Chapter 33

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Hungary's P.O.V. the one we've all been waiting for :>

Holy frick. She was right there.

This was like a dream. I got to watch her sleep as long as I wanted.
Her hair fell to the side, blowing out of her face whenever she exhaled, only to fall right back where it started. Of course I can't help staring, she's just so pretty.
Although I was thirsty. And not in the horny way.

I slowly got up, careful not to disturb Austria. I waved silently to her as I exited the room.

Upon my arrival downstairs, I saw Russia in the kitchen, digging through the cupboards. He froze when he saw me.
"Hungary? Why are you awake?"
"The more important question is, why are you awake? And what are you doing?"

I grabbed a paper cup, filling it up with tap water. Russia closed the cabinets. "Nothing."
"Something," I said, taking a long drink.

"Ah well, I just...I'm having a problem. With...relationships." I almost spat out my water.
"You and relationships?" I pointed in his face. "Who are you and what have you done with Rrrrrussia?"

He laughed, but it sounded sad and empty. "Well, I actually dated this one guy, maybe even fooled around a little-"
"Haha, nice." I said, imaging Russia being a secret bottom. The thought amused me.

"But...he wasn't for me."
"Not so nice." I said, inhaling through my teeth.

"And he kinda, uh, cheated on me."
"Considerably worse," I commented, finishing my cup of water and setting it down on the counter with a pop.

"Listen man," I said, patting him on the shoulder. "Sometimes people can be douchebags. They might make mistakes, or think something was right for them when it really wasn't. And you, my friend, happen to be on the receiving end of one of those oopsies. It's not your fault, and you shouldn't linger on it for too long. The right person will come along, I know it." I nodded, proud of myself for such professional relationship advice.

Russia grabbed a cup himself, filling it up with water. "I don't know, are you sure?"
I rolled my eyes. "You're talking to the guy that hit on a girl 0.2 seconds after seeing her."
The other pondered for a moment, sipping his water as I had done. I proceeded to fill my cup up a second time as he thought.

"Well, there is this one girl..."
"Spit it out, stupid." I muttered.

"But she doesn't really pay attention to me." He confessed. I nudged him with my elbow. "Then make a move! Chicks love it when you do that."
"Uh, I don't think-"
"Trust me." I interrupted. "If you over think it, it's bound to go wrong. How do you think I became so good at flirting? Practice, my man."

I got an idea. "In fact, why not practice on me?" Russia flinched backwards, almost spilling his water. "Are you crazy?"
"No, I'm Hungary." I said. "Here, try your best pickup line on me."
The other country rubbed his arm self-consciously. "Um..."
"I'll start ya off," I interrupted, clearing my throat. Then I assumed a flirtatious stance, with one elbow on the counter and my eye half lidded. "Hey," I said as seductively as I could.

Russia widened his eyes, obviously going into a silent gay panic. I winked as best I could, with one eye being in an eyepatch and all that. "Did you eat lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious." I started moving him towards the wall, where I stuck out an arm on the side of him. It was almost comical, since he was more than a foot taller than me.
"Nice outfit you got there. Do you mind if I talk ya' out of it?"

Russia flattened against the wall, obviously in a state of shock. But then he straightened his shoulders, took a tiny breath, and took my hand, spinning me around until I was stuck in a sort of dip position.
"Hey," he mimicked me, his pronounced Russian accent and deep voice sending tingles down my spine.
"Woah there tiger~" I said, sliding a finger down his forehead. Mild panic flashed through his eyes , but he remained in control.

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