Chapter 5

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Poland's P.O.V.

After West Germany had nursed me back to health, he walked me back home. I now stood by the front door, waving to him as he walked away.

I opened the door, walking inside and carefully shutting it behind me. Poppa was sitting at the table with Lithuania, feeding him.

He looked up as I came in. "Polska! (Uh, I think that's Poland in Polish??? sry if I got it wrong qwq)" I grinned.

"(Brother!)" I came over, hugging him and then nuzzling his soft face. Poppa smiled at us. "(How was school)?"

I shrugged. "(It wasn't that bad. We mostly did English today.)" He nodded, giving my little brother a piece of a pretzel. He stood up, taking the rest and wrapping it up to save it for later. Probably dinner.

I slung off my satchel, putting it on the back of a chair. "(I also made a new friend.)"

Poppa perked up. "(You did?)" I nodded. "(His name is-)"

I was cut off by a loud banging on our front door. I jumped, and Lithuania made a whimpering noise. Poppa jumped up; if they continued to bang like that there would no front door to bang on.

He opened it a small crack. "(Hello?)"

A huge country with very large boots stood at the front of our doorway. An unfamiliar hat was on his head. His flag was a bright vermillion with a sickle and hammer in the top left corner. His glare was among the cruelest I'd ever seen, icy and hateful.

My knees began to shake. I wanted to run away, but I shook myself. No. I had to be strong.

Lithuania began to whimper again, but I picked him up, giving him a reassuring nuzzle. He seemed to calm down after that.

The visitor narrowed his eyes at Poppa, then said something I didn't understand. It must have been in a different language.

My father seemed to understand, and he responded in the same dialect. The stranger grunted and repeated themselves, sounding insistent and agitated.

Poppa shook his head politely, then began to shut the door. The massive country held it open with a hand that was bigger than Lithuania. I widened my eyes. Poppa backed up, covering me and my little brother with his body. He balled his hands into fists defiantly.

I now understood the sheer gravity of the situation. Poppa whispered to me slowly, his head still facing the mysterious stranger.

"(Poland. Take Lithuania and run out of the backdoor. Run as far as you can, stop for no one. Quickly. It's the only way.)"

Tears formed in my eyes. "(Poppa, what about you?)" He shook his head the tiniest bit, but his eyes were glassy with tears. "(No. You must go.)" His voice cracked a little.

I sniffed, but I had to be strong. "(Poppa?)" "(Yes?)"

"(I...I love you.)"

My father nodded but didn't speak. He might have broken into sobs if he did.

I turned and bolted off, immediately hearing the heavy boots thunder after me. I heard Poppa grunt in the effort, but then there were a bang and a sick-sounding crack. I did not hear Poppa again.

I continued to run with my brother in my arms. We broke out of the back door, and I glided over the field in the back of the house. The grass waved in the dusk wind, and the loose dirt crumbled under my shoes.

With a swift look back, I saw the stranger coming after us. He was even more enormous out in the open. He was heavy, but he was also fast. But I was faster.

I secured my hold on Lithuania, bounding into a forest area. I hopped over tree logs, taking as many twists and turns as I could. It was darker under the cover of the thick trees, and the moss made it easier to run.

I was sure we had lost him until I looked behind me. He was gaining quickly, the weight of his figure easily crushing the undergrowth so he didn't have to jump over everything. I wrapped my arms around my brother even tighter. No, he would never get Lithuania.

I suddenly banked right, going into a cluster of branches. I crawled through it, making it to the other side. A giant pine tree loomed in front of us, and I slipped behind it.

My breathing was fast and rapid, the adrenaline coursing through my veins like fire. The wound I had received earlier started to hurt for the first time. The overwhelming scent of pine flooded my senses and was so strong it made my eyes water.

Before I could take off again, giant hands grasped the trunk of the tree, and it was effortlessly torn off and thrown to the side. I whipped around to look behind me. The face of the giant country stared at me mercilessly.

I screamed, falling back, but I caught myself with my hands. Lithuania started to cry.

"(YOU'LL NEVER GET HIM!)" I yelled fiercely, wrapping my arms around the smaller country protectively. The massive, vermilion hands reached down and started to pull on my brother. I craned my next forward, biting it. There was a grunt from the taller one, and with one last tug, he secured my brother. He started to wail loudly.

"(NOOOOO!!)" I reached out a hand, jumping up. Tears welled in my eyes, overflowing and spilling out. The country, in turn, reached out and flicked me, throwing me back. I skidded across the forest floor. Searing pain consumed me, but I had to get Lithuania. The small countries' cries echoed through the wood, and I caught a glimpse of his crying face before he vanished in front of the larger country.

The figure thundered back in the direction of the house. I dragged myself after him, limping along progressively. I gathered enough speed and flung myself on to them, grabbing their coat. They kept running, trailing me through mud, leaves, and sharp twigs. The friction reopened my wounds from earlier, sending red hot spears through my face. I grimaced from the pain but kept a tight hold.

My brother's tiny hand reached out from behind the coat. "P-Polska!" He wailed, stretching his fingers.

The stranger banked left, and I was flung in front, my hand releasing the coat. I let out a yell as I tumbled forward, rolling to a halt in front of a thick oak tree. Lithuania's cries faded into the distance, leaving a lasting echo.

My vision swam, but my head pounded with thoughts. My brother, I thought.

I lost him.


another chapter, yay! wait I'm crying-

Okay, I apologize for all the drama and stuff but I just need to get these events out of the way otherwise the story won't make sense.

ty so much for 250+ views!

Have a happie day/night! ( uwu)/

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