Chapter 7 - No Surrender

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This chapter is based on a suggestion given by fanficlover231. Hope you enjoy it!

It had been two weeks since Dani's accident and she was spiraling out of control.

She had made her parents think she was attending therapy at med when Adam dropped her off there for her last two sessions when she really wasn't.

What was previously a kid that was willing to attend therapy and to try and figure things out had soon changed and became a mix of emotions that mostly just included anger or fear.

"Hey kid how was it?" Adam said picking Dani up from her recent what he thought was a therapy session where really she would go to a coffee shop a block away and walk back before he noticed.

"I don't know, ok I guess." Dani said and shrugged. For the rest of the journey she hardly spoke to Adam and eventually he spoke up.

"You're quiet again you wanna talk to me about something?" Adam asked pulling into their drive and turning the engine off.

"Dad why do you and Mom wanna talk all of a sudden?! All you wanna do is talk you never used to. We hardly even had time to talk before and now your all over me." Dani said frustrated.

"Come on Dani that's not fair you know how much we love you. We're just trying to figure things out honey it's been a tough few months." Adam responded in a serious but fair tone.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?! Huh?! I'm trying to figure things out everyday! Why that son of a bitch killed Al and why lexi was killed in that fire, why everyone hates me, why I can't go to school anymore without someone making fun of my family and me hitting them or them hitting me. I used to be smart and stood a chance at a future but now I'll be lucky to even graduate from high school and why that ass hole hit me with their car and left me in the middle of the road." Dani said looking directly at Adam the frustration still in her eyes.

"Honey are you working through this in therapy?" Adam asked.

"I haven't been to the damn therapy Dad!" Dani impulsively yelled back.

"What?" Adam said seeming a little confused and annoyed. "So where have you been going when I dropped you off for the therapy?" Adam asked

"The Coffee Club." Dani admitted a little more quietly.

"That coffee house a block or so away from med?" Adam questioned.

"Yeah." Dani confirmed.

"How about the psychiatrist at med how come they didn't contact us to tell us you hadn't been to therapy?" Adam said.

"They probably would've eventually. It was only meant to have been my second session this week. The first week I called before and said I was sick. For this week I said I had a tuition session with one of my teachers before midterms next week. I said I couldn't miss it." Dani explained.

"You're suspended." Adam indicated.

"I said it was online, for homeschool." Dani clarified.

Adam sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Dani this, this isn't ok if you weren't ready for therapy you should have talked to your Mom and I about it not lied." Adam said.

"Yeah and you seriously would have been cool with that? And Mom, she would have been cool with that?" Dani yelled.

"Dani we just want you to feel better." Adam said calmly in response.

"Don't you get it Dad? I'm never gonna feel better. I'm mad all the time, everyone hates me and sometimes not trying at all hurts a whole lot less than trying and failing." Dani said and immediately limped out of the car, grabbing her crutches and backpack as fast as she could and slamming the door behind her.

Adam took a second to process the conversation they had just had and then quickly followed Dani back into the house.

"Dani we're not done talking about this!" He said raising his voice slightly, seeing her reach the top of the stairs to go to her room.

"What happened? Therapy not go well?" Kim asked having just witnessed Dani storming in the house as fast as she could on the crutches and Adam come in after her looking stressed out.

"Therapy didn't happen. She hasn't been going." Adam explained

"What, how? We've dropped her off every week so far." Kim said a little confused.

"I've been giving her the benefit of the doubt and treating her like a kid her age, letting her go in herself I thought she was more than capable. Plus she was all for therapy to begin with, she wanted to feel better." Adam said.

"So what she hasn't been going in?" Kim asked and Adam shook his head.

"No she's been going into Med until I pull away and then walking a block to that coffee house not far from there." Adam said.

"You're kidding right? Seriously? Why didn't she just tell us. Danielle get down here or your grounded indefinitely!" Kim called and Dani came to the top of the stairs in the view of both her parents.

"I already told Dad why I didn't go Mom." Dani said.

"Well now you're going to tell me." Kim said firmly.

"Whats the point of doing something I know isn't going to work out." Dani stated.

"How do you know that it isn't going to work out Dani, you've never been to therapy before honey it could help you." Kim said more reassuringly trying to boost the kid's confidence a little.

"I know what therapy is like Mom, I practically lived in the guidance counsellors office after they found out Al and Lexi had died and after I got suspended. That guidance counsellor at school made a living out of psychoanalysing me." Dani said frankly.

"This is different Dani, Dr Charles is not a school guidance counsellor he has a lot of experience in these areas and I'm sure he and the doctors that work with him could really help make things easier for you." Kim said.

Dani just shook her head and went back to her room.

"I'm gonna make a call. Don't worry we'll get this all figured out." Adam said and made his phone call.

Who's Adam gonna call? Find out in the next chapter that will be out soon. Hope you enjoy this chapter! As I mentioned at the top it was created based on a suggestion from one of my readers. Thanks for reading! :)

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