Chapter 1- The fight.

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Dani Ruzek was walking down the halls towards her locker at Kaufman High school, when a couple of kids from her class spoke loudly in an effort to make fun of her.

"Hey Callie, d'ya hear about that Cop that got killed out of the 21st?" Marissa started.

"Uh...yeah I guess." Callie, one of the least confident of the group said. She used to be friends with Dani until she had a rough time at home and suddenly changed all of her friends and personality.

Dani could tell she felt kind of guilty but she had spent the last few months being friends with the girl who made her life a misery so she couldn't see any way back.

"Well I heard that some cops in that station really messed up. And apparently the same stupid cop that got killed had a daughter who got killed a few months before. Guess it runs in family huh." Marissa continued to taunt.

"Shut your mouth Marissa you don't know anything about it!" Dani said raising her voice a little.

"Really, cause my Dad's a lawyer and by what he was saying the 21st district screwed up especially The Intelligence Unit. Couldn't get him out quick enough huh?" Marissa said moving closer to Dani who slammed her locker shut.

"Just stop talking about things you don't have any idea about and leave me alone ok!" Dani said and walked away emotionally, with tears rolling down her face as she walked away.

"Aw she's crying." Marissa mocked.

"Come on Marissa that's enough. You've had your fun let's go to class yeah?" Callie encouraged.

"Shut up Callie." Marissa said sharply, turning around to her friend. "Go on, I know you wanna hit me. Do it." She said turning back to Dani.

"I don't hit people." Dani said stopping in the hall. "Believe me you would be the first person I would hit if I did.

"Don't be a coward Ruzek come on." Marissa said and grabbed her backpack off of her. "Let's see what's in this huh?" Marissa said opening the backpack and emptying the contents on the ground.

"Ok that's enough." Dani said moving closer to her to try and grab her backpack.

Before she could reach the backpack Marissa pushed her forcefully into the lockers. Dani was still kind of small compared to Marissa she struggled staying up and hit the lockers hard, her face coming into contact with the side of another open locker.

Dani lay on the floor bruised and still for a few seconds, holding her hand on her left eye and left side of the face that had been thrown against an open locker.

"Next time don't be such a coward like your parents huh?" Marissa said about to leave her laying on the floor when Dani suddenly got up pushed Marissa over and hit her on the ground.

"Don't talk about my parents or family like that ever again you self-entitled brat." Dani yelled about to hit her again when Donna Boden came out of her class and rushed towards a clearly upset Dani holding down and threatening to punch another girl. She recognised her as Marissa Johnson someone who was known as a school bully.

"Dani! Dani stop that right now. Come on cut it out, break it up girls." Mrs Boden said grabbing onto the back of the girls upper arms and pulling her off of the other kid.

"Miss she just attacked me. I had to defend myself." Marissa quickly added noting the fact that fresh bruises were starting to come out on Dani's face from when she threw her into the lockers.

"She's a liar!" Dani yelled still with tears in her eyes and lunged closer to Marissa. Mrs Boden put an arm in front to stop her.

"Alright that's enough, stay there Dani." Mrs Boden warned and quickly grabbed a pen and post-it, leaning into the door of a nearby office. "Marissa take this go sit outside the Principal's office. Callie go back to class right now." Mrs Boden ordered ripping off the post-it and giving it to Marissa.

"How about her? You came in to her punching me." Marissa exclaimed.

"Yes and that's why I want to talk to her about it, so go down to the Principal's office and tell him that Dani and I will be down there in ten minutes maximum. Got it?" Mrs Boden said in a more frank and authoratitive tone.

"Ok." Marissa sighed and walked towards the Principal's office sending a glare in Dani's direction before she did so.

Dani was on her knees on the floor collecting her belongings that had been emptied and putting them back in her bag when Marissa was leaving.

As soon as Mrs Boden was done dealing with Marissa she helped.

"She do this?" Mrs Boden asked, crouched next to Dani.

"Yeah. Thanks." Dani said as she was passed a few items of her belongings by the teacher.

"She do that too?" Mrs Boden questioned gesturing to the left side of her face particularly the top of her cheek and eye which was looking really bruised and a little swollen.

"Yes Ma'am." Dani responded a little more emotional. "I...I didn't mean to hit her. I swear. She just won't leave me alone and I can't take it anymore. Al and Lexi are dead and her and her friends just laugh about it, about them. It's so messed up." Dani explained.

"I heard about Detective Olinsky, I'm sorry I know you and your parents were really close to him." Donna said in response.

"Al was my godfather and looked out for me all the time, like the rest of Intelligence do. Lexi and Meredith came with me, Mom and Erin to pick out a dress for my junior high prom and Lexi's senior prom in high school." Dani said.

"That must have been real nice." Mrs Boden said comfortingly and the Freshman girl nodded still clearly upset.

"Come on. We gotta go down to the Principal's office, we got new cameras up they'll be able to get the footage and they'll see exactly what happened ok?" Donna said getting back up.

"Alright." Dani said in agreement and walked towards the Principal's office with the teacher.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed the first chapter will update as soon as I can :)

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