Part Twenty-Four

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Armin's POV

After Levi bought me my new stuffed animal, he asked me if he was okay with going to his apartment. It was getting late and I didn't want to go back home so I agreed.

Once we got there, we took off our shoes and I sat on the couch. Levi asked me if I was hungry and started making food for dinner. I guessed that Hanji was asleep since I haven't seen them yet and it's pretty quiet.

Soon, Levi finished with dinner and told me to eat. He walked in the direction of the bedrooms saying that he would wake up Hanji. I got a plate and sat down at the couch. That was when I saw Levi and a tired Hanji walking out from the hallway.

I guess they were so tired that they didn't notice me at first. That became more obvious when their eyes widened after they sat on my left.

"Oh, hey Armin. I didn't see you there. Where have you been?"

"Well, I've just been at home. My sister threw a party today and she wanted me to help out."

Help out, more like do all of the work.

"Really? A party on a Monday night?"

"Yeah, my parents approved of it so what can I do?"

"So, is that why you're hear? I doubt you'd be able to sleep with a party going on."

"Yeah, you could say that."

Hanji opened their mouth to say something else but I noticed that their eyes looked to the right of me before they closed their mouth. I looked in that direction and noticed Levi sitting there, eating his own plate of food.

—————Time Skip—————

"Goodnight Armin."

"Night Hanji."

Hanji gave me a small wave before they walked off down the hallway towards their room.

I sat in silence just watching shows. More specifically cartoons. Levi was on the right of me with his phone out. We stayed like that for a while until he got up. I assumed that he went to go take a shower since he didn't come back for a little while. I just continued to watch my cartoons.

After some more time passed, Levi came back to the living room with two blankets in his hands.

"Since you slept out here last time, I assumed that you would want to sleep here again."

"Well yeah. Where else would I sleep?" I say in a joking manner.

A corner of his lips lifted upwards before his straight face came back. It was as if he wanted to say something but held back for some reason.

Levi then put the blankets on the arm of the chair that I was sitting on before turning back towards the hallway.

"I'll be in my room if you need me."

And with that, he walked out of my sight, into the dark hallway.

I watched more cartoons until I found it a good enough time to go to sleep. Which was around 11:30.

I grabbed the blankets and laid down on the couch before turning off the TV and closing my eyes. I obviously didn't forget to cuddle with my new stuffed animal either.

—————Time Skip—————

I woke up to a dark room.

I had hoped that it was time to get ready for school. Sadly, for me, it was only one in the morning. I've had this problem before that I wouldn't be able to sleep long at night. It wasn't all the time though, I'm glad that it wasn't a regular occurrence. When it does happen, I can't help but feel a certain way. This time I felt scared.

Maybe because of the heavy rain going on outside. Or the bad dream I had. All that happened in the dream probably wouldn't be scary to a lot of people. It was for me though. All I saw was a rat. In this living room. That was it. That's all it took for me to start panicking and looking around the dark room. Eventually, having tears pooling out of my eyes. I'll admit, I'm deathly afraid of a lot of things. That most definitely includes rodents.

That fear added with the fact that I can't see properly only makes me cry and panic even more. Soon, I decided that I couldn't stay in the living room anymore. I got up with a blanket and my stuffie. I almost ran through the hallway to where Hanji's and Levi's rooms were.

I doubted that I could get a response out of Hanji since I can hear them snoring through the door. I don't think they'd be able to hear me because of that.

So, I decided to quickly knock on Levi's door.

I heard him tell me to come in but I hesitated. I didn't want him to see me cry. He'll probably ask me what's wrong and be weirded out by the reason I'm crying.

I disregarded those thoughts and just opened the door. Levi's lamp light was on so I could see him laying in his bed without straining my eyes. I'm pretty sure it made him able to see my face as well. My thoughts were confirmed when he asked me what I expected.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

I let out more cries as I closed his door behind me and held on tightly to my stuffed animal. I decided to call her Urn.

"I-it's just my imagination."

Levi stared at me for a small while before getting from under his covers and sitting on his bed. He lifted his arms towards me, like he was offering me a hug.

I pretty much ran into his arms and continued to cry. He wrapped his arms around me and didn't say anything. He waited until I was calm enough to speak before talking to me.

"Are you okay with talking to me now?"

"Yeah, but it's stupid." I continued to sniffle even though I don't have anymore tears left.

"Just tell me. I don't care if you think it's stupid or not. I'm just trying to make sure you're alright."

"Fine. I just had a dream about a rat being in the living. I'm scared of them so it really affected me when I woke up. I got too scared to stay in the living room by myself so I came here."

"Armin, I don't think that's stupid at all. Everyone has their own fears. I think it would be weird if you didn't actually."

"Really? So you don't think I'm childish? Or just weird at all?"

"No, why would I? I hoped that when I bought you your new stuffed animal you would understand that."

When he said that, I hid my face into Urn's back, smiling wide.

"Have you named it yet?" Levi asked as he pointed at Urn.

"Do I really look like the type to name these kinds of things?" I say, jokingly.

"Of course you do, that's why I asked." He said with a growing smile on his face.

It stopped before it could get too it's fullest potential. That was enough for me though.

"Her name is Urn."

I hope you enjoyed!


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