Chapter 9

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Poland's P.O.V.

I turned around to grab the creamer and sugar when two eyes suddenly met my own. My breath caught in my throat. I struggled to breathe. But I decided to stare him down.

The German backed away from me, looking taken aback by my stare. France came and grabbed his arm, leading him away. I whipped back around, only to forget what I was doing. Why did I have the creamer and sugar in my hand?

I shakily poured the contents into the hot drink. Yes, making coffee. That was probably what I was doing.

Antarctica leaned out from beside me, giving me a quizzical expression. I swallowed. "I'm fine," I said quickly, and she nodded, getting back to a whipped cream can.

I stole a glance behind me, back at Germany. He's staring blankly at the table. Is he thinking

Suddenly, my face turns red and I find myself watching the steam rising from the coffee. Do I...want him to think about me?

Yes, is my immediate answer. Then it's No, after some thought. But then it's back to Yes.

Back and forth my mind goes between the two answers, like a seesaw with two children on it. Antarctica slides a notepad in front of me. "Maybe you should take a break," it reads. I nod. I guess there's no trying to push it away any further.

I trudge back to the break room. I'm surprised to find a familiar country sitting at one of the tables.

"Poland!" They call out. "(Slovakia!)" I say at the same time.

We give each other a big hug. She smiles at me. "How have you been?" I nod and give a shrug of one shoulder. "Well off, very good." This is the one time I wish I'd know more English. Why didn't I listen to Lithuania??

She nods slowly in turn, taking her two hands and caressing my face. "You look healthy. Strong. But tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?" She opens my mouth, and I just go with it, because what else was there to do?

"Uh...yes?" I stammer, although of course that's not true. I think she knows it, too. The other country leans in to inspect my teeth. Jeez, what is this lady, a dentist?

Slovakia clicks her tongue. "Tsk tsk, you haven't been eating good lately, have you?" I give her a weirded-out look. "Oh yeah. I'm sort of studying to be a dentist. And a therapist. But I can be both for you," She explains. I make an "o" with my mouth. So she is a dentist. And a therapist, apparently. But she is right about one thing.

Food is scarce. Before I got a job, Lithuania was working his butt off mowing lawns, washing cars, and walking pets for minimum wage. However, the neighbors grew to like and be friendly with my brother because for this. But it was only about 3 dollars an hour. And this was only enough to get food on the table.

Occasionally, we would save up for something special, like a tea to share or a cookie. But we mostly just bought bread, an occasional apple, and for water, we use the stream in the woods. Primitive? Yes. But it's necessary for our survival.

Slovakia rubs her hand across my rough face. Her hand gets close to the scar, but I let her touch it, even though it hurts me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that," She blurts. I say nothing, just a small shrug. "I couldn't even begin to experience all you've went through. I truly wish I could've helped you."

"Is okay," I manage, refusing to let the memories resurface. No, they can't. They will not and never will.

She takes on a serious face grabs my hands, holding them in hers. "Well if you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING..."

Then the Slovakian smiles. "I'll always be here."

We both lean in for a hug. "Tanks," I say into her shoulder. She pats my back. "Anytime, Poland.



lol whoops

short chapter yeah

I just wanted to get back to jer-man-ee because he important

so stay tuned for another chapter and have a gud day/night uwu

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