Chapter 13

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Poland's P.O.V.

All I can think about is Germany. His eyes. His smile. His laugh. His-

"Polska!" Lithuania says sharply. I turn my head in the slowest, most deliberate motion possible.


"(I've been calling your name for 5 minutes, dumbnuts.)" He scolds. "(Are you gonna make the pierogi? Or should I make my Šakotis first?)"

"Uh-huh..." I mutter, still staring off into space. My little brother sighs.

"(Fine. I'll use the rest of the butter then-)"

I'm out of my seat before he can blink. "(Touch my pierogi ingredients and Slovakia will never find your body,)" I say with a smile. Lithuania backs off with a nervous chuckle.

I decide to get to work, mixing all the ingredients into a fluffy batter. They swirl into a light brown powder, and I roll up my sleeves to start molding it. I hear a groan from Slovakia.

"UGGGGHHHHHH. Do you guys have ANY service here??" She complains. I turn my head a little, still trying to scrape all the power into a ball. "Hm? Ser...vice?"

"Yes." She says hurriedly. "Do you guys lock it up or something? Because-" The Slovakian country is cut off by a stumble and a surprised yelp.

I whip around, my hands covered in flour. Lithuania stands a meter away, holding Slovakia in his arms.

"Be, er, careful," He says, propping her back up. Slovakia turns redder than her hands. "Oh, u-uh...sure. Silly me. Heh...heh." They both seem to be in a daze.

"(Yeesh! Just bang already,)" I complain, turning back to the dough. The embarrassment from Lithuania is so intense I can almost feel it on my back. "(God I hate you,)" he growls from his position next to a very flustered Slovakian. I smirk, continuing to mold the dough into dumpling shapes. I mean, he didn't say he wasn't going to.


A torrential rain patters the windows furiously, making a sound like falling nails against the house. It is now dark, and the only light is from the fireplace and a lantern on the floor. Lithuania, Slovakia, and I are propped up against the wall (since we have no couch), and sitting on top of a blanket.

I am enjoying my pierogi, and gosh, this stuff is heavenly. It makes life worth living. Lithuania has made his Šakotis and he and Slovakia are eating it contentedly. My little brother picks off a piece from the top, but doesn't eat it. I watch him through a half-opened eye. "Open wide," He says gently and proceeds to feed the other a piece. She chews thoughtfully.

"It tastes better when you give me it," She says bashfully. They both blush. "Well, I think it tastes b-better when you're here..." Lithuania stutters back in an embarrassing mess. Smiles are exchanged.

"BLEH" I say from my spot in the corner.

"(Oh, sorry. I guess I added too much CHEESE in my pierogi,) (pun intended)" I apologize sarcastically. My little brother is probably about to curse at me, but Slovakia's yawn snatches his attention away.

"I'll walk you home," He offers. "Okay," is her response.

Unfortunately, that isn't an option. As soon as they open the door a blast of cold rain and a strong gust of wind greets them. They're soaked in literal seconds, so Lithuania shuts the door.

"Oookay, I guess that isn't an option," He remarks. Then the fact that Slovakia will have to stay the night dawns on them, and all Hell breaks loose.

"Uh, I can sleep down here, because there are only two rooms," My brother blurts quickly, clearly forgetting the fact that we sleep in the same room in his love-stricken panic. "Or you can, or I should, because it's floor and yeah and stuff, but maybe Poland can becaus-" The Slovakian puts a finger to his lips."It's okay. I'll sleep in the extra room."

I eat some more pierogi, watching this event unfold. I could watch this all day.

"Oh. Okay." Lithuania complies. "I'll, er, show you your room I guess."

"Night Poland," Slovakia waves at me, then makes her way up the rickety stairs with my little brother behind her. I wait a few seconds before taking my plate and following their direction.

I lean my head against the door, listening to their conversation.

"Are you comfy enough? You look uncomfy. You're probably uncomfy," I hear my brother's familiar stutter, then Slovakia's soothing voice. "It's fine. Please. Don't worry about..." She interrupts herself with a yawn. I can almost imagine my brother's face looking down at her.

"" The Slovakian country finished, but she sounds tired. There's a ruffle of clothing. I feel my face heat up as pictures flood my mind.

"Here, I'll sit with you," Lithuania says. I let out a silent breath of relief. Slovakia says nothing, so I assume she nodded.

It's a moment of silence, then another ruffle of clothing. NO LITHUANIA, DON'T, I think furiously. But there's nothing else.

My curiosity gets the best of me, so I push open the door a crack.

Lithuania is snuggled up with the other country, his arms wrapped around her protectively. Slovakia is cuddling back, her face buried in my brother's sweater.

As much as I want to say something, I don't. Maybe it's better letting them sleep together peacefully. Well, for now, anyway.

I stumble back to our bedroom, feeling strangely lonely without Lithuania in the room with me. I suddenly feel an ache of sadness when I think about him and Slovakia being together. Will he still remember me when he's with her?

The second wave of despair comes when I think of Germany. We could never be like that. He doesn't like me. Not like that.

My last thought as I fall asleep is how suffocating loneliness is.



welp I have nothing to say except I've been offline for a while cuz my internet broke down but I'm bacc now

have a happie day/night uwuwuwu

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