Chapter 3

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Germany's P.O.V.

As I turned the corner, I gradually felt the overwhelming sense of utter embarrassment fade away. Argh! How dare I succumb to something so subtle!

I gave myself a small shake. However, I couldn't shake the small, warm feeling in my stomach. It made my cheeks flush red again, so I had to cover them up when I went into the classroom. Thankfully, I wasn't as late as I had previously feared.

Our teacher was at the front, going through notes. Other students in the back were conversing about various topics, such as the best clothes, or their fastest bicycles. I turned to sit down, placing my bag on the back of my seat and taking everything out. Father had wanted to make sure East and I were prepared for even the last second of class.

As soon as I sat down, a group of countries scurried over to me. I recognized their flags as Spain, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

Italy, I knew, was an extreme foodie and loved fashion. He always wore his stockings in an unlikely way that wasn't normal yet was somehow socially acceptable. The Italian was an obvious extrovert and could make friends rather easily. His father was pretty good friends with mine. For now.

Spain was a different story. He was a little quiet, always seeming to be deep in thought with his arms crossed over his chest. His family wasn't, per se, "friends" with Father, but at least they weren't enemies.

The Czech Republic? He was supposed to be my biggest adversary, but we hung out anyways.

Italy stopped in front of my desk, giving me an unnaturally perfect grin. "Hello, Germany. How are you?"

I looked down at my paper, trying to focus on it. "Fine. You?"

"Great! I and my Papà are going shopping later today. Do you think you'd be allowed to come?"

I didn't want to go, but I also didn't want to tell him no. We both knew my studies were important to me, so I decided to use it as an excuse.

"I'd love to, really, but I'm afraid I have some work to do." The other rolled his eyes.

"Goodness, you and your studies. Do you ever have any fun?" He rested his elbows on the table. I shrugged but didn't say anything. After a moment, he decided he was bored and walked away. Czech cast a glance in my direction. His triangular blue eye patch stood out against the red and white striped background. Spain was, once again, lost in thought.

A few minutes later, our teacher stood up, and everyone rushed back to their seats. "I hope you all brought your homework?" She said, giving all of us inquiring looks. A small smirk crept onto my lips as I heard groans and gasps of realization that they forgot their work.

She huffed, rolling her eyes, and turned to the board. "Well, today's subject is the division of numbers. Think of it with cookies. You have 9 cookies and 3 friends-"

Someone in the back raised their hand, and the teacher nodded. "What kind of cookie?" They said.

She sighed. "Um...I suppose...Chocolate. So, 9 cookies. 3 friends-"

"But I don't like chocolate cookies!" The voice said again. I let out a small groan into my shirt sleeve. This was going to be a while.

(Time skip brought to you by my chicken nuggets that fell into the oven)

I gathered up my things, leaving the room and exiting into the hallway. Almost immediately my eyes rested on a particular Polish country trying to survive the wave of countries. My heart leaped with joy and excitement, and before I could think, I pushed my way over to him.

"Polen!" I said, raising my voice above the clamor of students. He whipped around to look at me, and once again, I was struck with the absolute intensity of his eyes. Almost at once, they brightened up in recognition.

"Niemcy! (Germany!)" He called out, grinning. It felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart.

I managed a weak smile, then motioned with my head to the doors. "Let's go this way, it's faster. You don't want to be here 5 minutes after the bell rings; it's chaos."

We both forced our way outside, the air not as stuffy and crowded as inside. I took a deep breath and released it. I and my friend were standing on the side of the building, obscured from anyone's sight. I let go of his hand, and with a jolt, realized I had been holding it the whole time.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to hold y-your hand..." I stammered. Poland smiled apologetically.

"It is of-" He stopped himself. "I mean, it's okay." He seemed to have restrained himself from adding an extra word to his sentences.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "So...Uh...Is this your first time?" The other tilted his head. I quickly corrected myself. "Uh, at school, I mean."

Poland shrugged. "I suppose." I nodded slowly.

"My (Poppa) and (Brother) stay at home. He go to work while the small stay home." He struggled over the English.

I briefly wondered about the unknown words he had spoke, but after some thought, I didn't ask about it. I tilted back and forth on my heels. "Do you...want me to walk you home?"

The little Pole brightened instantly. "Wait, really?" I smiled. "Why not?"

He jumped in the air. "Yay!" Unfortunately, his satchel did not have the same bounciness he had and flipped upside down. A few pencils and a paper or two slipped out.

"Ack! Oops." Poland widened his eyes, bending down to pick up the supplies. I stood hesitantly off to the side.

Suddenly, I felt a large tug at my head. It felt like...I had forgotten something.

I searched my brain for an answer, but there was none. I kneeled next to my new friend on the ground and searched through my backpack. I immediately noticed there was an empty spot where my book used to be.

"Ver Dammt," I whispered. I had forgotten my book! Maybe I could still get it if I hurried.

A hand on my shoulder made me jump and inhale sharply. Poland backed away. "Ah!"

When I realized it was only him, I held up my hands. "Oh mein gott! I am so sorry!" The little Pole smiled crookedly. "It is okay. Again."

We both laughed, but a quick glance at my watch told me I had to hurry if I wanted to get that book.

I pointed behind me with my thumb. "Pardon me, but I left something in the school house. I'll be right back!" I waved as I ran inside.

Poland waved back weakly, plopping against the side of the wall.

Upon opening the doors, I made a huge bound across the floor only to find it was wet from mopping. My shoes slipped and I fell, thankfully catching my self with my hands. Oh Goodness.

This may be a while.


Hooray! Another chapter.

oMG I am in l0ve with these two and anyone else who says otherwise I will throw my bread rolls at u until you change your mind

welp it's 2:57 AM so I should probably sleep


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