Chapter 12

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Germany's P.O.V.

Oh my god. Poland. At the grocery store. I touched him. He touched me.

I wanted to squeal like a little girl right then and there. But I had to keep my cool. There would be an even less chance of him liking me if I did something that childish.

I notice Slovakia walking down the aisle with the green, gold, and red country from earlier this morning. They're talking rapidly about desserts, in a joking sort of way. The male notices me.

"Hello! This may sound weird, but is a country named Poland still looking at cheese? He has a partially red and white flag, and the red is at the bottom." He motions around his face to show me the supposed red areas.

"Uh..." I start to stammer. No no no! What are you, a three-year-old? I curse myself furiously under my breath but clear my throat.

"Yes. He was picking out some, erm, cheese. Guten Tag!" I rush off to another aisle, not wanting them to see me be embarrassed about the Polish country.

I sigh. Some Ramen for tonight will have to do.

I scoop a few cups of it into my basket with my arm. The dry noodles rattle inside of them like maracas as they clatter to the bottom of the basket. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hallo Germany!" They say. I turn around. It's my friend Austria.

"Oh, Hi!" I stand up with my full basket of Ramen. "Long time no talk," We give each other a quick hug. "Yes, it has been a while," I remark.

She taps her index finger on my nose with a "boop". I chuckle. Austria's always been like a little sister to me. Our history is alike in many ways, along with the fact we live in rather close proximity.

"You've grown," She says, surveying me. "But you look skinny. Are you eating enough?" I roll my eyes. "Yes, yes, jeez. How's Czech?"

"He's okay. Still INCREDIBLY moody," She says. I shrug. "Some things never change." (*wheezes in Frozen 2*)

She surverys the now empty shelf with a skeptical look. "Dang, Germs, you gonna just hoard all the ramen?" I tilt my head to the side, feeling my lip tremble and a lump form in the back of my throat. A sudden wave of sadness has hit me, and I'm not sure why. All of a sudden I feel like...crying.

Austria turns around when she doesn't hear me say anything and her expression changes immediately when she sees me on the verge of tears.

"Aw...Germs...c'mere." She engulfs me in a hug, rubbing circles in my back. I close my eyes. letting the salty tears run freely down my face. How embarrassing. Crying in the middle of the ramen aisle in a grocery store like some sort of opera.

My friend pulls back, holding my shoulders. "I am coming to your house and we are talking about whatever this is," She demands. I sniff, not wanting to say anything out of the fear I might break down again. Austria grabs my hand, leading me and my full basket to the register. While we wait in line, I hang my head, feeling utterly mortified at having a meltdown.

The next few moments are a blur. Before I know it, we're going up the steps to my porch and into the house. Austria sits me down on the sofa and grabs two pretzels from the counter. Pretzels. Oh yeah, I like those, I remember.

"And now, talk." She says firmly, straightening the vermillion bow on the back of her head, then placing her hands on her hips. I gulp.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you, and it's our first time seeing each other since...that thing and I-" I interrupt myself with a sniff. My neighbor sits on the couch opposite me. "I just don't know if he'll like me, I mean why would he, I'm such a disappointment anyway..."

Austria looks baffled. "Who won't like you? Why not? Jesus, Deutschland, (Germany) fill me in!" She nods her head encouragingly. "Go on, I"m listening."

I don't know what to do. Should I spill the beans? But what if she thinks I'm weird? France already treats me like a ghost now, even though she was okay with us breaking up. Poland is probably terrified of me, and who knows what anyone else thinks? What if they all think I'm crazy? And Austria.

What if when I tell her, she'll leave too? Well, it might be better. I won't be so attatched to anyone anymore. But no one will understand. Not if I don't tell them. But what will she think If I do tell her?

Round and round my thoughts go until I get dizzy. It's scary how only thoughts can make you lose your marbles.

I take a deep breath. I need to tell someone. The only thing her reaction will do is confirm or break our friendship status.

Austria gives me an impatient but playful stare as if to say, "Tell me right now or I'll take that pretzel of yours and choke you with it".

"I..." I don't know if I can do this.

Stop Germany, I say. You CAN do this.

"I like Poland."


eeee im sorry its a short chapter

and I know I keep introducing "long-time-no-see" friends so sorry ;w;

but this is kind of a filer and a little bit of a peek inside of Germany's mind and how it functions, so it will maybe be more interactive in the next chapter? Idk I'm still trying to figure out half the plot lol

Have a happie day/night! ( uwu)/

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