Chapter 31

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Austria's P.O.V.

I want to die.

First Germany drags me to a stinky pawn shop to meet some homeless douchebag, and it turns out that douchebag thinks I'm the hottest chick he's ever met. Just my freaking luck.
And THEN it turns out the douchebag likes to make moves. All the others just laugh at me.
Oh yeah, and we got lost in the middle of nowhere with our car broken down. Did I mention that?

Germany is standing outside, tapping his foot impatiently. He glances at his phone.  "Russland, Verdammt," he mutters. A scarf waves in the breeze on his neck.
I shuffle a little closer, eyeing Hungary warily. He's looking around at the surrounding forest. But when he sees me looking at him, he winks. I make a disgusted face, turning my head to look away.

Lithuania gasps. "A squirrel! Look, Slovakia!" He points frantically to a clump of bushes.

"Baby, that's a rabbit." She says.


Suddenly, A car appears on the horizon. A red truck, to be exact. I tap Germany, making him look up. He laughs with relief. "Thank Gott."
The truck pulls up next to us and rolls the window down. It's Russia, low and behold.

"Hey," he says, leaning out of the window. "You called?"
Germany nodded. "Yeah. My car broke down and we're trying to get to Canada's house. Can you give us a lift?"
Russia gave him a "are you serious" look. "No."

Germany frowned. "O-Oh."
Russia broke out into a laugh. "Of courrrse you can, comrrrrade," He declared, putting extra emphasis on his r's. Germany smiled nervously.
I put my hand on my hip. "Are we gonna get in the car or just play pretend all day?"
Russia stepped out, closing the truck door behind him. Suddenly he towered over everyone, engulfing me in his shadow.

"I have to clean some stuff out first," he said, opening the back door and shuffling some things around. Germany turned to me. "Well who's going to watch the car? We can't just leave it out here."
"Says who?" Slovakia said. "It's not like anyone wants to steal this old thing."

Germany and I gasped simultaneously. "Was?!??"
Lithuania laughed. "You two really are like brother and sister."

I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't say that, more like best friends."
Hungary suddenly appeared next to me, and I flinched away. "Maybe we can be best friends, huh sweetie?" he said. I made a gagging noise. "Ew, no thanks."

Russia leaned out of the car, dusting off his hands. "Should be good now."
He glanced between me and Hungary with a confused look. "You, yes?"
I dropped my jaw, Germany trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. Hungary grinned. "Yes, yes we are."
"WHAT," I demanded, whipping to face the smug country. "I would never even begin to THINK of dating an asshole like you!"
"It's ok Österreich (Austria)," Germany said with a snicker. "You can trust Russia with your secret." I clenched my teeth so hard I could taste blood.
Russia held up his right hand. "I won't tell a soul."

"Move over!" I said, pushing the Russian out of my way. I climbed in, slamming the door. The group all started laughing. Russia said something to Germany, then got in the car. The other walked to the passenger side, and also climbed in the seat.
Hungary slid next to me, and Lithuania and Slovakia got in on the right side. Slovakia had to sit on her boyfriend's lap.
I groaned. Of course Hungary sat next to me. Why would I ever think otherwise.

Russia started up his truck. "I've called a friend who works at a tow service to pick up the car. He said he'll be over in 10 minutes or so."
"Who is it?" Germany asked, playing with the ends of his scarf.
"Serbia. He owes me for when I dug him out of his house in a freak snowstorm."
"Oh, that's my cousin," Slovakia said. Lithuania looked surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah. So is Slovenia. Although we kinda lost touch after his mom—my aunt—died."
"Aw, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. It happened a long time ago."

"We should probably get going. It's ok if Serbia picks it up, but we have to get going." Germany said.
Russia nodded, pulling back on to the road and driving swiftly up north. It began to snow before long.

I leaned against the window, closing my eyes. A nap would be good right about now.
Suddenly, a weight appeared on my side. I opened one eye. It was Hungary, leaning against me.

I scowled. "Get off me you soggy waffle." Surprisingly, he didn't respond. I blinked. That was unexpected.
I craned my neck to look at his face. Sure enough, he was asleep. I squirmed underneath the Hungarian, trying to wake him up, but to no avail.
I shoved him roughly, but still he didn't even move a muscles. I groaned.

"Stop moving, I'm trying to sleep sweetheart."
I jumped back, startled. "You were awake?!?"
"Duh," he said, turning up his head to look at me. I frowned down at it.
Hungary moved his head to my lap, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ah, very comfy." I sighed, looking out of the window. "You're so annoying."
"I know. It's one of my best qualities."
"Obviously," I scoffed.

But even as I watched the trees fly by, I could feel his burning gaze on me. It never once wavered. Has he really been staring at me for 30 minutes? I wondered.

A green hand touched my cheek, and I flattened up against the seat instinctively. "What. The. Heck. Are. You. Doing." I whispered loudly. He smirked.
"Your face is very pretty," he commented.
"It'd be much prettier if you took your hand off," I retorted.

Hungary didn't respond, only glided his hand across my face. He was surprisingly gentle, in contrast to his rough demeanor. I just blinked down at him, caught off guard by the simple embrace. His fingers glided down my cheek to my neck. They touched a spot under my chin that made me tense up.

He widened his eyes slightly, intrigued by my reaction. The Hungarian touched the spot again, and I let out a shaky breath. "S-stop." I said.
"Okay." He pulled back his arm. I stared at him in surprise. It was strange how he was so gentle and yielding when it was just the two of us. Minus Lithuania and Slovakia of course, who were sleeping.

Russia  turned off the car. "We're here!"
Lithuania woke up with a start, opening his eyes groggily. "Ungh...wake up baby." He nudged Slovakia. She curled into his chest. "Noooooo..."
He smiled warmly, picking her up and carrying her outside. She still clung to him like a koala.
I got out as well, Hungary closing the door behind us. He didn't say anything about before, averting his attention away from me.

A huge log cabin stood in front of us, casting a long shadow into the woods. A single plume of smoke wafted up from a chimney. Russia walked up to the door, giving is a hard rap with his knuckles. A similarly tall but skinnier country answered top the door, dressed in flannel and jeans. It was Canada.
He pushed his round glasses up onto his forehead. "Hi Russia...and Germany. And...other people I don't know. What can I do for you?"

Germany stepped forward with the piece of rope. "Our friend Poland is missing. And we need your help to find him."

yeah another p.o.v
these are actually kinda fun

anyway, some more interaction between Hungary and Austria, now my new favorite thing to write
hope you enjoyed this chapter

have a good day/night ^^💖

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