Chapter 4 - Genetics

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Hi everyone after re-reading this chapter a couple of times I noticed some of it was a little out of place so sorry about that, I have edited it slightly and now it should make a little more sense. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! :-)

After some time in the break room, Dani had gone downstairs in the district to sit with Trudy for a little while, whilst Kim and Adam were working on a case.

"Honey, we made a list of some pizzas add whatever you want, take this cash and order in ok?" Kim said walking to the front desk and handing Dani the cash and the take out menu.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by Marissa, the kid that had been bullying Dani and her Mom storming into the district.

"That's her Mom, that's the little bitch that punched me." The girl said and Kim looked at her and her Mom, appalled.

"Dawson, send Adam and Voight down here." Trudy said discretely on the phone to upstairs whilst they argued.

"Are you seriously going to let her talk to my daughter like that?" Kim asked the other girl's Mom, who just ignored the question from Kim and instead changed the subject.

"It's fine Mom, leave it." Dani said reassuringly to Kim who just looked at her daughter seeing that she really meant it.

"You heard her. Keep that daughter of yours away from mine look what she did to Marissa's face." The Mom complained referring to her daughter's comment before. "She does pageants."

"Guess she shouldn't mess her hands up either then." Burgess said frankly.

"What?" The Mom said confused.

"Look at your daughter's knuckles." Marissa's Mom looked down at her daughter's bruised hands as Burgess had indicated. "Yeah she did that when she hit MY daughter's face." Burgess said and Marissa's Mom was about to continue the argument just as Voight and Adam walked downstairs.

"Kim is everything ok?" Voight asked interrupting the argument.

"Are you ok honey?" Adam asked his daughter looking at the Mother and Marissa still stood in the district close to Dani.

Dani just nodded reassuringly in response.

"Ma'am its's time for you to take your daughter home and teach her a lesson about respecting other people." Voight said ushering them away.

"Mrs Johnson, like the Principal said the suspension stands for a week and he wants an apology letter written by both girls to each other. If the letters aren't written by either Marissa or Dani they won't be able to return to school. It's a pretty simple request. Kim added, repeating what she had heard the Principal say.

"Yeah they said they'd try and find out more about what happened when the girls returned to school." Adam said.

"This is completely unacceptable." The Mother huffed in annoyance.

"You think that's unacceptable because you know, Marissa has caused the most damage here. Its on video and the evidence is on my daughters face." Kim said.

"and from when she goes back to school if you cause any more trouble, Dani will be telling them everything you do because she's not afraid, she has everyone in this district behind her." Trudy added.

"Well that's all very sweet but I want her arrested for assaulting my daughter." Marissa's Mom continued.

"You want her arrested?" Voight clarified and Marissa's Mom nodded.

"Fine, Detective Halstead! Voight called to Jay as he was making his way downstairs to get a file off of Platt.

"Sarge, is everything ok?" Jay asked and Voight nodded giving him a 'trust me' look.

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