Chapter 5 - Hit And Run (Part 1/2)

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The plot/storyline for this chapter which will also continue in the form of a part two in the next chapter, was recommended by OneChicago2020

"Dani we're gonna be late honey are you ready?" Kim prompted as they were trying to leave home in time for school.

"Alright I'm coming." Dani sighed.

"It might not be as bad as you think kid. Just try and start over see what happens." Adam said encouragingly

"You're Father's right baby." Kim said and put a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"Ok whatever, I guess I could give it another go." Dani said and just walked out.

Kim just looked at Adam with a sympathetic look for Dani which he also shared and shrugged before quickly, hugging and kissing him goodbye.

At the school

"Bye sweetie, have a good day." Kim said.

"Thanks Mom you too. Be safe." Dani said and hugged her Mom briefly before getting out of the car.

"Hey Dan." Chloe, one Of Dani's friends said as she stepped out of her Mom's car.

"Hey Chlo." Dani responded walking towards her.

"Ruzek!" A familiar voice called from across the school yard to Dani.

"Hey Marissa how lovely it is to see your face again." Dani said sarcastically.

"Yeah whatever, you should make the most out of hugging your Mom. The rate your teams going Mommy and Daddy will be dead by next week." Marissa said and Dani started walking towards her really quickly.

"Say that again!" Dani yelled.

"Dani stop!" Chloe said going after her. "She's not worth it come on." She continued and pulled her by her arm away from Marissa and into the school building.

"She...she just won't leave me alone. I can't stand it! And I'm sorry Chlo but, i'm not staying!" Dani said and shrugged Chloe off before walking back out the school.

"Dan!" Chloe called hopelessly after her, as she was walked out.

"Luke I want that assignment on my desk at recess." Mrs Boden was saying to one of her students in the hall as Dani was walking out towards the front entrance of the school looking upset.

"Alright you can go back to class. Tell them I'll be back in in a second." Donna said before leaving the door of the classroom open and asking another teacher to keep an eye on her class.

She quickly followed Dani out of the school entrance and outside.

"Dani what's going on? What's happened?" Mrs Boden asked concerned about Dani.

"I'm going home! I'm not staying here!" Dani yelled emotionally in response.

"Dani I know that it seems like that's what you want to do right now, but just relax for a second ok. Sit down and think it over, you're a good kid Dani you could graduate from here in a few years you can't get off to a bad start. Look I can't force you to stay here, but give it another go just for a couple of classes until lunch. If you still want to go I'll call someone and explain the situation myself to them before they come and pick you up." Donna said calmly.

"OK I guess that would work." Dani said quietly and slowly trudged back into the school.

"Alright good." Donna said and also returned back into the building.

All had gone well so far. Dani had kept up her end of the deal till lunch like she agreed and was now thinking of staying for the whole day. She'd brushed off the majority of comments from Marissa and her friends and was laughing at something Chlo said when she was suddenly pushed into a locker.

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