Part Fifteen

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Armin's POV

I decided to walk today and that was a terrible decision. I may have the address to Hanji and Levi's place but I have no idea where I'm going. I literally walked down a street called 'Herbertson' when I was supposed to go down a street called 'Hermerson'. Instead of finding the apartment building I found a mall. I honestly think I need my eyes check because I could have sworn that sign said 'Hermerson' the first time I read it.

And guess what? This is literally turning into a bad day for me because I'm late. I'm at their building, right infront of their door, ready to knock. But, I said I would be here in thirty minutes. An hour ago.

Now my stomach is full of butterflies because I'm late and I can't even knock now.

Y'know what? I'm making this seem way worse than it is. It's not that bad, I just have to say that I got lost.

Without anymore hesitation, I raise my fist and knock on the door.

A little while after I knock I hear someone unlocking the door. The door soon opens to Hanji's face and I say hello.

"Hey, aren't you a little late, hm?" Hanji says in a teasing tone.

"I'm sorry, I got lost on the way here."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just saying because Levi missed you~" They say as they place their pointer finger on my chest. They let me in right after and closed the door.

"U-uh, really?" I say as I take off my shoes to put on the rack.

"Well, he didn't say that but I know he did."

"Oh ok." I reply with a playful tone and smile.

"I'm serious he did, he even asked me for your number before you came."

At that, I choked on my own saliva. "H-Hanji, that's not a funny joke! You almost killed me." I say with a small pout after my coughing session.

"I'm not joking, Armin. I promise, he even saved your contact with emojis."

"Alright, even if that was true there's no way he has my name with emojis." After that statement I make my way to the couch and take a seat next to Hanji.

"Armin. I saw it with my own two eyeballs." They say as they grab me by my arms and look me in the eyes with their own bulging.

"It had red hearts and the cat kissing emoji." They added.

"Ok, ok, I believe you. Can you let me go? You're really scaring me now."

"Oh, I get that a lot." They reply with a smile and let go of me.

"That's not good, Hanji."

"Yeah, but they always come back because I bring the spice to their lives. You can even ask Levi when he texts you!"

"You really gave him my number?"

"Yep. He asked, I delivered."

We sit there in a silence for a little while. That is, until I take their arms into my hands and look at them like a lunatic.

"Why would you do that? What if he actually texts me?! Do you know how much of a fool I will make myself look like!"

"Woah woah, calm down. It's not that serious, Levi doesn't even text people anyways, it'll be a while before he gets the balls to text you."

"Still! And why would he even need balls to text me? I'm not a game of basketball, Hanji." I say still holding them.

They let out a sigh before saying,"I doesn't really matter anyways, plus I kinda wanted you two to become friends. Levi just made it easier by asking for your number himself."

I let go of them and start to breathe in order to calm down. Why am I even freaking out? Do I really like him? Is that really something that came from my crying session?

There's no way, I barely know him.

But why am I so nervous about him texting me?

"I'm sorry, I lashed out on you like that. I've just been kinda stressed? Overwhelmed? I don't even know anymore."

"It's fine, I understand."

"Understand? How do you understand what I don't about myself?" I voice with a raised eyebrow.

They give me a huge smile and say, "Well, I know that you like Levi now, so that's what I understand about you. Unless you already knew about that."

I stare at them in disbelief before laughing. Once I'm done laughing I tell them that I don't like Levi.

"Sure you don't." They retort as they roll their eyes.

"I don't, Hanji. I barely even know him."

"Then get to know him."

"That's not gonna make me like him, Hanji."

"And I'm not saying that you have to like him once you get to know him. You can be friends."

There's a pause between us after Hanji's statement.

"Are you sure he would like to be friends with me?"

"Of course, I know Levi would like a friend like you."

"How are you so sure?"

"Armin. To be honest, you feel safe."

"I feel safe?" I wish I could feel that for myself, especially when I'm at home.

"Yeah, like I could spill my darkest secrets to you and you wouldn't tell a soul if I asked. It's weird since we haven't even known each other for a week."

"That's funny, I feel the same way about you. Well, a little bit." I explain with a giggle.

"What do you mean a little bit? Why are you laughing?" They ask in a questioning tone, seemingly not offended.

"It's just, I feel like I can tell you my darkest secrets but the less, serious secrets you would tell someone about."

"I mean, yeah, I've done that before. It's cost me some friends as well. I just can't help it, I get excited."

"I don't mind, if I tell you something just know that I don't really care if you tell anyone else unless I let you know I want it to be a secret."

"I can deal with that." They say with a smile directed towards me.

"Yay!" I say with a giggle and a small clap of my hands.

"You're adorable, Armin."

I say thank you as a blush comes up onto my face.

"How did we even get to this conversation? We're supposed to be doing our project!" I say while laughing.

"Oh right, I totally forgot. It's fun talking to you I guess." Hanji says as we share a laugh.


I hope you enjoyed! Also, those street names were made up from my head, I have no idea if those are actual streets. Well one of them I think is.


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