Chapter 11

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Poland's P.O.V.

I strolled out of the cafe, a good 20 euros in my pocket. Slovakia followed behind me, having insisted to come to help me shop for food. I politely declined, but she stubbornly insisted.

I stopped at the tree beside the bus stop, our agreed meeting place between me and my brother. My friend looks around.

" we're waiting for the bus?" She asks. "No," I say with a shake of my head. "Waiting for brother."

"You have a brother???" I tilt my head. "Yes. You did not of know?"

"I certainly did not! Is he older or younger?"

"Younger. Your of age, too."

Slovakia nods, crossing her arms across her chest and leaning back against the trunk of the tree. The setting sun filters through the leaves, casting a sort of green light on us. I wring my hands worriedly. Where is Lithuania?

"Why are we waiting anyway?" She asks after a while. I shrug. "He help groceries."

Just then, the pastry shop doors open. Out walks my little brother, with a bag full of only God knows what. When he sees me, he runs over.

"(Poland!)" He exclaims, lunging into a hug. "(Lithuania,)" I say back, squeezing him tightly."(How'd it go?)" He pulls back. "(Pretty good. All they did was ask me if I'd committed any crimes and then they let me work. And I saw Slovakia!)" I motion to the Slovakian next to me.

All of a sudden, time seems to stop. They catch each other's gazes, and it's like electricity is crackling through the air. They seem transfixed on each other's faces.

I wave my hand between them. "Hellooo?" Slovakia snaps out of it.

"Uh...Hi Slovakia, I'm Poland's brother. I mean, wait!" She catches herself. "So sorry! I'm Slovakia! Hi. Augh, how embarrassing," She adds under her breath.

My little brother smiles. "Lithuania. It's nice to meet you."

A very noticeable blush is plastered on both of their cheeks. I make a weirded-out face at them. "(Can we just get on with shopping? I didn't bring my friend so you can flirt with her. Jeesh, if you wanna do that, there's an extra room in the house. Just make sure to close the door.)"

Lithuania whips his head around. "(You can be such an ass sometimes.)" He hisses. I smirk. My friend is looking back and forth between us in confusion.

"Let's go shopping," I say, taking them both by the arm and marching towards a grocery store.


The thing is, this part of the town is visible only to countries. It's a place set apart from the real world for us to converse and make friendships without the interference of humans. When we go out, we can choose for humans to notice our true identity, or to conceal it. The only exception is hospitals, but humans are trained to work with other countries.

The doors to the grocery store swung to the side as I pushed them open. A multitude of countries was shopping in various places, the most crowded aisle being the one with...rice.

Still dragging Slovakia and Lithuania behind me, I made my way to the dairy aisle. I pick out eggs, sour cream, and butter. I only need cheese at this point, but Lithuania stops me.

"Can we have šakotis instead of pierogi?" He says. I turn to face him. "Why?"

"No reason," He says. "It's just..." I raise a (nonexistent) eyebrow.

"Slovakia, I am guessing," I say, turning back to search for cheese. Lithuania fiddles with his hands. "You got me. But pleeease?"

"(No. Pierogi comes before your girlfriend. And jeez, didn't you just meet literally 20 seconds ago?)" I move the tubs of sour cream around on the shelf.

My brother doesn't say anything. I crane my neck to look at him, then sigh in defeat.

"(Fine. But you'll have to use your own money. Which means no cookies.)"

Lithuania does a small fist bump. "Yesss." He walks off to find his ingredients while I continue my quest for cheese.

That's when some familiar colors catch my eye. Black. Red. Gold.

My breathing rate threatens to increase dramatically, but I push it down. Cheese, I think. Yes, that's it. Focus on cheese. You came for pierogi.

I know who it is before they even notice me. Germany. Why is he here? Out of all places to be?

The sour cream and butter swirl before my eyes. It makes me dizzy.

That's weird, the shelves are moving away from me...

I collide with someone, but they don't move. Their arms are under me, catching my weight. I groan. "Ugh..."

"Polen! Are you okay?" A voice comes from above me. I mutter something unintelligible and along the lines of "cheese".

All of a sudden the world comes into focus. Golden hands are securing me. I stare down at them. Then I jump.

"AHH!" I yelp. "SCHEISSE!" The other exclaims in return. I squint. It's none other than Germany, pressed up against a wall of toilet paper.

"Oh no! (Sorry!)" I cover my face with my hands. "(How embarrassing...)" The German inches over to me, putting a golden hand on my back. "You look ill. Are you feeling okay?"

He bends down to look me in the eye. I peek through my fingers. "I was cheese finding," I mumble. Germany laughs. "You can't find the cheese?" I nod.

"Well, er, what kind do you want?" "Ch-eh-d-er," I remember the English label. My hands drop to my sides.

"Here." He hands me a packages block of cheese labeled "cheddar". "Oh...thank you...Niemcy."

He smiles, and I notice the beginnings of sharp fangs in the corner of his mouth. "Anytime, Polen. If you ever need something you can tell me, just don't, uh, faint." I let out a sheepish giggle. "Okay."

He waves and disappears behind another wall of shelves, his basket swinging behind him. My cheeks feel hot, and my legs are wobbly. What in the name of pierogi is happening?

Slovakia and a very confused/concerned Lithuania enter around the same corner Germany disappeared behind. My brother's basket is filled with very alike ingredients compared to my own.

"Germany looked flustered; what did you do to him?" He demands. I gulp, still remembering the golden hands and crooked smile.

"I got the cheese."


yay finally some interaction for our stars :D

I think I made some fanart somewhere so I'll be posting that sooner or later-

but thanks for almost 1K views! And all your comments are so funny and I can't say how much I love reading them!

have a happie day/night uwu

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