Chapter 36

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(or Chapter 35: The Sequel)

Canada's P.O.V.

We all sat outside of the restaurant, the cold biting our skin. It was smack-dab in the middle of winter, so why was I only wearing a sweater? Stupid.

Lithuania had to go to the bathroom, consequential of drinking all that apple juice. Russia was letting his car heat up. And I was sitting with Kazakhstan.

"Are you still planning on going to my house?" I asked after a while of staring into nothing. "Of course!" He said with a grin. The he shrank back sheepishly. "If you are still willing, that is. There is no pressure."

I gave a half-smile. "Yeah, it's fine."

The wind howled against the side of the building, whipping my hair back and forth. I scowled, trying frantically to keep it in place. After all the work I did!

Lithuania finally exited to double doors, looking mildly shaken. "It's crazy in there! I couldn't even see my shoes; there were so many people."

Slovakia smiled, giving him a tiny kiss. "Aw, poor baby."

"I am not!" He protested, crossing his arms. Slovakia gave him a look.

"Well, maybe sometimes." The Lithuanian muttered.

I caught myself staring, once again. Man, the fanfictions I could write about those two.

Russia appeared in front of his truck. "All ready to go. Although we'll need to stop by and get Germany from your house, Canada." Austria came out, followed by Hungary, who was still looking ticked off.

As the countries piled into their respective cars, I let my gaze wander to the nearby highway. The streetlights penetrated the dark with harsh, white light. Little flurries of snow were floating down. Some of them rested on Kazakhstan's blue hair. It was drawn back in a small ponytail, slicked back with gel. A few golden streaks seemed to glow against the darkness.

I found myself tugging at my own hair, now ruined by the wind. How unfortunate.

A loud honk yanked me back into the present. "Are you just going to stand there the whole time like an idiot?" Hungary called from the back window. I shook my head, motioning for my friend to follow me to my car. I should really start focusing more.


The drive home was very quiet. Kazakhstan offered to drive, and I thankfully let him take the wheel. Better him drive than me end up daydreaming us into a car crash. 

Also, it gave me more time to study him. He was like a puzzle, waiting for me to solve him. I liked puzzles.

He stood a few inches shorter than me, and his wings were about 10 to 12 feet in wingspan when fully extended. The feathers were remarkably soft, like a bear cub's fur. He liked to wear his hair back, and most often wore laced-up boots with a vest over a white shirt. In the summer, it was short-sleeved.

Kazakhstan was a handsome country, no doubt about it. I knew more than a few who had fancied him. But he had never been a romantic much. Me, on the other hand-

"Is this your house?" He asks, causing me to blink a few times. What did he say?

Oh right, my house. "Ehm, yes. This is my house." I say. Internally, I do a facepalm. 

"Lovely!" He says with a grin.  "We are here," The blue country adds to the couple in the backseat.

Russia meets me as I climb out. "We won't be here for long. The sooner we get going, the better." I nod, a little sad to see him go. Living alone is a lot less eventful. But the tone in his voice is rushed, so I know he's in a hurry to leave.

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