Chapter 14 - (1/3) Freedom!

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These next three chapters may contain mature language and themes. The plot for the next three chapters was based off of a suggestion given to me by TheTealWriter. I hope you enjoy reading it, thanks for all your continued support and thanks for reading :) EQ

"No." Adam said strongly for at least the fifth time that day.

"Please Dad I really wanna go! Chlo's and some of the other girls at school have been talking about it for months it's gonna be the coolest and I can't miss it!" Dani begged enthusiastically.

"You've just finished being grounded and I don't even know this girl do you seriously think I'm going to let you go over to her house for an all night Halloween party?" Adam said.

"Dad please, I never get invited to parties." Dani said and smiled hopefully.

"I'm sorry Dani, but there's just too much that's been going on lately. I want you to focus on your school work and keeping out of trouble for a while ok? You can still hang out with Chlo after school for a while if you want to." Adam said.

"Your Father's right honey, we're sorry but it's just not a good idea at the moment. Wait for the dust to settle a little more. You want a ride back home from Chlo's later after school?" Kim asked.

"No thanks, there's no point of going they'll just be talking about it the whole time. I'll look like a freak." Dani said and picked up her backpack.

"You taking the bus to school today?" Kim said and Dani nodded before saying goodbye and leaving for school.

Hours later Dani was sat in her room after school finishing her homework. When Kim knocked on the door.

"Hey honey how was school today?" Kim asked walking through Dani's room and sitting on the edge of her daughter's bed.

"Not so bad I guess. I got an A in my Of Mice and Men essay in American Literature so that was pretty cool, everyone kept going on about the party though." Dani said, sat at her desk finishing her homework.

"All in good time sweetie, they'll be other parties, just not this one. Your trying to keep out of any chaos at the moment as much as you can." Kim reminded and Dani nodded.

"Sure thanks Mom." Dani said.

"Ok baby, goodnight. Sleep well honey." Kim said. Dani waited for the sound of both Adam and Kim entering their room and shutting the door before she looked at her text messages and contemplated sneaking out.

Chlo: 'You still need a ride to the party Dans? We can be outside in an hour?'

Dani: 'I don't know, and whose car btw?'

Chlo: 'Tommy's'

Dani: 'As long as it's not Mitchell's again he nearly killed us last time.'

Chlo: 'And your Dad nearly killed you 😂.

Dani: ' Exactly I'm not sure Chlo my Dad was pretty certain I wasn't going and him and my Mom will go mad if they find out I went when they told me not too. I've just finished being grounded...'

Chlo: 'Come on Dani say your coming we never get invited to any of these parties. It will be awesome, besides Cassie is going and we're are making things up right?'

Dani thought for a second. Cassie apologised to her after saying she missed being friends and she cut all the ties she had with Marissa. They all wanted to hang out again.

Dani: 'Alright, it is gonna be great, I can't miss it. I'll see you in an hour.'

Dani put on light make up with a dark grey cropped tee that shimmered slightly and some black ripped jeans. She went over to her closet and pulled out a denim jacket that had a fluffy sherpa collar and that stopped just before the waist and put on some brown ankle boots.

Ready, she quietly crept downstairs and left through the window in the kitchen so her parents couldn't hear the door closing on her way out. A sigh of relief left her, when she realised she had made it out undetected.

She ran over to Tommy's car where she saw him driving and Chlo and two other kids she didn't know one riding in the back with Chlo and another in the passenger.

"Hey girl we're so glad you came! We thought you weren't coming for a second there." Chlo said and Dani smiled climbing into the spare seat in the back of the car.

"Yeah well I thought it would be fun and my parents are asleep so I'll be back before they even know about it." Dani said.

"Great, know Tom." Chlo started.

"Yeah thanks for the ride Tom." Dani said.

"It's cool, we were driving by too so it's all good." Tommy said in response with a smile.

"This is Sam and Isla, Sam's a Senior and Isla's a junior. They live a block away from Tommy so he agreed to give them a ride too." Chlo explained. "This is Dani, she's a freshman too."

"Hey." Dani said and the others responded with a "Hey" each smiling at Dani.

A few minutes later they were at the house. Dani and Chlo got out together with Tommy whilst Sam and Isla made their way to the other side of the house to meet their own friends.

"See you later bro." Tommy said briefly 'bro hand shaking' Sam and catching up with the girls.

"You know him well?" Dani asked.

"We played in the same basketball team for a while when we were younger but apart from that. Just from school and around the neighbourhood." Tommy answered walking into the house.

They danced for a while, people were fooling around in Ashton's pool throwing each other in and then started to play volleyball.

They played some drinking games like spin the bottle. Dani ended up kissing Tommy which was really embarrassing because she actually really liked him. When they broke from the kiss they both stared at each other for while after with smiles on their faces, that lasted a little too long.

"Chlo, Cass you wanna take five, get a drink." Dani suggested to her friends.

"Sure." Chlo said and her and Cass followed her over to the table in the corner.

"O.M.G. You basically just made out with Tommy Bradley in front of most of the school." Chlo said excitedly making Dani's face turn a shade of red, a little embarrassed.

"I did not, it just...lasted a little too long for a spin the bottle kiss that's all." Dani said laughing a little trying to defend herself.

"You like him though right? Come on Dani your stunning and the way he looked at you. Say you like him?" Cassie said looking hopefully at Dani.

"Yeah obviously he's hot and he's a nice guy, but he's never gonna get with someone like me." Dani said.

"Hey don't put yourself down. Besides how do you know unless you try right?" Chlo said encouragingly and pushed her in the direction of Tommy who was walking past and looking the other way.

Dani stood up but then stumbled over her own foot and bumped into him with her drink in her hand.

"Damn it what am I gonna say now!" She thought to herself as Tom turned around looking a little startled.

How will she explain this one? Hope you've enjoyed this chapter it's part of a 3 part section of this story and is based off a recommendation by a user I mentioned earlier. The next chapter is available right now, check it out. Thanks for reading :) EQ

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