This was when he responded by dragging her back from trying to run away and hitting her with his gun. He then put her in the back of his van and began to drive away.

As Dani continued to wake up her eyes found focus and she saw a pair of sneakers out of the corner of her eye. When she looked up a bit more she then saw the rest of the body attached to them. A young girl, who couldn't have been more than 10 years old, or if she was she was small for her age.

The girl looked scared, Dani had never seen a kid so scared. She saw Dani looking at her and backed away as far as she could until she hit the wall of the van.

"Hey, hey...its ok. I'm not gonna hurt ya." Dani reassured and the girl looked back at her but still seemed a little unsure. "I'm Dani. I wanna figure out a way to get out of here what do you think? That a good idea?" Dani said touching her head, realising there was blood near her eyebrow and forehead from where their capteur had hit her with the gun.

The smaller kid nodded not wanting to speak but noticing some blood coming from the near the teen's eyebrow. Instead of speaking she put her hand on her own face in the same place where the cut was on Dani's and tap it a few times, looking her.

"Oh...its ok. Don't worry, I'll be alright. Let's just figure out a way to get outta here alright? What's your name?" Dani said and the girl tapped on the floor of the van, getting Dani's attention and then traced letters slowly, on the floor using her finger.

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