Chapter 15 - (2/3) The Party

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"Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't mean to crash into you I tripped..." Dani said stuttering over what she was going to say. Tommy smiled in response.

"It's cool. It's fine, really." Tommy said reassuringly.

"Hey can I get you another drink at least." Dani said noticing she had caused him to spill a lot of his drink too.

"Sure uh I'll just get a coke though. Designated driver." He said with a friendly smile, shrugging.

"Ok, me too I'm clumsy enough as it is and I'm not even drunk so I think adding too much alcohol to the mix, will just mean we lose more drinks." Dani said and Tom laughed a little.

"Yeah, yeah I guess we might." He said in response.

Dani got the cokes and they talked for a while until they got to the elephant in the room.

"So uh that kiss before. I just wanted to say it was real nice...i mean uh I liked it...oh my god." He said a little embarrassed rubbing his forehead with his hand at him awkwardly stumbling over his words.

"It's cool Tom just...take your time." Dani said with a chuckle.

"Yeah well I guess we were both a little speechless. Look I just wanted to say it was real nice but I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable cause it lasted a little long or you didn't want it or...cause I wouldn't want to do anything you didn't wanna do you know..." Tom waffled a little still unsure how to put it.

"Hey..." Dani interrupted and kissed him again, on her own terms this time not part of a game. "It's cool I liked it too and I like talking to you and hanging out at school, sitting by you in class...i just..."

"Didn't know how to put it, neither did I. But I'm glad you just did what you did." Tom said. "You wanna go out sometime. Like for a burger or pizza or something, maybe hit Navy Pier?" He asked.

"That sounds really cool." Dani said with a smile.

"Great..." Tom said with a bigger smile in response.

"Hey Tom wanna play or what?" One of the other boys said from outside near the pool.

"Yeah man I'm coming out now." Tommy answered. "Hey you mind? I said I'd play volleyball in the pool with the other guys you wanna play or watch or..."

"It's fine Tom go have a game I'll be out in a sec I'm just gonna talk to the girls and have another drink and I'll come watch." Dani said.

"Ok" He repeated smiling as he walked backwards a little and then ran towards the pool.

"Hey how did it go you guys have been talking for hours." Cassie said with a hopeful smile.

"Great he's so sweet he's gonna play volleyball with Ashton and Sam and some of the others. I thought I'd come over here for a while." Dani said.

"Sure we wanna hear all about it!" Chlo said.

They talked for a while and then as Dani was getting another coke a guy came over and got a little too close to her.

"Hey baby wanna dance, I got some moves." He said putting his hand on her waist.

"I'm good, thanks. Take your hands off of me." Dani warned sternly and removed the guys hand. She continued to make her drink ignoring him. He wasn't someone she recognised at all.

"He look you don't have to be so uptight I only wanted to have a little fun. God girls have got so dramatic all of a sudden." He said and put his hand on her butt. This was too far for Dani and she took hold of the guys arm. "I said get off of me." She repeated and twisted his arm behind his back forcefully, holding him down with her other hand.

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