Part Five

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Armin's POV

I woke up from my nap and notice that it's dark. I look at my clock on my night stand and notice that it's almost 12. I let out a sigh when I notice that my family decided not to wake me up to eat.

I roll out of bed and head out of my room. I walk downstairs into the kitchen to look for dinner. I open the fridge and find some lasagna. I turn on the kitchen light and get out a plate.

I really don't want to use the microwave to heat up my food because I'm scared my parents will hear. Though, I really don't want to eat cold lasagna. After my little thought debate between hot or cold, I choose hot.

My stomach growls and I hurry to heat up my food. Soon, it is done and I can finally eat. Honestly, I'm still shocked by the fact that they didn't wake me up to eat. It shouldn't be surprising though. They probably want to kill me. I wish I had the courage to do it myself, it would be the only victory I have against them.

I should stop letting my mind go there. I should think about happy things like unicorns and rainbows and stuffies.

Just then I hear a noise from upstairs. I listen closer and notice that it's footsteps and their coming closer. Soon enough, I'm faced by my angry birth giver.

"What are you doing up so late?!" She says with a low but angry tone.

"I'm eating, I was hungry." I explain quietly.

"Throw that away. You shouldn't be eating what I make."

"What? Why?" I ask, confused.

"Because you are literally useless around here. You do nothing and expect everything. Now throw that away, you don't deserve it."

I'm shocked by the excuse she gave me. All she did was explain to me what my sister does. Even though what happened this morning isn't a good example, I do a lot around the house.

"What do you mean mother. Allison doesn't even wash her own plate. I'm always the one to clean around this house because that's what you three use me for. And that's nothing to you? Yet I'm the main one keeping this place at least decently clean?" I'm shocked by my sudden confidence, I've never talked back like this before.

"Don't talk back to me you imbecile. Throw that plate away, now." My mother says.

"Fine." I stand up and throw away the half eaten lasagna. "You know what? Since I don't deserve to eat anything that you cook anymore, I'll cook for myself from now on."

"As if you can." She rolls her eyes. "Cooking is a women's job, you are not that, though you should be. You're a failure and you'll fail to make yourself a sustainable meal. I hope you die of food poisoning."

"Cooking is not a women's job. Anyone can cook, and I'm no exception to that." I walk off to my room after saying that.

Once I'm in bed I heave out a sigh. I guess I'll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow since there's no way my mom will allow me to cook with her things.

I lay down and try to go back to sleep.

-Time skip-

I wake up to the sunlight spilling through my closed curtains. I stay in bed for a little while, not wanting to get up anytime soon. Though I have too.

I stay in my bed, looking at the ceiling, until I decide to get up. I grab a black shirt and some black jeans to lay on my bed. I then grab everything else I need for a shower and head to my bathroom.

Once I'm out of the shower, I put on my clothes and deal with brushing my teeth and putting on deodorant.

I look at my clock on my nightstand and notice that it's only 6:30. I have a lot of time before I should be in school. Maybe I can buy myself some breakfast since there's no way I'm getting any of my birth giver's food.

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