Chapter 7

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(Okay time skip from the beginning of WW2 to post-Cold War, here's a basic rundown of what's happened in that time:

- Poland was split, receiving a large, stitched-up gash in the middle of his forehead, and his scarlet eyes have been concealed so only people who knew him before WW2 can see them if that makes any sense

- East Germany is separated from West, but after she's returned they merge into one country and since West has a larger amount of territory, it's mostly him but with some of Easts' memories

- Third Reich, and later USSR are killed, leaving behind their sons to take care of their countries

- Poland is made puppet state of USSR (while he was still alive) and has these small cuts on his wrists (no, he did not cut himself)

- Lithuania is returned to Poland and they live together

- Poland gets minor depression? Not full-blown but now he a sad boi

okay I'll leave now)

Poland's P.O.V.

My head is throbbing with pain. The scar down the front hurts like crap. I reach up to touch it, which sends a searing hot pain through my skull. I take a shaky breath in. Ouch.

Lithuania is already awake, folding some clothes across from me on the floor. Two or three neat piles are arranged. I focus on him to try to release the burning pain.

I yawn but don't get up. My body just doesn't want to comply. My little brother looks up from his place on the floor. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" I nod drowsily, my eyelids still half-closed, and answer back in Polish. "(I'm still really tired.)" There's a small chuckle from him, and he folds the last shirt and sticks them into the pile. "(You should learn English someday. It may be of good use, you know.)" I wave my hand dismissively. "Ach."

"Well, I hear they have an opening at a cafe somewhere down 8th avenue?" He says, slipping back into English. My little brother stands up and walks over to his own bed across from mine. He sits down, folding his hands and leaning over on his knees. "(Maybe we can get some extra change?)"

I look down silently. We both know what he means. Maybe we'll have some food on the table for once.

He reaches over, lifting my chin to look at him. Lithuania smiles sadly. I watch his face.

Strong. Healthy. Bright colors, despite all we've been through. Then I glance back down at my hands. Rough. There are two identical scars on my wrists. My white fingertips contrast sharply against my red palms. I curl them upwards in disgust.

"(Just...try it? For me?)" My younger brother gives me his best baby-doll face. I chuckle, pushing him lightly so he falls backward on his bed. "(Fine. But only for you.)" He does a small fist-bump in the air. "(Yesss.)"

I get up from the bed, the frame squeaking from the sudden release of weight. I grabbed a white collared shirt with a brown pullover. It still smells like Poppa, no matter how many times I wash it.

Lithuania gets up too, his bed making an identical sound. "(I think I'll follow you too. Maybe I can snag a loaf of bread from that pastry shop, since the cafe's right next to it. That might be bad for business, though...)" He rambles on while I pull on boots. It's a nice habit of his to me; it distracts me from my thoughts.

While he's still talking I reach up to grab my scarf. The scarf. The one decorated with distinctive black, red, and gold. Sheep's wool. Expensive, probably. Why would he ever give such a nice gift to someone like myself? I stop, remembering his face. Then, his father.

I took a deep breath, refusing to even think about that. Now was not the time.

"(Did you grab your resumé?)" My brother asked. "(Oh yeah, almost forgot.)" I slipped the folder into a satchel across my chest.

I waved a hand to Lithuania, and he grabbed his trench coat and followed me out the door. Sun shone down on our faces, warming them with its light. Birdsong echoes through the trees, resonating through my head. Small flowers were starting to spring up through the winter ground. We both took a deep breath at the same time, turned to look at each other, and laughed.

The path was long and flat, winding through the isolated forest. After a few kilometers or so, we reach the train station. We manage to sneak on without paying for a ticket and make it to the outskirts of downtown.

Once we get off, we make our way through the train station. Lithuania speaks up as we pass a sandwich shop. "(I wonder who runs the cafe,)" He says in a thoughtful tone. I shrug. "(Probably a financially well-off country.)" Lithuania hums his response.

We pass more shops, a few clothing outlets, and some restaurants. When we finally reach the pastry shop, Lithuania stops and turns to me.

"(Now you listen here,)" He says, wagging a finger, "(Don't get yourself killed or fired, and don't do anything dumb or else I will never forgive you.)" I managed a fake gasp, placing a dramatic hand on my chest. "(You wouldn't,)"

He smirks. "(I would. But I won't if you do WELL. So DO WELL.)" I laugh, and he joins in. What would I do without him?

"(Alright, off with you!)" My little brother waves me off in a proper-looking way and turns to enter the shop. I smile after him, then turn to cross the street.

I reach the other side and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

Upon entering I'm hit with a very strong scent of coffee. I notice there are only countries seated and working in this place.

I glance to my left. There's a very tall country having a conversation with a very short one. The tall one has a red and white face with an eyepatch of reversed colors. The other one has similar white and red stripes to mine, except there's a blue triangle on the side of his face. I recognize the latter immediately.

"(Czech,)" I mutter. Of course.

Czech nods, walking away from whatever conversation him and the other country were having. The tall one spots me and walks over. He must be at least 10 feet tall, jeez.

"Hi, I'm Greenland! Can I help you with anything?" I blink, running the English through my mind slowly. He wanted to help me, I think. I pull out my resumé and point at it.

"Oh, I see. Come here for a job opportunity?" I nod even though I have no clue what he's saying.

"Well, tell you what. We're a little low on workers today so unless you have some sort of criminal record, you're hired!" I manage another shaky nod of my head.

"Right over there you'll see my girlfriend Antarctica, she'll teach you everything she knows." He motions toward a (thankfully) smaller country managing the coffee machine. She must have caught his glimpse at her in the reflection or something because she turns and waves at us with a smile. I wave back shyly.

"I can take that if you want," Greenland says, and I hand him the paper with my information on it. With a smile at his girlfriend, he ducks into a pair of swinging doors and disappears.

I walk over to Antartica and she smiles again, handing me a cup. She holds up a four and I tilt my head. The southern country points to her mouth and makes an "x " with her fingers. I make an "o" with my mouth and turn back to the cup.

She hands me a small notepad with specific recipes on it. It has pretty much every kind of hot drink on it and multiple pages. I nod my thanks to her, grab an apron conveniently located on a rack next to the counter, and tie it behind my back. With another deep breath, I get to work.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


ehhhh short chapter sorry

I've been really bad about publishing because of school and my family

I should be getting a new laptop sometime soon though, which will be easier to publish chapters so this will get better, I promise qwq

Welp have a nice day :'>

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