Chapter 1

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(West) Germany's P.O.V.

I pressed my hands up against the glass, watching the last steaks of light fade from the sky as night fell upon the neighborhood. Small stars twinkled above me, where I unfortunately couldn't see, but I knew I would be able to see them eventually.

A loud snore resonated from across the room. I swiveled my head to stare at Grandfather, who was reclined in his chair and sleeping soundly, literally. I rolled my eyes. Good lord, he could be so obnoxious when he wasn't scary.

I turned back to the window, but my eyes rested on my hat, sitting on the edge of the sofa. I stared at it, an idea working it's way inside my head. I looked at Grandfather one last time, then grabbed it, my jacket, and my scarf. I made sure to shut the door slowly when I was leaving so he wouldn't hear me.


I spread my arms out like an airplane, laughing as the wind whipped my scarf behind me. I ran across the open field, my boots sinking slightly into the ground as I pounded across the dirt. A playground started to appear in front of me, and I grinned, tucking my arms in so I could run faster.

By the time I reached the equipment I was already tired out, panting heavily from the effort of breathing so hard. I stopped to catch my breath, leaning over on my knees. As I did, I heard a sound that sounded like rustling. I quieted my breathing to listen, but the noise had stopped.

I grabbed the ladder, the cold metal stinging my ungloved hands. I climbed as quick as I could so I didn't get frostbite on my hands. Father had told me if parts of your body got cold enough, your fingers would turn black and fall off.

East had been scared, but I wasn't. I knew I had to be the brave one, to protect my younger sister. She seemed a little weaker than me, although I never said it to her face. That would be rude.

I stared into the empty tube slide, the wind making a sound like whistling through the tunnel. It was already dark, so the slide was pitch-black. I felt a rush of adrenaline and positioned myself inside, ready to go down.

There was a pause. I wanted to live in the moment for just a while longer.

Eventually, I leaned my arms back and pushed myself off of the ground at full speed. I rocketed down the slide, my cries of excitement splitting the night air. Just then, a shadow appeared at the end, and I threw back my arms in an attempt to stop myself. Too late.

I crashed into the object. "OOF", I said, and we both tumbled out. I lay sprawled on the rubber tile for a moment, but then sprang up, like Father had taught me.

The thing, or, he person that I had crashed into was still on the ground, their limbs splayed out. They were still breathing though. Thank goodness. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

The other groaned in pain, trying to sit up. I squinted, the only light available from a dim, flickering streetlight a few meters away.

I kneeled down to inspect them. Upon closer observation, I saw their crimson red and pure white flag. They were dressed in a sweater and a collar shirt that was unbuttoned. Dirty, torn shoes were on their feet, and patches sewn into all their clothing. I felt almost...embarrassed for being so nicely dressed and ruining it.

The other country turned his head to look at me, and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes.

They were deep scarlet, like pools of blood. They stared at me with such intensity that I had to physically restrain myself from flinching by fake coughing awkwardly.

"Uh...Hallo? Bist du in Ordnung? (German: Are you okay?)" I extended my hand, and the other took it, standing shakily.

"Bist du in Ordnung?" I repeated, more slowly this time. The other looked confused, concerned, and still a little shell-shocked at the same time.

"Przepraszam, co? Nie rozumiem. (Sorry, what? I didn't get that.)" He said softly. His voice was like a soft pillow, it just made you want to cuddle up in your bed and sleep.

Now it was my turn to be confused. What on Earth was he saying? I tilted my head to indicate my misunderstanding.

We kind of just stared at each other for a while until I had an idea. I handed him my scarf.

"Wenn dir kalt ist, kannst du meinen Schal haben. Hier, (If you're cold, you can have my scarf. Here,)" I said after he took it. My new friend seemed to understand enough to know what I was doing and he smiled the slightest bit.

Something twisted in my heart, and my breath hitched. It started to beat faster and faster, making my hands shake and I felt woozy. What was happening to me?

He stepped forward suddenly and gave me a big hug. I grinned, hugging him back. His sweater was sooo soft, and it smelled like sweet pastries.

When he released me, he twirled the scarf around his neck. His fingers touched the fabric decorated with my flag, tracing the interwoven threads.

I wanted to ask if he would come back tomorrow, but I didn't know how, so I just tilted my cap in a way Father had taught me. The other flashed me another heart-stopping smile. I waved a little. He waved back.

As he walked away, I watched him disappear, the scarf waving in the strong wind. I kept watching until he was only a speck in the distance. Even that vanished soon enough.

The streetlight flickered, reminding me to get home before Grandfather noticed. I turned on my heels, walking back slowly this time. I let the wind make my jacket flap, and I avoided the dirt this time.

As my house came into view, I couldn't help but wonder who I had met at the park. I really wanted to know him, and to spend more time with him. I wanted to play with him more than any of my other friends. I blinked, confused at the sudden desire to be with him.

Now I was on the path towards my building, but my pace was slow. I thought deeper. What was that strange feeling he gave me whenever he smiled or touched me? I wouldn't say I like it, but...It didn't feel bad either.

I now stood in front of my door. Opening it, I stepped quietly into the living room. Grandfather was still in his chair, thank goodness. I took off my hat, jacket and boots, just like how I was taught. With a yawn, I trudged upstairs to my room. It was still nice and neat. East's bed lay on the other side, but I knew she was with Father.

I looked at it for a minute before sitting on my bed, then laying down. The pillow reminded me of my mystery friend's voice. Replaying our conversation in my head, I slowly drifted of to sleep.


ya ya

wow 15 views in 3 days? thanks guys uwu

okie I'll leave now owo

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